dating douchebags, badboys..etc.

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Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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I was thinking about this, and I wonder until which age do women still like this type of guys?

I mean, last night I was at BK and there was this cute girl who was 16 aprox. She was with the typical douchbag: tall guy, around 18, with several tattos, smoking, pretty thin, and he had a motorcycle and two helmets for both of them.

I thought that if he did not have those tattoos, and did not have a motorcycle that chick would not be interested in him. In other words, if you took out all his 'bad boy' customization, she would not even pay attention to him.

So I was wondering at which age do women stop seeking this type of guys. Jut before the Wall? around 30 is my guess.
Anyway when women are around 24-25 they also date attractive guys with money or some kind of status but not necessarily a jerk...

Of course once they're around 30 they look for provider features.


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
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All due respect pyros, nothing you described made this guy a "bad boy". Let me explain.

Tattoos (i know a surgeon with a full sleeve)
Smoking (so did jfk?)
Thin (nothing tough about being thin)

You judged the guy without knowing him at all, kind of sounds like you hatin on him.

Furthermore, women dont like "bad boys" per say. Its just that bad boys have very attractive qualities like:

Leadership.They(women) dont like to be asked stuff, they like to be led.

Backbone. They know if they exhibit certain behavior the bad boy aint having it.

Spontaneity. A bad boy is generally impulsive. Which could mean swinging by her house 1am for a motorcycle ride. A pleasant suprise, excitement.

Abundance. A bad boy is probably spinning plates so he is in demand.

Value. If she is in the relationship with a real bad boy, he probably made her jump thru hoops for the title of girlfriend. She had to invest, so she aint gonna just let him go.

And last but not least
He just doesn't care that much. Which just screams value. "Yes, you are hot. But if you leave right now I'm still going to have fun tonight.

All these qualities you can cultivate, and get the exact same devotion "bad boys" get without becoming "bad".

And to answer your question, the above qualities will always be attractive regardless of age.
Hope that makes sense.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2015
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I look forward to your posts Cola. You break it down and make it simple and easy to understand. Thank you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
Cola's right... it's not the behavior women are attracted to in a badboy, it's the traits they typically exhibit. As women get older and more experienced they learn to separate the traits from the behavior.

Women will ALWAYS... regardless of age, will be attracted to male strength qualities.... when they are older they just get a whole lot better at screening out the bad behavior to often comes along with strong male strength factors and they do better rationally evaluating their emotional attraction.

Same thing happens with men when we get older.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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as I said: I think that if he did not have those tattoos and did not have a motorcycle that chick would not be interested in him.

When you're 17 it makes you a 'badboy' if you smoke, drink, drive a motorcycle, have tattoos, dont give a **** about anything etc.

I dont hate the guy, why should I? but what I was saying is that an equally attractive 17 years old but without all these features would be invisible for this young hottie. For example, me, or my friend when we were 17 we all were 'normal' or 'nice guys', no tattoos, no dangerous motorcycles, not too much drinking etc, so hot girls our age ignored us LOL, and I did not fully understand why at the time.

It also happens you're around 30 but with other requirements. When you're dating a girl this age, she 'prefers' other qualities in a boyfriend like: responsability, commitment, resources... but when she's younger she seeks for other features like I said above.

As Rollo Tomassi says in therationalmale, women love opportunistically, so depending on their age, they seek different stuff in a guy.

See this, I remember when I was 15 a friend of mine, the typical nerd asked one girl from my class out. I remember the exact moment he went up to her, asked her out, she looked at him from botton to top...and said...NO.
My friend was devastated and we all made fun of him... hahaha...but...what do you think he did after this rejection...? well, after the summer when we started classes again he had saved his head, he got rid of his glasses, he got a tattoo, and he completely changed the way he dressed, and also faked a bad boy attitude!!! all his guy friends found this hilarious and joked about it, but...he went to the same chick again now looking like the typical jerk, and SHE SAID YES!!! HAHAHAH, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT???
He totally followed the 'fake it til you get it'. He understood that being a nerd he had zero chances, but faking a badboy his chances sky rocketed.
He then started to act like a jerk in everyway, making fun of others, cursing around, he got a motorcycle, started to smoke, changed his nerd friends for other jerks from school, etc, etc.
All this change just in a three months time span.
He dated this chick for like 2 years.

True story.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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I wouldn't want to be a bad boy. Most are dependent on their mothers as they don't have a stable job, and many have trouble with the law. My life might be more boring but at least I'm not dodging bullets and shooting up heroin.

Just try to stop pedestalizing bad boys. A lot of them are actually unhappy even though they seem to be slaying puss. Plus the girls who go for them probably have a few loose screws. I may not attract the hottest women but I do attract high quality women who are not BPD.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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pyros said:
I was thinking about this, and I wonder until which age do women still like this type of guys?

I mean, last night I was at BK and there was this cute girl who was 16 aprox. She was with the typical douchbag: tall guy, around 18, with several tattos, smoking, pretty thin, and he had a motorcycle and two helmets for both of them.

I thought that if he did not have those tattoos, and did not have a motorcycle that chick would not be interested in him. In other words, if you took out all his 'bad boy' customization, she would not even pay attention to him.

So I was wondering at which age do women stop seeking this type of guys. Jut before the Wall? around 30 is my guess.
Anyway when women are around 24-25 they also date attractive guys with money or some kind of status but not necessarily a jerk...

Of course once they're around 30 they look for provider features.
They love badboys, but the wall is the great equalizer.Good women are mostly a thing of the past, at least in western cultures. Pump and dump boys.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
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West Coast
If it's one thing that I've learned from parties, it's that the most interesting person will be a name that you will remember the next time you see that person. I've re-met people, who I remember meeting, not knowing who I was and I've met people, who I apparently already met, who I didn't remember meeting.

The people who get laid a lot typically leave an impression either through social situations and or their actions, like a spontaneous hike late at night or someone who is just interesting to talk to. I'm sure we have all met those people that when they just talk, it's always interesting or funny. They're just socially adapt and not retarded. People will remember that person who is socially capable over the loner who doesn't speak to anyone.

The next is actions... Say you're at a friends house and you're meeting some new people because they're friends of friends... Don't just stay at their house. Create experiences through social conversation and actions! Go to a park and smoke/drink, go for a late night hike, go 100 down a freeway, drag race someone, go for a late night drunken/high swim, get kicked out of a 24/7 Taco Bell for being too loud, CREATE an experience that everyone will remember YOU for.

You need to be interesting in order for you to be known.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Alpha f*cks beta bucks is the answer.

Women never stop being attracted to bad boys.. they just stop expecting them to become the protective, loyal, puppy dogs that only a beta can be.

What women REALLY want is a alpha that will only be a beta for THEM. But an alpha is an alpha. They won't be a beta for anyone. Women figure this out around age 26-30.


Don Juan
May 24, 2015
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The first reply hits it dead on. None of this makes him a "Bad boy" necessarily. He's probably just confident and seems like an alpha! I'd recommend reading some of the literature posted around here, might help you out with the ladies ;)


Jan 8, 2015
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Agree 100% with you. Women are superficial,that's why fake it till you make it works.

The great Burroughs said this:

Lol at these elderly faggots who...
Try to misunderstand why biyaches love bad boys...they just do...most normal loser dudes can never get women will date normal dudes for money and a large house but hot women will only drink cvm and do anal for bad boys...that's something the normal faggots will never get ..the difference between beta provider and really getting a girl wet enough to fvck you in a McDonald's restroom...

Its a bit overstated but the point is well many ppl not realizing how ridiculous the gap can be

Sounds stupid. Being fake never works since it is not real. I know lots of guys who faked being an Alpha trying to act cool, follow others, act like an assh0le. All of them deep down were betas and it showed when they could not pull off their fake alpha act. Women are attracted to men for different reasons. Some beta could turn on a girl and she could fvck him in a McDonald's restroom too.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
hot women will date normal dudes for money and a large house but hot women will only drink cvm and do anal for bad boys...
What complete and utter nonsense.

I have money and a large house. I don't consider myself a bad boy (I would consider that beneath me). Yet hot women have swallowed my cvm (I have no interest in anal). I guess that shows Burroughs doesn't have a frigging clue as to what he is talking about, doesn't it?

This manosphere worship of bad boys is nothing short of pathetic. Grow the fvck up, everybody. "Bad boy" is just one example of a "type" that some women find attractive. There are many others.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2014
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
The great Burroughs said this:
burroughs was never great.

PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Lol at these elderly faggots who...
Try to misunderstand why biyaches love bad boys...they just do...most normal loser dudes can never get women will date normal dudes for money and a large house but hot women will only drink cvm and do anal for bad boys...that's something the normal faggots will never get ..the difference between beta provider and really getting a girl wet enough to fvck you in a McDonald's restroom...

Its a bit overstated but the point is well many ppl not realizing how ridiculous the gap can be
burroughs is full of sh@t man. normal dudes shoot their c@m on the chick's faces. give it to em up the @ss. the chicks swallow their cvm n have public sex. most dudes r normal dudes. these afc's like burroughs/poon king think only "bad boys" r havin chicks do sh@t sexually for them. the biggest beta can get sum broad to do this sh@t for em. it aint that hard to do. sh@t comments like that makes me laugh. :crackup:

Peña said:
The answer to your game is beta bucks game.
yeah man the dude is a beta. hes callin other dudes betas but hes out buyin broads free drinks at bars tryin to get laid. same as every other afc chump out there n hes callin dudes betas when hes one himself.

zekko said:
What complete and utter nonsense.

I have money and a large house. I don't consider myself a bad boy (I would consider that beneath me). Yet hot women have swallowed my cvm (I have no interest in anal). I guess that shows Burroughs doesn't have a frigging clue as to what he is talking about, doesn't it?

This manosphere worship of bad boys is nothing short of pathetic. Grow the fvck up, everybody. "Bad boy" is just one example of a "type" that some women find attractive. There are many others.
zekko is rite bout wut he said. manosphere thinks only "bad boys" is doin sh@t with chicks. those dudes dont no sh@t n aint gettin sh@t from chicks.
if they did they wouldnt b talkin outta their @sses.

zekko said he had chicks swallow his cvm n chicks aint usin him for his large house like these clowns r talkin bout. guys like burroughs, playher man, poon king, pairplusroyalflush dont no wut the fu@k they talkin bout. they think only a bad boy can get a chick wet n do sexual sh@t with em n regular dudes can't. makes me laugh at their ignorance. dudes try to act like a bad boys online but r afcs in real life.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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zekko said:
What complete and utter nonsense.

I have money and a large house. I don't consider myself a bad boy (I would consider that beneath me). Yet hot women have swallowed my cvm (I have no interest in anal). I guess that shows Burroughs doesn't have a frigging clue as to what he is talking about, doesn't it?

This manosphere worship of bad boys is nothing short of pathetic. Grow the fvck up, everybody. "Bad boy" is just one example of a "type" that some women find attractive. There are many others.
Not really. Burroughs is 100% right.

Its like saying "Good looking" is just a "type" that some MEN find attractive. There are many others. NOT REALLY.

Men like hot women. Women like bad boys. End of story.

Women date beta losers once they're done riding the bad boy c0ck carousel and they start looking for stability. Its not because they suddenly get wet for co-dependent, timid, emotional, beta b!tch punks with money. It just becomes the most practical option for a woman who wants a family.

Just like how once a man realizes he will never attract a model, he goes for a "cute girl" instead. Doesn't mean he isn't more attracted to the model. Its about what he can GET and KEEP. Not about what makes him most hard.

Women are the same. The beta loser faggot is the only man dumb enough to commit to most of these chicken heads running around today. That is why she gets married to this idiot. Not because he is "sexy".

Wake up. :crackup:


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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Poon King said:
Not really. Burroughs is 100% right.

Its like saying "Good looking" is just a "type" that some MEN find attractive. There are many others. NOT REALLY.

Men like hot women. Women like bad boys. End of story.

Women date beta losers once they're done riding the bad boy c0ck carousel and they start looking for stability. Its not because they suddenly get wet for co-dependent, timid, emotional, beta b!tch punks with money. It just becomes the most practical option for a woman who wants a family.

Just like how once a man realizes he will never attract a model, he goes for a "cute girl" instead. Doesn't mean he isn't more attracted to the model. Its about what he can GET and KEEP. Not about what makes him most hard.

Women are the same. The beta loser faggot is the only man dumb enough to commit to most of these chicken heads running around today. That is why she gets married to this idiot. Not because he is "sexy".

Wake up. :crackup:

More KJ nonsense coming from you. According to you, all women are riding the bad boy c0ck carousel waiting to settle down with a beta loser. First off, most women are repulsive who wouldn't get a second look from a bad boy. Second, the hottest women are in relationships with good looking men. Trashy women you find in bars are fvcking bad boys and some betas later on might take her on as a wife. Your KJ posts are all the same. Strong with KJ generalization and light on real substance.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Oops, looks like I irritated one of Burroughs' alter egos, lol.

Octogonal said:
More KJ nonsense coming from you. According to you, all women are riding the bad boy c0ck carousel waiting to settle down with a beta loser.
The c0ck carousel is another thing that PUAs exaggerate. According to their myth, women fvck alphas until they turn 30, then they settle for a beta and get married. Problem is, there isn't a state in the union where the median age of a female's first marriage is 30 or above. If you live in Idaho, it's 23.5. This is demonstrably false, and a lot depends on where you live.

To maintain that ALL women ONLY get hot for bad boys is so ridiculous it's asinine. It really makes me wonder where some of the guys here get their women - in slums and trailer parks? Get out and around a bit, there are many types of men that can turn women on. As I've said before, I've never lost a woman to a bad boy type. I've lost women to the artist type and cowboy type though. I would consider any "bad boy" beneath me.

The ONLY way you can say that all women only get hot for bad boys is if you say that there is a little bad boy in EVERY male - which is true, since no man is an angel. But that dilutes the term down to the point where it is meaningless. I would also bet that there are nearly as many definitions for "bad boy" here as there are posters.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2012
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I think most girls just want it easy and comfortable, and just date whoever "clicks" with their current lifestyle and social circle.

Im sure there are plently of girls out there tempted to cheat on their "badboy" soldier with a beta when hes deployed for a tour. Theres also plenty of girls who settle down with "funny guys" as they provide a positive family environment. Then there are plenty of girls who are bored of their beta high school forever boyfriend and want to go wild and express themselves with a badboy or jock in college.

Badboys do have a good cluster of typical masculine traits that will serve them well but I dont think thats enough for a women to turn her world upside down just to be with one. Look at how many people you know who date within their social circle, work or their neighbors and you will have your answer to this thread.

Personally I always strive to be a bad boy and was a handful in school... but I do this for myself, I dont do it to get more women. Thats real indifference. Most of the time I dont even notice the girl is there because its not really that important to your life.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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zekko said:
Oops, looks like I irritated one of Burroughs' alter egos, lol.

The c0ck carousel is another thing that PUAs exaggerate. According to their myth, women fvck alphas until they turn 30, then they settle for a beta and get married. Problem is, there isn't a state in the union where the median age of a female's first marriage is 30 or above. If you live in Idaho, it's 23.5. This is demonstrably false, and a lot depends on where you live.
It's all b.s. These KJ's read that stuff and type it's happening out in the real world. You're exactly right, some women marry right out of high school and college in certain states. Others are in relationships before they get married. All women aren't getting railed by bad boys until they're 30. Some women do that, these KJ's though will say all women are doing it.

zekko said:
To maintain that ALL women ONLY get hot for bad boys is so ridiculous it's asinine. It really makes me wonder where some of the guys here get their women - in slums and trailer parks? Get out and around a bit, there are many types of men that can turn women on. As I've said before, I've never lost a woman to a bad boy type. I've lost women to the artist type and cowboy type though. I would consider any "bad boy" beneath me.
The KJ's typing that nonsense aren't getting any women at all. That's why they don't know anything about women, but come on sites pretending they do. Ugly, fat, dorky looking women will never get a bad boy or an attractive dude to even look at them. These KJ's think all those women are banging tons of bad boys? Our country and the world is getting fatter, especially women. Women from rich and upscale neighborhoods aren't associating with low class bad boys. Women are attracted to different types of guys and those guys turn them on.The biggest beta in the world can even turn a woman on. Women might dream about having a ONS with Brad Pitt but that's as far as it goes.

zekko said:
The ONLY way you can say that all women only get hot for bad boys is if you say that there is a little bad boy in EVERY male - which is true, since no man is an angel. But that dilutes the term down to the point where it is meaningless. I would also bet that there are nearly as many definitions for "bad boy" here as there are posters.
If you took a poll asking what the typical bad boy looked like you'd get plenty of different answers. Someone might say Fonzie from Happy Days. Women are with men similar in looks. Women with average and below average looks aren't having sex with bad boys in public toilets.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Octogonal said:
If you took a poll asking what the typical bad boy looked like you'd get plenty of different answers. Someone might say Fonzie from Happy Days. Women are with men similar in looks. Women with average and below average looks aren't having sex with bad boys in public toilets.
For the most part, when people think of "bad boys" or when they are portrayed in the media, they are almost inevitably Abercrombie model level looking dudes. They may be wearing a pair of jeans and a tight white t-shirt. Well, yeah, good looking dudes are going to get laid, bad boy or not.

You never hear about the ugly bad boys though, aside from the fat biker types. I guess they get their share of toothless molls.

Regarding ugly, fat women, no one really cares about them anyway, except maybe the fetishists.
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