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Did you ever took a break from dating?

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
I've had a few breaks over the years. Usually came after breakups or just burnt out from schitty woman, the lifestyle, frustration from not finding what I wanted. Always good to get some fresh air.

As I've gotten older and better with women, I don't take things so personal. Just take it as it comes or goes Nothing lasts forever. The sun will still come up tomorrow. There will always be another one.

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Tijuana, Mexico
I'm currently taking a year off from any pursing.

Feels nice, like I'm leveling up. More time and less distractions.
Now what happens if you grocery shopping and this cute latina with a fat azz just keeps shifting stares toward your direction scrambling signals? You let it slide or approach…you still keep oath to your one year?
I have had this happen more than once when I didn’t give a fvck about pursuing or dating on a dry spell without jacking off.
That playa bone in the body has to reciprocate


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
I've had a break from dating. Wasn't my idea though, just an extended dry spell. :D


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
I've had this^ thread idea in my head for a while. Just can't get the words together.
But is it "leveling up", or just holding steady while the ground is sinking?


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
Reaction score
Take a break from dating yes
Take a break from f/cking no
This, when I have a break from dating I usually stick to 1-2 girIs can bang every now and again without actively picking up/approaching new ones. Literally, I'll dig out those old fwb's and flings from last year and drop a text. No apps, no dates, no new girls.

I haven't had an extended break from sex since I was 25-26 years old. I try to never watch p0rn or masturbate so I kinda need something to bang at least once every 2-3 weeks.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2021
Reaction score
***swipe apps dont work for me lately. The matches I get are subpar at best, otherwise it's just tons of conversations that lead to nothing .

**** I stay ayaw from the club. I don't(wanna) drink anymore, so its best to avoid clubs. Most women i met in clubs are also of questionable at best. Great for some quick fun, dramatic for long term shyte

***women that are open to being approached are also of lesser quality. The predatory mindset hunts for "weaker women" because they are seemingly easier. But eventually they are just as annoying/difficult as the toxic ones from the apps and clubs.

****generally speaking most women I get right now are not the types i really want. Some women openly chase me ,but these are also women with tons of red flags . So much so, that every little bit of attractiveness they have gets overshadowed by the glaring red flags.By lack of better options I tend to lower my standards, but eventually it gives me more stress than relief

** a " woman of lesser quality " also want the man to go all in. Using women soley for sex recently lead to a lotta drama. One woman even falsely accused me of stealing shyte, but i geuss she's angry I don't want to be her bf.

-I've deleted all apps
-I've deleted all numbers from women i had.
-I need a fresh start/ reset. Past 20 years been all about women 24/7, and except a
" cool " notch count and a child with a dramatic baby mommy I feel like I have nothing to show for. I rather be alone for now than spending time with women I don't really want anyway...

I'm with you. Every time I dip my toes back in the water, I am reminded how much better off I am free of the burdens of a woman.

It seems the majority I come across have very little to offer besides a drain on my resources and mental energy.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2018
Reaction score
It's a good idea to give some breaks from that.

I also don't like dating girls from apps, since I've only found weird crazy women out there. And at least in my town, it's the same women on those apps... and none of them are even worth having fun. I'm seriously afraid of STD's and other crazy sh1t those women can do to fck up my life.

On clubs or parties might be a good idea to find some more quality women, but never found a good one for something more serious.

I started to change my environment lately. Started Pilates class and Acting class as a way to go out and interact with new people. I don't expect finding a woman to date in those places, but I think putting ourselves on environments that meets our principles and values gives us a chance to find women more related to that.

Changing environment also helped me to define what kind of people I want around my life, that being friendships or romantic relationships.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
After a series of extremely frustating dates since getting back on the market this spring, I'm about to throw in the towel.

I am moving in the fall; was hoping to have a 1-2 nice romantic summer flings of semi serious short term relationships. And yes, I do tell most of them I plan on moving and that I don't like want one night stands or super casual stuff (which is true) - maybe that's the issue, but if they had a problem with it you'd think they wouldn't agree to a date in the first place.

The girls ghost me after the date regardless of whether we have sex, how good it is, or how good the dates and how on top of my A-game I am. A few case examples:

One 21 yo tiny blonde Christian girl turned into a complete b!tch because I "didn't hold the door open for her" (which I didn't even argue about) meanwhile she's on her damn phone during the date several times which I express my annoyance with; she tries to claim cold behavior was because I let the door "slam in her face" (obv exagerration). Obvious next.

I went on a date with an Asian girl who I thought was a 7/10 but in person was more like a 5/10 (overweight and scar/birth mark on a good portion of her face) and she cuts the date short and ghosts me for absolutely no reason. Had a similar experience with a different girl that same week.

I recently also had dates with some other attractive 21-23 year olds- we have ****tails at a nice bar, date goes super well and they're very clearly into me. Later, I have them over and try to cook dinner, but they refuse to eat anything. I go for a slow and smooth escalation which generally works very well. Of them, 2 put up massive LMR and then lose interest and I never see them again. The 3rd girl I did bang, and we spent a lot of time cuddling after and she stayed over until 3am (I didn't even kick her out). Then I try to have another date, she shows up late, ruining our plans, generally acts distant, and refuses to come into my apartment despite already having sex, and of course I next her.

Most recently, an older girl (28) came straight to my house for our first meet, we ****ed all night, some of the best sex I've had since last year, and she was obsesssed with me. Then in the span of 1-2 days she completely turns cold for literally no reason. Basically, after she leaves, we did some dirty texting, I'd love to show a screenshot, literally already talking about the things we'd do next, begging me to do all sorts of things to her. Then apparently, because I stopped texting her for a whopping 24 hrs, she suddenly starts acting cold when I try to make plans and taking forever to respond. Nexted as well, obviously.

Oh here's another too. Another young girl who I never met comes straight to my home for the first meet. Beforehand, tell her what to wear, she's trying to qualify herself, etc. She comes over, I throw on a movie and offer her a beer that she specifically said she likes (she refuses to drink it). After 30 minutes, she straight up leaves. I figured I'd make a move after about 45-60 minutes, I would have sooner but she wasn't very attractive so I was trying to get a buzz going and flirt a bit first. But she apparently didn't like that I didn't just fvck her immediately and left then ghosted me. She was literally a 5/10 at best. Appalling.

I cannot fvcking deal with this. I try being slow and "comfort" based and not be a complete ****, and it doesn't work. I try being a complete **** and going fast, and it doesn't work either. I am CONSTANTLY trying to adjust my game and trying to read each girl differently. I work hard at it and watch/read a lot of content to understand female psyche. I know substantially more now than ever. I'm also fairly attractive too, maybe Chad-lite. A couple girls last year basically said I have "lowkey fvckboy vibes". One said "you act like you're a dime when you're a 9". Still, try to tone it down for girls who may have LTR potential, I'm not c0cky or arrogant at all and I have a good heart.

I'm done with it. Such a waste of fvcking time.
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Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
After a series of extremely frustating dates since getting back on the market this spring, I'm about to throw in the towel.

I am moving in the fall; was hoping to have a 1-2 nice romantic summer flings of semi serious short term relationships. And yes, I do tell most of them I plan on moving - maybe that's the issue, but if they had a problem with it you'd think they wouldn't agree to a date in the first place.

The girls ghost me after the date regardless of whether we have sex. One very young girl turned into a complete ***** because I "didn't hold the door open for her" (which I didn't even argue about) meanwhile she's on her damn phone during the date several times which I express my annoyance for, and she tries to claim was because I let the door "slam in her face" (obv exagerration).

I went on a date with an Asian girl who I thought was a 7/10 but in person was more like a 5/10 (overweight and scar/birth mark on a good portion of her face) and she cuts the date short and ghosts me for absolutely no reason. Had a similar experience with a different girl that same week.

I recently also had dates with attractive 21-23 year old girls - we have ****tails at a nice bar, date goes super well and they're very clearly into me. L:ater, I have them over and try to cook dinner, but they refuse to eat anything. I go for a slow and smooth escalation which generally works very well. Of them, 2 put up massive LMR and then lose interest forever. The 3rd girl I did bang, and we spent a lot of time cuddling after and she stayed over until 3am (I didn't even kick her out). Then I try to have another date, she shows up late, ruining our plans, and refuses to come into my apartment despite already having sex, and of course I next her.

Most recently, an older girl (28) came straight to my house for our first meet, we ****ed all night and she was obsesssed with me. Then in the span of 1-2 days she completely turns cold for literally no reason. Basically, after I did a lot of dirty talk with her, I'd love to show the texts, literally already talking about the things we'd do next, begging me to do all sorts of things to her. Then apparently, because I stopped texting her constantly and took 1-2 days off, she suddenly starts taking forever to respond and acting cold. Nexted as well, obviously.

I cannot ****ing deal with this. I try being slow and "comfort" based and not be a complete ****, and it doesn't work. I try being a complete **** and going fast, and it doesn't work either. I am CONSTANTLY trying to adjust my game and read each girl differently. I work hard at it and watch/read a lot of content to understand female psyche. I know more now than ever. I'm also fairly attractive too, maybe Chad-lite. A couple girl last year basically said I have "lowkey fvckboy vibes". I figure that's a good thing, but I try to tone it down for girls who may have LTR potential. Doesn't matter.

I'm done with it. Such a waste of fvcking time.
Sounds to me like you got some lays and dodged a bunch of bullets. Its cool if you wanna take a break but these are good things, bro.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
Sounds to me like you got some lays and dodged a bunch of bullets. Its cool if you wanna take a break but these are good things, bro.
I did but at this point I literally do not care about lays anymore. I won't even fvck a girl unless I like her. Another stopry: some chick I've never met wanted me to come pick her drunk ass up from a bar on my bike at like 12am on a weekday night to go fvck at her place. Literally wouldn't even get an uber and just have me meet her at her place. I tell her no, get an uber, and she gets offended...*****, I haven't even met you yet! She was smokin hot but I refused because she sounded like a complete headache.

And on this note I'm shocked how many girls literally tell me on first date that they only want something casual or literally offer to go fvck during the first date in overt language. It may be a test, may not be, but it's still appalling.

I guess my next step is to learn how to vet/screen more brutally so I stop wasting my time. Either that or just learn to how to love pumping and dumping these trainwrecks, with minimal effort.

It's getting worse and worse every year, I can notice it. Not just 5% worse, I'm talking like noticeably worse, despite the fact my SMV/knowledge is increasing, I struggle more than I did ten years ago (in some ways).

I am really close to moving out of the west when I can afford it.
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Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
Now what happens if you grocery shopping and this cute latina with a fat azz just keeps shifting stares toward your direction scrambling signals? You let it slide or approach…you still keep oath to your one year?
I have had this happen more than once when I didn’t give a fvck about pursuing or dating on a dry spell without jacking off.
That playa bone in the body has to reciprocate
In this sense TABFD (taking a break from) can be almost seen as a distant cousin of nofap mgtow ect. Perhaps even a sibling. I.o.w , using your withdrawal from the game as a tool to manipulate the game. If it works or not is obviously debatable...

We all know that if you dgaf BUT you are still a DJ, some woman will be drawn towards you anyway..always..

I've noticed the same thing. Ever since I made this thread and deleted OLD i get more attention than before. And yes I WILL definitely take om such an opportunity. We are still trained to do this. A retired , or better a temporarily of duty killer will turn into a killer in a second if he must.
It's a good idea to give some breaks from that.

I also don't like dating girls from apps, since I've only found weird crazy women out there. And at least in my town, it's the same women on those apps... and none of them are even worth having fun. I'm seriously afraid of STD's and other crazy sh1t those women can do to fck up my life.

On clubs or parties might be a good idea to find some more quality women, but never found a good one for something more serious.

I started to change my environment lately. Started Pilates class and Acting class as a way to go out and interact with new people. I don't expect finding a woman to date in those places, but I think putting ourselves on environments that meets our principles and values gives us a chance to find women more related to that.

Changing environment also helped me to define what kind of people I want around my life, that being friendships or romantic relationships.
Yes! This is EXACTLY what I meant with my latest thread Alpha in the wild;

The wild refers to non bar and club environments. And no OLD imo. But, assumimg we all worked our azzes of to be the best version we can be, imagine how it is for woman x and woman y z when a STUD suddenly appears in a acting/ painting/cooking you name it type of class.

So this "break" also means literally breaking with old habits and places to pick up women. To think out of the box. These are perfect examples!

The way we trained ourselves we can always at anytime reenter the game. This break shyte can be over tomorrow, amd restart next week if necessary.

I needed 4 pages yesterday to get this point across. But THIS is what i meant!


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
Reaction score
Now what happens if you grocery shopping and this cute latina with a fat azz just keeps shifting stares toward your direction scrambling signals? You let it slide or approach…you still keep oath to your one year?
I have had this happen more than once when I didn’t give a fvck about pursuing or dating on a dry spell without jacking off.
That playa bone in the body has to reciprocate
Its difficult but the main reason I'm taking a break is because I've been seeing to many low hanging fruit. H0es are good every once in a while but after seeing them non stop for several years I'm becoming jaded.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
I'm still on one. My goals and personal matters of importance have intensified as of lately. Women are on the backburner and the backburner isn't even on. Let me know if I'm not the only one, but my interactions with unknown fems have been feeling extremely contrived on their behalf more and more. Hoes are being extremely nice to me out of the blue and I don't know ya? Am I about to get hoodwinked in the parking lot or stabbed in the face? Not interested in bending over for anyone right now, my hot streak is extending to all professional matters right now and I refuse to let that ish go to the wayside.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
Its difficult but the main reason I'm taking a break is because I've been seeing to many low hanging fruit. H0es are good every once in a while but after seeing them non stop for several years I'm becoming jaded.
My problem too. I USED to be fine with h0es. I even ditched many proper women to be with h0es.

Yet, lately I am tired of them. All of them are depressed, suicidal, extremely insecure and needy ect. By coming issue is that they ALWAYS think i am relationship material. So basically h0es wanna act like good girls when they meet me.

You are what you eat right? After years of chasing women I've developed a radar for low hanging fruit , because that will increase the chance to be "successful ".

I am a certified Pookie /Rayray and need to get rid of that label.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Most of my dating life has been "on break". :mad: