Done with dating for a long long time


Don Juan
Jan 19, 2013
Reaction score
Coming on 30 next month and if i had put as much time & energy into building my career and being wealthy as i did with worrying about women, secks and relationships i would be rich.

Dating isnt what it used to be, its complicated, stressful and in my opinion totally not worth the drama for a few minutes of pleasure. They can easily wake up one morning out of no fault of your own and leave you high and dry. They have so many options and unless you have status,model looks and a millionaire bank account they wont bat an eye lid at you. NOT WORTH IT!!

This isn't meant to be a debby downer thread, just pointing things out as i see it. Ive had a handful of relationships all throughout my 20's along with hook ups and dates and while i had some good times, looking back it wasn't worth all the stress and headaches that came with it along with many heartbreaks/rejections. I thought by 30 i'd be married, have a family and successful career, how i was wrong!! I cant be bothered living up to societys standards of how my life should look at 30. I see all my friends and family in happy long term relationships, or getting married or having kids and they are all my age or younger. I guess some people arent fortunate enough to experience that in their life time and are better suited to being single.

Hence why im leaving the dating field for a long long while. I cant be bothered with it all and would rather get my life & career sorted, make money and enjoy the single life with no hassles or stress.

Does anyone feel the same way?


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California
Fukk the status quo!!! I think everyone has it backasswards.

Let them date you! Let them ask you what you want to eat and what movie you want to watch. Girls want to own dating? Ok, you do the work, ladies.


WE are way too busy, to be chasing silly girls.


Master Don Juan
Feb 17, 2014
Reaction score
Friends and family are doing OK....

Why do you think your failing ?.... Reason ?


Don Juan
Jan 19, 2013
Reaction score
Friends and family are doing OK....

Why do you think your failing ?.... Reason ?
I get involved with the wrong people or people who arent good for they have mental health issues, commitment phobes, or girls who dont know what they want etc etc I also struggle with balancing a career and a relationship at the same time without letting stresses of each get to me. Im just at a point where i cant be bothered with dating or having a relationship. I value my own space and company more then trying to impress women or keep them happy. To me none of them seem worth it. I also find i do better in life when im single which says a lot.


Mar 5, 2018
Reaction score
Coming on 30 next month and if i had put as much time & energy into building my career and being wealthy as i did with worrying about women, secks and relationships i would be rich.

Dating isnt what it used to be, its complicated, stressful and in my opinion totally not worth the drama for a few minutes of pleasure. They can easily wake up one morning out of no fault of your own and leave you high and dry. They have so many options and unless you have status,model looks and a millionaire bank account they wont bat an eye lid at you. NOT WORTH IT!!

This isn't meant to be a debby downer thread, just pointing things out as i see it. Ive had a handful of relationships all throughout my 20's along with hook ups and dates and while i had some good times, looking back it wasn't worth all the stress and headaches that came with it along with many heartbreaks/rejections. I thought by 30 i'd be married, have a family and successful career, how i was wrong!! I cant be bothered living up to societys standards of how my life should look at 30. I see all my friends and family in happy long term relationships, or getting married or having kids and they are all my age or younger. I guess some people arent fortunate enough to experience that in their life time and are better suited to being single.

Hence why im leaving the dating field for a long long while. I cant be bothered with it all and would rather get my life & career sorted, make money and enjoy the single life with no hassles or stress.

Does anyone feel the same way?
I doubt you are done (going your own way). If you were truly done, you wouldn't care to put the sentence of "Does Anyone feel the same way" to close out your honestly wouldn't give a damn what anybody else thinks about it if you are truly DONE.

Aaron Clarey did a great video awhile back that discussed how many of you guys are ABUSING MGTOW. I'm talking about straight fvcking loser, unattractive men like the OP, like @devilkingx2, like @RichardTheFrog, and countless others who promote the "going your own way" B.S. but then when you look behind the curtain.......these guys are so fvcking unattractive that most MEN wouldn't want to be caught dead with them in a local sports bar to watch a fvcking March Madness game.

People like myself and @Urbanyst continue to preach that you guys need to fix your Looks, Finances, and Personality/Social Skills in order to become Attractive within the Sexual Value Marketplace. But you don't want to put in the fvcking work and instead want to FLAME myself and @Urbanyst to hell in the process.

The honest truth is that the Short Term Dating Market is booming. If you can't get a rotation of plates, dates, and'S ON YOU. If you fix your shyt, you will be fine in the Short Term Dating market.

The Long Term Dating Market is the area that's fvcked up now due to changing cultural conditions, destruction of traditional family values, and men/women no longer needing to "stay committed" to each other for survival. But don't use the Long Term Dating market issues as an EXCUSE to why you can't get a fvcking date!! That's Abusing MGTOW, which is what Aaron Clarey breaks down below:



Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Aaron Clarey did a great video awhile back that discussed how many of you guys are ABUSING MGTOW. I'm talking about straight fvcking loser, unattractive men like the OP, like @devilkingx2, like @RichardTheFrog, and countless others who promote the "going your own way" B.S. but then when you look behind the curtain.......these guys are so fvcking unattractive that most MEN wouldn't want to be caught dead with them in a local sports bar to watch a fvcking March Madness game.
Fvck you and your bizarre vendetta against me, i didn't do anything.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2017
Reaction score
Yeah, if I've learned anything in the last year it's that dating is actually about getting yourself to the point where you naturally attract women without needing any (or very minimal) effort. If you're having to run around after women you're doing it wrong. I was doing it wrong for years and even now I have a lot of work to do on myself.

Having said that, I'm 100% with you - I feel modern dating, at least in my twenties, is 90% bulls*** and a complete waste of time. People are all like "Oh you'll get rejected every now and then but it's fun!" but actually my dating life is 99% rejection, boredom and a feeling of "Wow, I could be doing so much more right now."

I wouldn't mind this crud success rate if I was boring, very unattractive or a total sap in general, but I'm not. I can go to a party and usually get numbers from 2-3 girls without putting any effort night I even got a girl's number and her 2 flatmates at the same party, haha!

But when it comes to dates, many girls seem very immature and juvenile in their 20's. You get rejected for basically no reason most of the time. Almost every girl I go on dates with seems to be some sort of Radical Left SJW as well, with delusions of grandeur.

If you feel like improving yourself is more important, do that first. I'm pretty much putting dating on hold until I hit the the gym, get my doctorate and get some cashflow - wasting my time chasing silly girls who don't even know what they want is an exercise in futility sometimes.


Mar 5, 2018
Reaction score
Fvck you and your bizarre vendetta against me, i didn't do anything.
I sense aggression, energy, and passion in your stance............NOW take that same aggression, energy, and passion and apply it to your life in the self-improvement areas I've outlined.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
commitment phobes,
This sounds like you wanted commitment and they didn't?

They just wanted to date casually and you wanted a serious relationship?

If so, this is a recipe for disaster. Date women, enjoy women, but never ever be in a place where you NEED any one particular woman.

If you ever do get into a committed relationship with a woman, she should be the one who is trying to hook you, not the other way around.

Consider that it is man's nature to NOT WANT commitment. Men seeking commitment with women is unnatural.

If you feel that you NEED a committed relationship with a women, consider THAT NEED is something you need to address, not the state of quality of women.

Try on the model of "men chase wealth, women chase men."

Talk to women, enjoy women, flirt with women, stick your pee pee in plenty of women, but always do so without EVER enjoying them more than the current moment.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California
I sense aggression, energy, and passion in your stance............NOW take that same aggression, energy, and passion and apply it to your life in the self-improvement areas I've outlined.
WTF is this sh!t?


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Why do people always act as if you have a career you can't do anything else. I work full time plus, go to school full time, hit the gym regularly and have a family...

You are not as busy as you think you are most likely.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2017
Reaction score
Why do people always act as if you have a career you can't do anything else. I work full time plus, go to school full time, hit the gym regularly and have a family...

You are not as busy as you think you are most likely.
I think a lot of it is some sort of mental thing in my experience. I used to work out at the gym 1-2 hours a day, work at my job (undergrad student at the time) and then go on dates and stuff too. Felt fine, everything was great.

Then I swapped to postgrad study, so the hours became a lot longer, but even so something inside me just got really fatigued. I was getting ripped about a year ago, but I've barely been to the gym this year because I feel constantly exhausted and weary.

I'm not doing a whole lot more than I used to be, but it feels 20x more tiring. It's a bit like work-related depression IMO. If you're in the correct headspace (like you clearly are, and I was previously), the energy issues don't bite. But if your job or life in anyway starts getting you down, the drive and energy seems to evaporate.

My sleep's f*cked at the moment too actually, that's probably a big problem in itself.

Fvck you and your bizarre vendetta against me, i didn't do anything.
Frankly, you need to stop not doing anything to annoy anyone King, it's p*ssing me off and I'm tired of it! Just kidding bud, hahaha ;)


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
I think a lot of it is some sort of mental thing in my experience. I used to work out at the gym 1-2 hours a day, work at my job (undergrad student at the time) and then go on dates and stuff too. Felt fine, everything was great.

Then I swapped to postgrad study, so the hours became a lot longer, but even so something inside me just got really fatigued. I was getting ripped about a year ago, but I've barely been to the gym this year because I feel constantly exhausted and weary.

I'm not doing a whole lot more than I used to be, but it feels 20x more tiring. It's a bit like work-related depression IMO. If you're in the correct headspace (like you clearly are, and I was previously), the energy issues don't bite. But if your job or life in anyway starts getting you down, the drive and energy seems to evaporate.

My sleep's f*cked at the moment too actually, that's probably a big problem in itself.

Frankly, you need to stop not doing anything to annoy anyone King, it's p*ssing me off and I'm tired of it! Just kidding bud, hahaha ;)
I am currently like you.

However, I do give give the time for gym, dating (well seeing one girl like 1 time a week :p).

Today, been only looking at my computer and sleeping in front of it lol.

You need to regulate your sleep and you need to hit the gym again... that will make you work.

Also book a time where you are doing ''nothing aka sleep''.

I've found my system crash when I get out of my routine or habit (like going to bed at midnight instead of 10pm... destroy me)

You have to make an happy, improved your diet, drop the computers/cellphone/tv at least 1 hour before bed, get your 6-7 hours of sleep, do 30 minutes minimun of gym (like cardio or muscle)

It's a pattern you need to create and keep doing.. I wake up a 5am, go to bed for 9h30pm... etc.
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Don Juan
Feb 17, 2018
Reaction score
Coming on 30 next month and if i had put as much time & energy into building my career and being wealthy as i did with worrying about women, secks and relationships i would be rich.

Dating isnt what it used to be, its complicated, stressful and in my opinion totally not worth the drama for a few minutes of pleasure. They can easily wake up one morning out of no fault of your own and leave you high and dry. They have so many options and unless you have status,model looks and a millionaire bank account they wont bat an eye lid at you. NOT WORTH IT!!

This isn't meant to be a debby downer thread, just pointing things out as i see it. Ive had a handful of relationships all throughout my 20's along with hook ups and dates and while i had some good times, looking back it wasn't worth all the stress and headaches that came with it along with many heartbreaks/rejections. I thought by 30 i'd be married, have a family and successful career, how i was wrong!! I cant be bothered living up to societys standards of how my life should look at 30. I see all my friends and family in happy long term relationships, or getting married or having kids and they are all my age or younger. I guess some people arent fortunate enough to experience that in their life time and are better suited to being single.

Hence why im leaving the dating field for a long long while. I cant be bothered with it all and would rather get my life & career sorted, make money and enjoy the single life with no hassles or stress.

Does anyone feel the same way?
Agreed. Dating 10 - 15 years ago was fun. Now, pretty stressful. Many women have been through the ringer so many times, that instead of wiping the slate clean and giving a guy a chance, they use their past experiences to pre-judge the guy. Granted, men cannot trust women in relationships, but that is now the rule. It's a fvcked up situation that has screwed both genders. I blame feminism and social networking/instagram.

Forget about marriage. That's for sims. Unless you want to lose everything and put a ton of pressure on your head, do not even attempt to get married. Then you have to deal with to pains in the ass, the wife and the State. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. I was just smart enough to reverse course and eject the ***** and State.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
Reaction score
My issue is I'm getting bored of a girl after 1-2 bangs and needing constant supply of plates JUST to keep me feeling ok.

Right now I feel to do the same (cutting out dating for a while), not because I can't get women, but because I want a LTR/connection and something great - not endless empty bangs. I'm attracting very needy women that wan't to rush things and lock me down, I can't deal.

Maybe it's the massive comedown I'm on. I'll prob change my mind in 2 days.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
My issue is I'm getting bored of a girl after 1-2 bangs and needing constant supply of plates JUST to keep me feeling ok.

Right now I feel to do the same (cutting out dating for a while), not because I can't get women, but because I want a LTR/connection and something great - not endless empty bangs. I'm attracting very needy women that wan't to rush things and lock me down, I can't deal.

Maybe it's the massive comedown I'm on. I'll prob change my mind in 2 days.
Thats called BPD

BPD male exist....


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2017
Reaction score
My issue is I'm getting bored of a girl after 1-2 bangs and needing constant supply of plates JUST to keep me feeling ok.

Right now I feel to do the same (cutting out dating for a while), not because I can't get women, but because I want a LTR/connection and something great - not endless empty bangs. I'm attracting very needy women that wan't to rush things and lock me down, I can't deal.

Maybe it's the massive comedown I'm on. I'll prob change my mind in 2 days.
Haha, what have you been taking Murk?!

One of my fave posters on here, your advice is always solid. You’re obviously good with the ladies too, a genuine DJ.

I think perhaps because you find sex easy to obtain that it easily becomes hollow? I have the same issue with first dates, though not sex yet (fortunately???)

It struck me that you said you need plates to feel good though. Did you mean it like that, or did you just mean they make you feel good as an optional thing?

I’ll preface this “advice” by saying I’m the last one to f*cking preach, I don’t want to be that single guy who isn’t getting laid telling successful lads what to do. That’s always just sad and I don’t like posers.

Having said that, you come across to me as a guy that has everything down except impulse control. What with the drugs, occasional drunk 5sies hookups you then regret and nearly-preggers incident.

I only mention it because I have the opposite problem: my impulse control is too strong and I sometimes get a stick up my ass when I should be relaxing and going with the flow.

Going either way too far is a fast lane to feeling s*** though. You either get FOMO and bored or you get too much female attention and drink/etc and it stops meaning anything.

I’m really tired, I guess what I mean is look after yourself Murk dude. G’night.
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
I doubt you are done (going your own way). If you were truly done, you wouldn't care to put the sentence of "Does Anyone feel the same way" to close out your honestly wouldn't give a damn what anybody else thinks about it if you are truly DONE.

Aaron Clarey did a great video awhile back that discussed how many of you guys are ABUSING MGTOW. I'm talking about straight fvcking loser, unattractive men like the OP, like @devilkingx2, like @RichardTheFrog, and countless others who promote the "going your own way" B.S. but then when you look behind the curtain.......these guys are so fvcking unattractive that most MEN wouldn't want to be caught dead with them in a local sports bar to watch a fvcking March Madness game.

People like myself and @Urbanyst continue to preach that you guys need to fix your Looks, Finances, and Personality/Social Skills in order to become Attractive within the Sexual Value Marketplace. But you don't want to put in the fvcking work and instead want to FLAME myself and @Urbanyst to hell in the process.

The honest truth is that the Short Term Dating Market is booming. If you can't get a rotation of plates, dates, and'S ON YOU. If you fix your shyt, you will be fine in the Short Term Dating market.

The Long Term Dating Market is the area that's fvcked up now due to changing cultural conditions, destruction of traditional family values, and men/women no longer needing to "stay committed" to each other for survival. But don't use the Long Term Dating market issues as an EXCUSE to why you can't get a fvcking date!! That's Abusing MGTOW, which is what Aaron Clarey breaks down below:

Is this fvcking pu$$y a$$ honestly talking sh1t about me?

Nobody gives a fvck about you except Shaqueesha from the fvcking ghetto. And even they ask you to pay them after 3 weeks.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Why do people always act as if you have a career you can't do anything else. I work full time plus, go to school full time, hit the gym regularly and have a family...

You are not as busy as you think you are most likely.
Nobody is. The example we use is Obama. I'm sure he worked 70-80hrs a week and still used QT on his family.