Do You Believe In Karma?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Every time I have ever had a vehicle break down, which has been a lot of times, some stranger has been there immediately to help me. I've gotten rides, people have used their AAA cards to get me free tows, and I've even been invited to stay with people that I have just met. Part of that is me being charming, but there is luck involved, too. The last time was just a few months ago. My truck died on a country road at midnight. Then two cute teenage girls showed up five minutes later and gave me a ride home.

Last week I was at Lowe's, and I came out to see the guy parked next to me with a dead battery. Someone had tried to help him briefly, but then bolted as I was coming out. He had a new car with the stupid charging posts under the hood and the battery in the trunk. It was snowing. He didn't have a coat on. We had to get enough juice in through the posts to let him get the key out of the ignition, which it wouldn't do for some stupid new-car security reason. Then finally we got the trunk open to get to the battery, and I was able to jump-start the car. He offered to buy some gas for me at the gas station, but I told him he didn't owe me anything. He was surprised. I shook his hand, wished him luck, and left.

My attitude was that I owed that guy something, because of all the nice things that strangers have done for me. I would like to think that me helping him that day will shape how he views other people in need in the future. That's karma.


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
From what I've observed: Yes, Karma is absolutely REAL...

Everyone I've ever known that was a pr!ck, a slvt, a thief, a liar, a bum, or a scumbag has (eventually) gotten what they deserved. Just because retribution is dished out right away, doesn't mean that it won't come later on.... perhaps even 20 years later on, but keep in mind that if a man's retribution comes THAT LATE then the punishment will be much worse... I've seen it over and over again...

I think a lot of people dismiss karma because they don't witness it happening.... but it karma will happen whether or not we're present to see the retribution coming down on the offender....and it will keep doing its business whether or not we believe in it....
One of the biggest crooks in my city lived a life of luxury, ended up having a retarded kid.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
One of the biggest crooks in my city lived a life of luxury, ended up having a retarded kid.
That sounds like a justified punishment.... But keep in mind there may be retribution coming down on him that few may be aware of... For example:

* he might secretly have a small kawk
* he might have undiagnosed cancer
* his wife may be banging the pool boy

....karma will dish out punishment whether or not people notice it, believe in it, or care about it...

...every person is held accountable for their words and actions....


Don Juan
Oct 7, 2011
Reaction score
The universe will not come back at you for your misgivings. That is why cvnts rule this world and the good people get trodden on, it's a battle for survival and the one with the most willpower wins, that's life.

After death is where all your chickens come home to roost I believe. Once you are not a part of this world all you will have is your mind...if you can truly live with yourself for the things you've done through your life then you will be at peace, but if you know deep down you've separated yourself from others and lived a life of hurting others and giving pain then you will be in your very own version of hell.

You cannot dissolve into the ocean of consciousness from which we came while you still see yourself as seperate or above other people. The more you identify with your ego, the harder it will be for 'you' to integrate back into the whole. So those people really are building their own prison.
Of course I can't prove any of this, but from years of taking psychedelic drugs and philosophising this is the conclusion I've come to. After all, mind is EVERYTHING. This world is an illusion.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
A girl I dated was fvcked up on pills, not paying attention, and drove into the other lane, crashing into an oncoming car. The guy was seriously injured. He'll be in a nursing home the rest of his life. She did six months in jail. She obviously felt very guilty, but in jail she met some people who knew that guy. It turns out he was a child molester. He lived with a gf who had a daughter, and apparently molested her for years. The girl hung herself when she was 12, and left a detailed note about everything.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
After death is where all your chickens come home to roost I believe.
I've had some paranormal experiences which led me to believe in some sort of afterlife. So I believe that, whether in this lifetime or in the afterlife, EVERYBODY gets what coming to them.

If a person is scumbag, but escaped punish in this lifetime, I believe his as$ gonna get punished in the afterlife.

If a person was unjustly wronged in this lifetime (like say: a child that died as a war casualty), I believe that person will get a big refund check in the afterlife...


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
A girl I dated was fvcked up on pills, not paying attention, and drove into the other lane, crashing into an oncoming car. The guy was seriously injured. He'll be in a nursing home the rest of his life. She did six months in jail. She obviously felt very guilty, but in jail she met some people who knew that guy. It turns out he was a child molester. He lived with a gf who had a daughter, and apparently molested her for years. The girl hung herself when she was 12, and left a detailed note about everything.

...whether in this lifetime or in the afterlife, EVERYBODY gets what's coming to them. glad to hear he got what he deserved.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Now i agree at this early point of the relationship i should still be spinning plates.. but i get this feeling that if i cheat on her.. then that shiit is going to come back and hit me hard one day.
I think "cheating" and "spinning plates" are two very different things. IMO, if you are cheating while spinning plates you are doing it wrong. Some would probably disagree with me, but this is my take: Plate spinning should be done in the context of fun, casual relationships. If one of those relationships starts to get serious to the point where there are expectations of exclusivity, you have some decisions to make.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
After death is where all your chickens come home to roost I believe.
...whether in this lifetime or in the afterlife, EVERYBODY gets what's coming to them. glad to hear he got what he deserved.
But good and bad are subjective, not universal rules, so how would the higher power determine if you've been bad or good?

- The killing of a chicken is "bad", but without said chicken people would not be fed which is "good".

- The breaking of a window is "bad", but without said broken window the business that's employed to fix said windows would have no revenues/jobs, which are "good".

- Crime is bad, but without it policemen would have no jobs.

- Buildings on fire is bad, but without them fireman would have no jobs.

- You can make the argument that killing people in a foreign country is bad, but without said acts the people who join the army would be out of a job and free college tuition bill.

What's bad and what's good? Who is the good guy and who is the bad guy? The reality is that everything has aspects of good and bad in it, just as everybody has aspects of good and bad within them. What determines what is good or bad, is based on the perspective of the variables in place. Again, people not knowing how to use a stove properly and setting their house on fire is bad, but without said stupidly, firemen would have no employment, which makes their stupidly in a way a blessing to the fireman.


Don Juan
Oct 7, 2011
Reaction score
But good and bad are subjective, not universal rules, so how would the higher power determine if you've been bad or good?

- The killing of a chicken is "bad", but without said chicken people would not be fed which is "good".

- The breaking of a window is "bad", but without said broken window the business that's employed to fix said windows would have no revenues/jobs, which are "good".

- Crime is bad, but without it policemen would have no jobs.

- Buildings on fire is bad, but without them fireman would have no jobs.

- You can make the argument that killing people in a foreign country is bad, but without said acts the people who join the army would be out of a job and free college tuition bill.

What's bad and what's good? Who is the good guy and who is the bad guy? The reality is that everything has aspects of good and bad in it, just as everybody has aspects of good and bad within them. What determines what is good or bad, is based on the perspective of the variables in place. Again, people not knowing how to use a stove properly and setting their house on fire is bad, but without said stupidly, firemen would have no employment, which makes their stupidly in a way a blessing to the fireman.
It's not about a 'higher power' or God whatever you want to call it. I don't believe in such a thing. I believe in my own consciousness.

I agree totally that good and bad are subjective, that is part of the built in duality of existing in a physical world. I'm not talking about good and bad however. I'm talking about the degree to which people cut themselves off to their true essence. Ego clouds a clear thinking/loving mind and makes people act in ways that separate themselves from the reality that we are all the same and ultimately one consciousness. The more you identify with your ego at death the harder it will be for you to merge back into the sea from which you came. We are all droplets of rain that came from that ocean, and we will all return at some point...though for some it may take what seems like eternity (as time is relative) and for others it will happen more easily as they have learned to surrender to their reality in their previous human life so it will come more instinctual. Thus you get people living in their own version of hell (their own minds) for as long as they are willing to keep lying to themselves. All it would take is an act of surrender and they would be saved.

Like you said there is no good and bad it is all subjective. All people get back to the source it's just that some people will fight tooth and claw not to let that happen, through fear and ego.
I could ramble about all this for pages lol I attribute most of this to my deep psychedelic trips. If you've already experienced ego death on say mushrooms then all of this just seems kind of obvious. It all just fits.

Of course I'm open to the possibility this is all bollocks ;)