DJing at the Gym

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Okay, don't burn me for putting this post here. I looked in tips, I looked in health and fitness and I looked in the bible but I could not find a definative post about picking up girls at the gym.

So if there exists such a post will some person hit reply and give me a link.

If there is not a post on this topic will some person who has had some success in this scene make one!

"C'mon Jay Jay," I hear you say, "you're one of these bastards who just turned up here and started giving advice like you know it all... now you are looking for advice and don't want to give any explanation!? What the **** is with that?"

Okay okay. Heres the deal.

Until two days ago when I was at the gym I was there to train. If you want to be successful at anything you need to focus on it. There is no point in going to the gym and thinking about girls (except as motivation!).

I always thought that if I start worrying about all the honeys about my focus wouldn't be where it should be. In fact... unlike every other time when I am Mr Sociable, at the gym I am like one of those quiet intense dudes totally focused on my own ****.

I am there in ****ty clothes, all hot and stinky, grunting like some animal... thats how I train... Not the best DJ image I know.

And then I changed my routine and went on a Monday and saw this girl who knocked my socks off.

Suddenly Mr Cool JJ who advocates busting a move and being a man and challenging yourself found myself transported back into the AFC zone...

Points you should know.

This girl is a solid ten. This gym is packed. We made eye contact, I was red, sweaty and dressed in an old Suicidal Tendancies T-shirt and almost fell off the treadmill when our eyes met.

So that's the story. Satisfied?

Now give me some ****ing tips about DJing in the Gym.


First person who says, "be a man" "bust a move" and "challenge yourself" gets a golf clap.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score
Jay Jay said:
Okay, don't burn me for putting this post here. I looked in tips, I looked in health and fitness and I looked in the bible but I could not find a definative post about picking up girls at the gym.

So if there exists such a post will some person hit reply and give me a link.

If there is not a post on this topic will some person who has had some success in this scene make one!

"C'mon Jay Jay," I hear you say, "you're one of these bastards who just turned up here and started giving advice like you know it all... now you are looking for advice and don't want to give any explanation!? What the **** is with that?"

Okay okay. Heres the deal.

Until two days ago when I was at the gym I was there to train. If you want to be successful at anything you need to focus on it. There is no point in going to the gym and thinking about girls (except as motivation!).

I always thought that if I start worrying about all the honeys about my focus wouldn't be where it should be. In fact... unlike every other time when I am Mr Sociable, at the gym I am like one of those quiet intense dudes totally focused on my own ****.

I am there in ****ty clothes, all hot and stinky, grunting like some animal... thats how I train... Not the best DJ image I know.

And then I changed my routine and went on a Monday and saw this girl who knocked my socks off.

Suddenly Mr Cool JJ who advocates busting a move and being a man and challenging yourself found myself transported back into the AFC zone...

Points you should know.

This girl is a solid ten. This gym is packed. We made eye contact, I was red, sweaty and dressed in an old Suicidal Tendancies T-shirt and almost fell off the treadmill when our eyes met.

So that's the story. Satisfied?

Now give me some ****ing tips about DJing in the Gym.


First person who says, "be a man" "bust a move" and "challenge yourself" gets a golf clap.
If you are a serious lifter, FIRST finish your Reps / Workout, then just say, "Hi!"
If you are like the other 99.99 % of guys walking around the gym with their d*cks hanging out, then STOP, your workout, follow her around and tell her she is so beautiful, that her sh*t does not smell.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
if i go to the gym is to leave all i've got in the exercises, dont give a **** about girls. but that's just me. think there are better places to meet hot girls, like the mall, bars, etc.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
I've chatted up a few chicks at the gym, got a couple dates, nothing beyond that though. I still randomly talk to girls I see at the uni gym, just to shoot the sh!t between sets and practice conversation skills. Ultimately I don't see it as being any different from picking up a chick anywhere else. If a girl at the gym is interested in you, she'll either smile, give you some solid EC, or come work out next to you. Personally I haven't done much DJing in the gym lately though. I'm very serious about my lifting and I'd rather stare at a$$ while panting between sets than fluff talk.


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2005
Reaction score
I travel
At first I use to think the gym was a place to just work out, but now I've got a lot of good friends that go there, plus lotsa of HOT, FIT single women..I'm all for it !!