Does this Guy Sound Desperate to you?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
desperate? Yeah... and?

Lonely? Definitely... so?

Psycho? Probably!

Btw.. 'Nice guys' aren't a safe bet for a decent guy. Not at all. Nice guys are the most manipulative, dangerous guys out there.

Every once in a while you run into a nice guy that is actually a decent guy, but is just so shy he sucks with women and makes them feel uncomfortable. I know because i was one of them.

Players and jerks fall into the same category as the typical nice guy. They also manipulate and play games and are mostly completely inconsiderate of a person feelings. However these guys DO get women... for reasons that should be common knowledge on this forum.

So you want a decent guy than go with either a nice guy with honour or a DJ. They are both equally rare although the nice guy with honour will be easier to get since hes basically love starved.

I think it would serve a lot of women to wisen up on guys. Save yourself the trouble of being screwed over by one guy after the next. Save yourself the trouble of becoming an uber guarded, unapproachable b*tch through bad experiences and heartbreak.

Plenty of decent guys out there, if you are capable of distinguishing between what matters and what doesn't. Who the hell cares if a guy is lonely or desperate? Does that make him a bad person? I don't think so... Figure out what you want and then take responsibility for your decision.