Did I handle this right?


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
I'm working this summer at a day camp for kids in elementary school. We were playing kickball this afternoon. The kids (of course) backed up, but I easily kicked it over their heads. Now since I was playing with the two best looking counselors (HB 7's), I decided to have a little fun. After I stepped on home plate, I went over to my team (all guys) and we all flexed, grunting, yelling- flaunting our sexuality in a sense. I got the few expected cracks about my muscles (they're small, put them away, you're embarrassing yourself, etc). This time I simply threw my head back and laughed, my team even joined in (they catch on pretty quickly). But then one of the other counselors looked at their watch, and the game was over. We were walking back from the kickball field when the two HB 7's got their kids to start chanting "Wim-py! Wim-py!" At me. I laughed again, flexed, and yelled "I can't hear you! My biceps are in the way!"

But later in the day, when we went back on the playground, I started playing soccer with some of the kids. Then the two HB 7's started got a crowd (of mostly girls) and started chanting wimpy at me again. This time I decided to ignore it.

The first time I felt like I did well- the biceps line got a smile from both of them. But the second time caught me off guard. I didn't want to use the biceps line again, and I was stumped of what to say- so I just stayed quiet.

What do you guys think? All critiques, comments and suggestions are welcome.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2008
Reaction score
Orlando, fl
Fun Story.

Did you handle it right? Handle what right? Sounds like all fun and games, some good ****s and giggles in there. What's to handle?


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
The last time, when I was playing soccer. I apologize if my original post's kinda unclear, I was in a rush when I wrote it.

So what I'm basically asking- did I handle the last situation right by ignoring it? Could you guys give me another witty banter for next time (or another situation like this). All comment is welcome.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
DJDamage said:
Use a more direct game next time, using decoys such as children to gauge interest in women doesn't work well especially if you act like a clown.
I don't you think you understand me, DJDamage. Or maybe I was unclear. I wasn't doing anything with them at the time. I was just playing soccer (football), not paying any attention to them. The second time was totally unprovoked. They kinda caught me off guard.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
base2ball2boy2 said:
I don't you think you understand me, DJDamage. Or maybe I was unclear. I wasn't doing anything with them at the time. I was just playing soccer (football), not paying any attention to them. The second time was totally unprovoked. They kinda caught me off guard.
It doesn't matter at this point because everything is speculation. If you are interested in them Why don't you just be proactive and talk directly to the two chicks and gauge if they have a real interest in you?! isn't it what its all about after all?!

Take control of the situation.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
DJDamage said:
It doesn't matter at this point because everything is speculation. If you are interested in them Why don't you just be proactive and talk directly to the two chicks and gauge if they have a real interest in you?! isn't it what its all about after all?!
I'm not asking the n00b question of "does she like me?" because I think there is some base attraction. And anyways, attraction can be created. I'm just trying to gauge advice on the way I handled the situation, for further situations like this. I'm not worried if they like me or not- I just want to know if I played the second situation correctly. And if not (because I feel I did not), how can I handle it better?


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
South Carolina, USA
What the hell man? Of course those chicks like you. They wouldn't be teasing you. Just give them a smile like you want to see their panties inside out.

You can also find something about them you can playfully tease them about if you want to keep the joking going. Tell her her makeup looks funny today or something. But I wouldn't act like a total clown all the time, unless it's just really fun for you to do that. It's not really your job to entertain chicks.