DJ's being brainwashed with stupid ideas.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2004
Reaction score
I'm sorry, Self admittedly I'm no where near a DJ, most of you would probably label me AFC but come on! There is soime great information on these boards guys but theres an aweful lot of s**t aswell. Guys are brainwashed by this stuff, seriously!

This "tip" on making urself bored I just read is just plain wrong! Its total crap, seriously. I mean, I only posted a week ago about the fact that I have very few friends who enjoy the things I do or like going out to things I do... therefore I tend to miss out. Put it this way... how is NOT doing stuff gonna help you meet girls... no it won't motive you to go out there, if you ahve that desire then just do it, go out there!!!

But thats like, making girls and women your whole life... cutting out EVERYTHING from your life, everything you like and enjoy and want to do in the persuit of not-getting any women???
I don't see it... how is that gonna work... where do you go to meet these women if u have no interests? I mean, I have tons of intrests and a very busy life but not much of it centers around girls or places I would meeet lots of girls, thats why I wanna go out there... But at least I have a full life. If a girl asked me what I do, I don't just say "Nothin'". Or if she asks what I'm into I don't just say "Nothin'".
I have something to say, something that makes me "seem" interesting. I sure wouldn't like a girl who says she does "Nothin'" all the time.

Maybe I'm getting this wrong but people are taking DJing way too far in the sense that I really don't think they "get it". I thought the idea of being a DJ is that you fullfil your life, help yourself get your s**t together and THEN get a girl to compliment it... not make the persuit of getting a bit of ass your entire life. Neither is the ideathat you ahve to go out there, treat women like crap, fvck as many as possible and throw 'em away... I thought it was a way to meet women, treat them right but understand their game more in order to come across better than the average Joe in the hope of finding that right girl to compliment your life.

I mean, am I getting this wrong?
I see posts from guys asking why they are no good at ****y& Funny. Most of what they say DOES follow the guidelines of what some of the DJ Bible stuff says but guys just don't know how to do it. ****y & Funny is NOT meant to be insulting!!?? Is it?
I thought it was a way of showing your fun, willing to poke a little bit of fun at something about her or pull up a subject the other AFC guy is too "afraid" to talk about. Not a way of just blurting out of the blue "you're fat". I wouldn't think its very funny if someone said it to me, I wouldn't think its very ****y either, just insulting and from someone with very little social skills. Come on guys. Think about it. Girls aren't an alien life form, they are still human. Whats insulting to you and me is insulting to them, even more so for a lot of girls. C&F is only to throw in a little humour and fun when she knows ur kidding. Like if ur dancing and she steps on your toe. Don't try those dumbass "c'mere baby" lines and put her dancing down with some smart ass remark trying to show ur in comtrol or backing off... Girls don't get the humour in that... You do something subtle, just give a little limp for a second then just smile at her to show your kidding and she'll laugh, and then spin her around in fun. See, she sees your not the AFC guy who won't say a thing and keeps dancing like a rod is up your ass... you give the little wink and carry on... no wise-ass remarks... get it? THATS an example of ****y and funny... not telling her she's gonna break your foot under her enormous weight.

Then there's the cold approach thread. God, these make me wince. They are sooooooo painful...
Guys posting the exact conversation, when its clear as hell the girl is just wondering in her head "who is this freak" and telling him "no, I'm busy" and going back to reading her paper... and the guys dialog is all like "Baby baby baby.... gimme your number"..... NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!
Guys just sooooo do not get this. I mean a cold approach means its a girl u do not know, and u wanna get to know her... its DOESN'T mean u just walk right up to a random girl walking down the street and say "HEY!!! LOOK AT ME!! CAN I HAVE YOUR NUMBER!!!" They'll think your a freak! Getting these rejections is not good, it does NOT help your confidence...
You have to put yourself in situations where the approach might work, then if she says no you can at least say you tried.
I mean, the situational opener is the thing here. Not some hook, don't stop random girls on the street and ask for their number. It screams desperation and neediness. You need a not approach innthe sense of running up to her... You need to just "happen" to be near a girl, in a que or somthing like, that. If you are good at conversation, try a little opener. "Weathers bad"..."Lots of traffic"... if your good at humour, try something a little funny if you can. If she smiles and nods... give it up, shes not open to a pickup... If she responds, see if you can strike up a little convo, if it goes on, maybe lead into the number stuff. Surley thats gonna work better.

But no matter how good a DJ you are, you can't just walk up to any girl, anywhere and fvck her... you need a bit of tact, a bit of social skills, leanr to conversate.
Thats what most guys are here to learn, a few social skills, drop their shyness, get their stuff together and meet some nice girls. Surely its not all about changing your entire life in persuit of some pvssy, giving up things you like or enjoy, doing things you hate and you know are humiliating. How is 100 rejections a way of hellping you? How about, just telling yourself to give that little joke, or the little hello when right now you keep it to yourself. That'll start getting rid of the shyness and start the social skills development. Once you are more comfortable not being in your own little bubble, just keep moving things on.

Then again, Maybe I have this DJ thing all wrong.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
I agree with you and this is about the smartest thread I've read from a newcomer.

The thing that has brought me most success with women is throwing all the techniques, strategies and tricks out of the window. It's too much hassle. Guys just need to relax and stop being so needy.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Jariel said:
I agree with you and this is about the smartest thread I've read from a newcomer.

The thing that has brought me most success with women is throwing all the techniques, strategies and tricks out of the window. It's too much hassle. Guys just need to relax and stop being so needy.
I didn't read all of it, but you're wrong that you can't **** a total stranger off a cold approach very fast. I walked in a small pub withf riends, opened one set, blown out within 30 seconds. Grabbed a beer, turned to see a girl, situational opener (they actually serve CANS huh, cold read, Im from Chicago, take hand and Im in). I had her out of there in less than 10 minutes. She even left her group of friends, we went to go find them and tell em we were leaving. We then made out in a beer tent (this was mardi gras) while pictures were taken. Another chick got eaten out in the same beer tent. Back to her apt for blow job on the deck/full close. on bed.

It can all happen very fast but you have to believe it can happen to achieve it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
everywomanshero said:
It can all happen very fast but you have to believe it can happen to achieve it.
:eek: I should be out on the sarge with you bro...


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2004
Reaction score
Netherlands, The
That is one long post. But I do think you are right, but I also think you shouldn't forget the power that is in this stuff man. I'm a bit out of it lately, im in an LTR. But before that I had amazing results including my current GF. If you master at least a some of the stuff on this board the results are imediate :) Read the classics and filter out what you believe.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
everywomanshero said:
I had her out of there in less than 10 minutes. She even left her group of friends, we went to go find them and tell em we were leaving. We then made out in a beer tent (this was mardi gras) while pictures were taken. Another chick got eaten out in the same beer tent. Back to her apt for blow job on the deck/full close. on bed.

It can all happen very fast but you have to believe it can happen to achieve it.
I believe it can happen and see it happen in clubs/pubs regularly. It's easy enough if you're just after an easy lay, but make sure you wear protection! A radiation suit if possible. :)

Just kidding. That sort of chick isn't my type though.


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
word with the origional post.

Some of the crap posted will work in a bar/drunk girl setting. I don't think you will find a meaningful relationship with a normal and sober girl by starting her off with this. I tried ****ey and funny too. Ended up being nothing but ****y and a jerk. Looking back I don't know what I was thinking i think I was brainwashed.

Now I just try to be confident and unneedy. Different people are different but I think you come off as a creep askin girls for their number without having at least a few minutes worth of convo with them. Not an hour, but more than 1 minute.


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh

I see you have found out how much crap is posted on the boards. Good job. I know that for sure, I posted a two-part thread in discussion, it took a day and a half to sink 3 goddamn pages. So I bumped it and Shezz was nice enough to comment. But, that was it. No one cares to read the FR's, or the really good advice and it sucks. It makes me want to stop posting good stuff, because of all the crap floating. I checked today again. The part Shezz commented on was 3 pages down again. The other half...
5 fvcking pages down. Like comeon! This took another day..two, and it's down so far in sh!t that no one will find it.

I make it a point that future threads by me go into Tips, that doesn't circulate down so fast. If you want to see the two threads I'm referring to, they are still on the first page since I bumped them again. It's good stuff.

No Bones

Don Juan
Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
The majority of people here don't want to get rejected, so whenever they run into a roadblock they panic and run to SoSuave for advice.

Trying to nitpick every little hurdle or scenario without getting shot down is not going to get you results. Experience will soon prove what works and doesn't work.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
No Bones said:
The majority of people here don't want to get rejected, so whenever they run into a roadblock they panic and run to SoSuave for advice.

Trying to nitpick every little hurdle or scenario without getting shot down is not going to get you results. Experience will soon prove what works and doesn't work.
Is that praise, or acceptance of the first poster? I could spin-doctor your words to make you sound like you hate the guy:p


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Internet is like that too., The chcks put out very, very fast. Esp the single mom types, and yes there is many hot ones.

Also there is swing bars/clubs if you REALLY got to pull fast. LOL


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
everywomanshero said:
Internet is like that too., The chcks put out very, very fast. Esp the single mom types, and yes there is many hot ones.

Also there is swing bars/clubs if you REALLY got to pull fast. LOL
Surprisingly, that is about the extent of what an AFC desires. They are jealous creatures, and they want to be able to pull as many sluts as possible before they die...

Long live the greed!!!


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2004
Reaction score
everywomanshero said:
I didn't read all of it, but you're wrong that you can't **** a total stranger off a cold approach very fast. I walked in a small pub withf riends, opened one set, blown out within 30 seconds. Grabbed a beer, turned to see a girl, situational opener (they actually serve CANS huh, cold read, Im from Chicago, take hand and Im in). I had her out of there in less than 10 minutes. She even left her group of friends, we went to go find them and tell em we were leaving. We then made out in a beer tent (this was mardi gras) while pictures were taken. Another chick got eaten out in the same beer tent. Back to her apt for blow job on the deck/full close. on bed.

It can all happen very fast but you have to believe it can happen to achieve it.

You cold appraoch at a big party in a bar where everyone was drinking/drunk? Dude, I have problems with approaching, I'll admit, but even in this setting I can have girls coming up to ME! Not boasting, its the setting, thats what people are there for and girls are open to it!

I'm talking about those HORRIBLE conversation pieces guys posts about stopping a girl on the street and just ask for a number, or disturb her from reading her book with "can I ahve your number" or, well... you get it! Its just painful. I mean any "appraoch" is cold in a way but surely you have to be in a situation where a girl is open to it or at least you can just start a friendly convo and put a girl at their ease before you go acting like a c**k.

Like I said, theres TONS of great information on here but I really think you gotta know how to apply it. I see too many posts of guys thinking they can by-pass social morals or rules of conduct or whatever you want to call them. Also too many people waaaaaaaaaay overthing women. They aren't some alien race. They are human beings, they see and feel everything we do. The only thing you gotta understand is to try and get how THEY overthink situations and sometimes how they act around guys. THATS not easy as so many girls are different but they'd say that about US!

I'm far from being DJ, I'll admit I'm currently reading and thinking more about this than I am getting in the field. But I'm having a night out this weekend with some buds and I'm goona see how I get on. I'm NOT going out looking for 100 rejections, by acting like a fool and somehow trying to convince myself that I'm satisfied when I make myself look like a total idiot.
I'm going out to the pub/club to see if theres any girls I think I'd like, try start some convo, and work from there. I might get somewhere, I might not... worst that can happen is she's not interested and the conversation goes nowhere, I move on.... at least I haven't made myself look a prize idiot.

Come On guys, theres so uch good stuff on here, but you gotta see through the bull.


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
TOmmiV, this is the guy who posted that thing about getting bored. Let me elaborate before u just to conclusions:

I know that some guys on this forum r total losers when it comes to girls, and they need desperate help. That post was FOR THEM. I suggest eliminating all loserish fun things like tv and internet for A FEW DAYS to kind of give them a push to go out there into the real world and meet some girls. THAT POST DOESNT APPLY TO GUYS WHO ARE NORMAL.

u understand wat i mean? this was just help for those who have no motivation watsoever to meet girls and who r afraid of girls, i kno theres too many of those guys out there, and they need to take that extreme measure so they can overcome their fear.....again, im just preaching that guys stop beign losers and start GOING OUT TO MEET NEW PEOPLE....and if u bore urself at home, u will WANT to just get the **** out there and socialize to overcome the boredom at home.....DOES IT MAKE MORE SENSE NOW MY FRIEND?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
This is how I view being a Don Juan: Being the best MAN you can be. All the good qualities that are deeply hidden need to be amplified (humor, wit, confidence, friendliness, sexuality). You also need to develope survival skills (standing up for yourself, making yourself a priority, removing negative people from your life). Everything else will come naturally, but skills to speed things up or make things go smoothly will always be useful.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score

Adam See said:
10% techniques
90% self mastery
It's all about your perceptions of the world and yourself. That's why I can pull and many other guys can't. The techniques do have a little to do with it, but it's more about inner game and social savyness. There were pull machines long before forums discussed specific techniques.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score

Sicarius said:
That's the thing, you guys. It isn't that some girls are slutty types and some girls are inaccessible. If you rub the girl right, she'll **** you. You're men, remember. And she wants to ****.
Sircarius is onto something but I'll take it even further. I don't really think in terms of sluts or good girls. I've ****ed "good girls", I've ****ed experienced women. It doesn't really matter to me. I think if you're hung up on these titles, then you';ve slept with less than 50 women. Until you sleep with at least 50 women you will be a needy, bitter man.

Of course, for a LTR relationship I can understand worrying over a shady past history. However, the "good girl" may just turn off all emotions instead of leaving your sorry butt for the next guy. What's the difference? I'd rather someone leave and get out of the way than hang around being a drag on my self esteem and sex life.

On a side note, one such good little school teacher just gave her husband an STD she contracted from a 3 sum with my old next door neighbor and his buddy. Just because you only sleepw ith your wife doesn't mean you won't get an STD, so you might as well go for broke and get a lot of poon. Use condoms.

The answer to all of these problems is having a comphrensive strategy for adding options to your life rather than trying to sniper specific little details. These tyoe of micromanagement only leaves men frustrated and without options. Chic psychology has already been cracked for you. Women want a man who knows what he wants and can go out and get it. Lots of guys sortof dabble in things, but very few males are A MAN which means he is the muther ****er who makes it happen against all odds. He just does it somehow. He has mad inner game. When you do that you crack the chick algorithms and they are defenseless. You go out 3-4x a week approaching new women. You may have an online profile where you spam dating sites for some extra options but probably not because it's too easy for your real life ladies to catch you, so you just go to the damn store and pick up new ones.


Don Juan
Oct 27, 2004
Reaction score
Jariel said:
I agree with you and this is about the smartest thread I've read from a newcomer.

The thing that has brought me most success with women is throwing all the techniques, strategies and tricks out of the window. It's too much hassle. Guys just need to relax and stop being so needy.