Dating Troubles

Ignore her even more

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New Member
Sep 21, 2017
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Hello my fellow Dons, womanizers, and lady killas,

I have a little problem. I will try to keep this as short as possible. So, I have been dating/ seeing this girl for about 2 1/2 months. We have gone on a total of 4 dates, we've slept together, and we have expressed mutual feeling for each other. But the problem is, she canceled on me the last time I asked to hangout, saying she was sick, and asked to reschedule for Sunday. I said, "I had plans" in order to avoid looking like a shmuch. I gave her a couple days and then asked her to hangout once again later in the night, she told me she was busy with school work. Then after receiving some advice from this forum, I decided to ignore her for a week. After I did this, she blew up my phone with calls, texts, and snaps. I replied with an excuse as to why I couldn't respond, and now she sends me a message saying: I feel weird vibes between us, and don't want us not to be friends. WTF does that mean? Confused. Has anyone else had this happen to them. Do girls generally just date to get more friends? whattt? Any and all advice is welcome. Thank you in advance for your replies they are greatly appreciated.

P.S I kinda like this chick and would hate for this to end out in just a friendship, that sounds kinda lame but true.

Connor Talleur

New Member
Sep 12, 2017
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Whats up tool bag,

She obviously likes you, you idiot. Maybe you should give her another chance and see where it goes. At least friends is something. If you really like her, and are smart about it, you can work her from the inside. Start exemplifying the traits she likes most about you, and take a hint, where a hint is needed (aka do not be clingly as FUakk). Also I wouldn't completely go out of your way this time to hangout with her. If she wants to hangout, take the opportunity. And while you are at it, take the time to show her that you are the guy she has been looking for. I would give this relationship another couple months. I say this, because a lot of women nowadays are taken advantage of, and are hurt in the process--which makes them more resistant to starting over the grueling process that is a "relationship". If nothing happens, and you feel like you can't be her friend anymore, drop her. And spin some mutha****ing plates *****! Also dude you gotta stop reading into things. If she is sick, then she very well may be sick(hopefully not with a baby LOL that would suck ****s right??). All in all take the next opportunity she gives you. It very well might be your last if you don't fix this ****-show game of tag you have conjured up from who knows where. Hopefully it wasn't taught to you here! And to all those stupid *******s out there that tell you to drop her right away, ****-em. If you really want this chick for a RElationship and not just a **** buddy, you gotta put in some work. Constantly I see stupid posts on here pleading that you need to make her chase you blah blah blah. You think those guys are happy? NO. They may think they're happy, with plethora of emotionless sex they are having, but deep-deep-down they are all just like one of us. Looking for a relationship to settle down and to start a family. I know I am going to get a lot of hate for this post, but you know, someones gotta say it. In conclusion, by no means am I saying let this chick walk all over you, and chase her until your wits end-- All I am saying is to give it some time, if you really want this, and she likes you, you gotta put in the time.

P.S I hope this works out for you. But if it doesn't, do not fret. There are plenty of hotties out there for the taking. Some maybe even cooler than this chick who knows.

Connor Talleur

New Member
Sep 12, 2017
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Also, if this is the only girl you are sorta kinda dating, you gotta knock that **** off. Girls want a man that is in demand, not some puss who has no other options. Also another tactic I like to use is flirting with her friends, that **** drives them nuts. (seeing that other girls are attracted to you as well) I think you'll make the best decision knowing that you are in the relationship and I am not. Good luck, and again, DATE OTHER GIRLS!


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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Every relationship gets to a threshold where there will be more time and attention spent by both parties.

"Weird vibes" sounds like... "You don't give a **** about me and I don't think you feel the same way I do". Ignoring women early doesn't tend to end well and certainly won't develop into anything long term. Relationships are not as black and white as we want them to be... It really takes some panache