Does a man generally need to be darker-complected to be viewed as good-looking now?

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Don Juan
Nov 8, 2007
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DJVladdy said:
Actually, I do take back the joke, because AIDS is not a laughing matter what so ever, especially in the black community. I do apologize, that's not right. In fact if you knew me im not racist at all but a couple of my friends are. Russians, Albanians - you expect eastern Europeans to be racist, its extremely common. But Afro and LC thanks for pointing this out guys

I dont understand why they would be racist... Eastern Europeans are discriminated against alot especially in Switzerland.. If anything there should be more unification..And to anyone else ...stop b!tching about how u cant get a girl becusae you think she is racist..If this is so accept it and move on..The world is becoming more and more diverse for you to worry about some trash that wont date you becuase of your skin color..


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
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Afro, 1. I'm not complaining at all, if you even bothered to read my post and 2) im no troll cuz otherwise...... i wont define what a troll is, but Chris30 is a troll, who copies and pastes the SAME THING every month or so.

Besides, eastern europeans/ eurasians (Russians/soviets) are indeed discriminated against in many places, therefore they themselves begin to descriminate someone for sort of "revenge". It's sad but true when they say hatred breeds more hatred.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 13, 2007
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DjDan said:

get in where you fit in.

if you are asian, short and fat, maybe running after that 6 feet tall blonde is not the way to go. instead try to get together with that small cute asian girl.

you might not get the hottest chick in the club but at least you will have a girl by your arm and not jerk off alone.

to the Original Poster, if you are a fat, short white guy, try hooking up with a girl who matches you or is slightly above you, instead of running up in every hot b1tch's face and getting shot down time after time
what city do u live in?

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
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Leeds, UK
I think some of you are missing the point, people are correcting lots of things but end of the day race and class are the deal breaker. She never asked that you're muscular and ripped, 6' and and charming. At my uni they just ask for white, middle class and 'ok' in other categories. It's weird how many of you claim to have asian friends with hot white girlfriends. I've never seen it, so I don't believe it. The reason I don't believe it is because it implies social circles are racially mixed yet wherever I go its' based on race and class.

Also what advice do you give to guys whose ethnicity/nationality is not prominent in their region? It's easy to say things to white/chinese/black/indians because those are the main ones but there are lots of others one could be. I agree that a short asian guy is chasing stars if he guns for a 6' white blonde though.

What if you're half iranian and half spanish, what do you go for then?



Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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Have a quick look here, Mad Manic:

And also look up a few other guys who go by the aliases of loverboy, Spirit Fingers, Oliver T (Grungey10).

They aren't exactly tall models, but they have successfully gamed tall white chicks (and a whole lot of other shades in the rainbow).

Have another look here if you have time: (there are other sites like that too).

I am a 5'8" Asian guy who looks unmistakably Asian (not nerdy, stereotypical looking though, I look after myself well). I've got shot down before because of my race & height, but I've also gamed a lot of white girls. Girls say they want this and that, mate. Don't take them seriously, because they have no clue what they really want. If you tell them to quantify or visualize their attraction, they will no doubt go with the norms like white, middle-class etc. because it doesn't require much thinking. Real attraction is a lot more complex.

Sure, with some girls, race & class are deal-breakers, but more often than not, the real deal-breakers are something else, usually to do with the guy not being a man that triggers her attraction. The poor guy, not having his rejection properly explained to him, will blame it on things he can't change like race or height. The guy with the right attitude will look at things he can change and improve and work on them to stack the cards in his favour.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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DJVladdy said:
so Arsenal, what's stopping YOU from "choosing to be a player" like the black players u mentioned? You do know that as a white man in America its easier to rise up in life/society than as a black man. For a black man it takes ALOT. Besides, get your facts straight... the fact is that if you look "too dark for comfort" i.e. obviously of non-slavic decent, then it will be very dangerous for you in Russian/Ukranian cities.
Im sure you consider yourself an intelligent individual, however, youre saying some dumb sh*t. What does too dark for comfort mean? Black people make others feel uncomfortable because of their skin? Or because the stereotypes that go along with being black. It really doesnt take a lot for a black guy in america. Im black and know plenty of black guys who are doing fine. This isnt the 1960s.

but put Brad Pitt next to that Carribean guy and see who she'll pick.
This is probably on of the biggest fallacies, and demonstrates a bias on your part. Put 50 cent next to some attractive white guy...who do you think shell pick? Or is that not fair to do? Put Brad Pitt next to 50 Cent and im sure there will be a relatively normal distribution.

Before you fvcktards write sh*t that supports youre racial preferences, think about what your saying. Some of you are racist, some arent. I hope someone is offended by what i said. If thats you...go kill yourself. You bags of douche will talk sh*t on a forum, but in actuality you would keep your mouths shut when the colored boys came around. Everyone stop talking, and go do something productive.

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
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Leeds, UK
Jitterbug said:
Have a quick look here, Mad Manic:

And also look up a few other guys who go by the aliases of loverboy, Spirit Fingers, Oliver T (Grungey10).

They aren't exactly tall models, but they have successfully gamed tall white chicks (and a whole lot of other shades in the rainbow).

Have another look here if you have time: (there are other sites like that too).

I am a 5'8" Asian guy who looks unmistakably Asian (not nerdy, stereotypical looking though, I look after myself well). I've got shot down before because of my race & height, but I've also gamed a lot of white girls. Girls say they want this and that, mate. Don't take them seriously, because they have no clue what they really want. If you tell them to quantify or visualize their attraction, they will no doubt go with the norms like white, middle-class etc. because it doesn't require much thinking. Real attraction is a lot more complex.

Sure, with some girls, race & class are deal-breakers, but more often than not, the real deal-breakers are something else, usually to do with the guy not being a man that triggers her attraction. The poor guy, not having his rejection properly explained to him, will blame it on things he can't change like race or height. The guy with the right attitude will look at things he can change and improve and work on them to stack the cards in his favour.
I might check out those links but I'm not very happy with the word asian. The word 'asian' pretty much puts over half the world into one big group. There are enormous differences. How can you even compare a thin short nerdy chinese guy to a tall good looking stocky fair skinned lebanese guy who looks mediterranean, it's ridiculous. My point was, every single couple I see in real life is a white guy and some other female, whether white/chinese/indian/whatever. I also think you've misunderstood another point. I believe that 'non white and middle class guys' do attract women, but the women decide not to date them because social conditoning says to go for the white middle class guy thats seen as superior, even if in an attribute sense he is worse.

I never really go by what girls say, unless it's a case where it's god damn obvious that she is being honest, I'm going by what I see. I even have a friend who is half english, half indian who is middle class. He's just seen as a foreign guy despite being half english and middle class. He's currently using a dating site, I checked out today; half the women on there put they want or 'prefer' a white male.



Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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Instead of asking people for their estimations, which couldn't possibly be accurate anyway since one doesn't take notice and record the statistics for every couple he sees, why not get some statistics on this stuff?

From the US Census People


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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Mad Manic said:
I might check out those links but I'm not very happy with the word asian. The word 'asian' pretty much puts over half the world into one big group. There are enormous differences.
Fair point, but where I live, Asian refers to East Asians and South East Asians.

I never really go by what girls say, unless it's a case where it's god damn obvious that she is being honest, I'm going by what I see.
You see what you want to see. When I used to be bothered by race, all I saw was white guys getting all the chicks and minority guys walking alone. Now that I'm not, I see the other side too, that minority guys can do the same if they step up.

I even have a friend who is half english, half indian who is middle class. He's just seen as a foreign guy despite being half english and middle class. He's currently using a dating site, I checked out today; half the women on there put they want or 'prefer' a white male.
Chicks on internet dating sites all have long shopping lists and no living man can possibly fulfill them all. They may say they want a white guy, but if you sweep them off their feet, preferably with some mind-blowing orgasms, they'll say something like "Wow, I've never considered dating a minority guy but you're so amazing" afterwards. :D

Btw loverboy the PUA I mentioned earlier is based in the UK.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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To be fair, it is harder to start out as a minority guy. However, like APB wrote on his blog once, it's like a 10-pound dumb bell, not a 100-pound one. It's a disadvantage, but not a huge deal like some people are making it out to be.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
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I thought latino guys were at an advantage because they got the whole "hot-latin lover" thing going on for them?


Don Juan
May 1, 2004
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DjDan said:
I cant believe some idiot would think 50 cent is better looking than Brad Pitt. LOL.

Brad Pitt is fvcking Angelina Jolie... who the hell is 50 cent banging? some broke ass hood rat?
He never said 50 cent looked better than Brad Pitt dumb@$$

50 cent fvcks more white women than you...I'm talking about Beverly Hills type white women. Does that piss you off???

You think looks matter once somebody has as much $$$ and exposure as he has?

OakRaiders ....

A lot of people on here are showing their true colors. I go to a college thats damn near 90% white. And in my entire 1 and a half years here I ain't never had a white person talk reckless to me. They be quiet as a mouse... I guess the internet is their place to vent because their too scared to say what they want in real life...


Don Juan
May 1, 2004
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DjDan said:
is that supposed to make you cool?

you just sounded stupid as fvck. you are setting a great example for black people on this site.

LoL..and there lies the problem...So I'm the spokesman for all black people on this site? Did I miss the meeting when this was decided? I guess I didn't get the memo.

Funny how your talk ish and nobody on this forum even likes you. I saw that garbage you posted where you had your little sister in a choke Your lame...


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
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stab a ho - damn man, that's cold. LOL (sister in a chokehold haha!)

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
everywomanshero said:
Instead of asking people for their estimations, which couldn't possibly be accurate anyway since one doesn't take notice and record the statistics for every couple he sees, why not get some statistics on this stuff?

From the US Census People
Well I posted about my own surveys at my own uni which summed it up for me, whereby in a uni where 1/3 are white, 1/3 chinese, 1/3 indian 194/200 white girls date white guys and 17/25 also noted were indian/chinese girls dating white guys. Half the white guys were single, 11/12 indian guys were single.

As for those stats, they overwhelmingly back up that race and class are everything and that 'game' and whatnot it all just BS. There is very little interracial coupling going on, ESPECIALLY if you're not white to bag indian/chinese girls.

Basically the golden axiom for social dynamics is that race and class are primary factors and the worse you score on these two things the more highly you must score on secondary factors like looks, height, body, social status etc. in order to compensate. Things like game etc are way less important than race and class.

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