Da fuq?


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2018
Reaction score
So everything is going good with this 21 yr old I’m seeing. We literally hooked up 6 of 7 days this week. She wants to make plans wensday to meet her parents.

Here’s where she messed up.

Weeks ago she asked me if I wanted to go on a triple date with her friends tonight. I said sure, today rolls around she tells me they can’t make it. Now a different girl friend of hers is coming to town and is sleeping over and being a b!tch about “being a third wheel” so I won’t see them tonight. Which is fine, I saw her enough but that all totally fvcked my night up.

Appropriate DJ response going forward into next week? Apparently she’s going to make it upto me tomorrow night, so I went ahead made real plans to be out of town that evening. I’m super iffy about confirming any plans with her after that.
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Knight of Roses

Senior Don Juan
Apr 17, 2018
Reaction score
Why? What’s the big deal? You’re reading too much into this. Unless she flakes, don’t worry about small crap. See her when you want to see her.


Master Don Juan
Feb 17, 2014
Reaction score
I never understood this attitude...

Sure I understand frame but it is not always war, a sign of disrespect, etc... She is not going to somehow suck all the alpha energy out of you....

**** happens... People have other lives apart from you. Deal


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Stop seeing her so often. Never had sex before or something that you are that desperate to see her every day?

Da fuq? Is right....

Da fuq are you giving this chick so much airtime immediately??
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Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Why? What’s the big deal? You’re reading too much into this. Unless she flakes, don’t worry about small crap.
THANK YOU. That's what I was thinking. Dude...it's not like it's the end of the world.

She asked you if you wanted to go on a triple date with her friends a few weeks ago.....
Something came up on her friend's part to where they can't make it for some reason.....
a different friend of hers shows up being a bítch.....

all that stuff happened because of OTHER PEOPLE.....but you want to know the "proper DJ response" in how to deal with her???

Yeah...the title of this thread is right on the money....you got that part right. Only it should be used towards yourself.

I mean damn....you said you hooked up with her 6 out of 7 nights....just THIS WEEK ALONE.
And you're freakin' out over something that OTHER PEOPLE caused that messed up your plans?

You even said that she was going to make it up to you tomorrow. So she's gonna make up for what other people did. Seems like a decent girl to me.....I'd hold off on the tricks and bullshít if I were you,and not try to "punish" her over her friends cancelling their plans and her other friend acting all b1tchy.

I personally see it as a blessing in disguise,6 out of 7 nights is a lot of time to be spending with someone. You need to put a little space between you two,give her a chance to miss and think about you,instead of you always being in her face.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2018
Reaction score
I personally see it as a blessing in disguise,6 out of 7 nights is a lot of time to be spending with someone. You need to put a little space between you two,give her a chance to miss and think about you,instead of you always being in her face.
Indeed. So. . . Going forward into next week. . . I’ll just wait for her to hit me up monday but when she wants to hangout tue. Wens. Thurs. it’s kind of hard to say no to puss, I don’t know I’d describe it as desperate more of a sex enthusiast

Feel like y’all jumped my **** which is fine. I’m fairly understanding.

Also just prior to this week she had been out of town, kind of the reason for that early week surge
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May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
I don’t know I’d describe it as desperate more of a sex enthusiast

That's my response to when people say I come across as desperate for sex. Such as driving 2 hours, paying a few hundred to have sex with a hot girl, etc.

It's not that. It's just that I only live once and why not have as many of these experiences as possible.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas

That's my response to when people say I come across as desperate for sex. Such as driving 2 hours, paying a few hundred to have sex with a hot girl, etc.

It's not that. It's just that I only live once and why not have as many of these experiences as possible.
Yeah....but your situation and the Op's situation are TOTALLY different.

He has a RELATIONSHIP with this girl. You have business-like/financial arrangements with women.

He actually has this girl's thoughts,feelings,and emotions to consider. You on the other hand....don't.

He has a RELATIONSHIP,where people talk,hang out,spend time together,go places,do things,meet each other's family and friends.

You go to SA,pick which girl you like,decide on a price and location,meet up,have sex,then she's on to the next customer....that's the end of the interaction. A relationship on the other hand,has to be maintained.

You say,"It's just that I only live once and why not have as many of these experiences as possible." That does make sense....but the thing about it is,sex in a relationship isn't an "experience". It's just a NORMAL part of dating. I can see sleeping with a prostitute as an "experience"....but not a girlfriend or a wife.

If you told someone you slept with a prostitute,they'd likely be shocked or surprised. If you told them you slept with a wife or girlfriend,they've be like,"Yeah....so?" That's cause it's not a big deal...it's normal. Nobody in a RELATIONSHIP says,"Well....you only live once...I better sleep with my wife/girlfriend as much as I can......have as many of these experiences as possible".

Us telling him not to see her so much is to help the relationship. Cause if the relationship is strong,there'll be more sex......but if he focuses on sex,and neglects the relationship,the relationship will start to crumble and the sex will dry up.

That's why we advised him not to see this chick everyday. Cause if you go into a relationship treating it like an "all you can f*ck" buffet,your lust for sex will RUIN IT.

May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
Yeah....but your situation and the Op's situation are TOTALLY different.

He has a RELATIONSHIP with this girl. You have business-like/financial arrangements with women.

He actually has this girl's thoughts,feelings,and emotions to consider. You on the other hand....don't.

He has a RELATIONSHIP,where people talk,hang out,spend time together,go places,do things,meet each other's family and friends.

You go to SA,pick which girl you like,decide on a price and location,meet up,have sex,then she's on to the next customer....that's the end of the interaction. A relationship on the other hand,has to be maintained.

You say,"It's just that I only live once and why not have as many of these experiences as possible." That does make sense....but the thing about it is,sex in a relationship isn't an "experience". It's just a NORMAL part of dating. I can see sleeping with a prostitute as an "experience"....but not a girlfriend or a wife.

If you told someone you slept with a prostitute,they'd likely be shocked or surprised. If you told them you slept with a wife or girlfriend,they've be like,"Yeah....so?" That's cause it's not a big deal...it's normal. Nobody in a RELATIONSHIP says,"Well....you only live once...I better sleep with my wife/girlfriend as much as I can......have as many of these experiences as possible".

Us telling him not to see her so much is to help the relationship. Cause if the relationship is strong,there'll be more sex......but if he focuses on sex,and neglects the relationship,the relationship will start to crumble and the sex will dry up.

That's why we advised him not to see this chick everyday. Cause if you go into a relationship treating it like an "all you can f*ck" buffet,your lust for sex will RUIN IT.

1. Have you ever been on SA? If not, how do you know what it's like? I would say most girls on that site have regular jobs and are not full-time escorts.

Do you really think that I'm the one getting played on that site? Or am I getting exactly what I want? Which is sex with HUNDREDS of hot girls. There's really no other way to do that other than paying for it.

Also, even a relationship is paying with your time, monogamy, and commitment. Not to mention sex that gets boring after like 1 week.

Plus, I've actually gotten it for free on several occasions from that site also, one of which I turned down cause I didn't like the girls personality.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
1. Have you ever been on SA?

No,I haven't. In fact,I wasn't even aware of it's existance until you became a member here and mentioned it various times in your posts.

If not, how do you know what it's like?
I don't.....I only know what it's like through your posts and what you've said of it. You've mentioned quite a few times about getting prostitutes from there.....so I assume it's women offering their "services" to men in exchange for cash.

Right? Or am I mistaken?

If so,I don't have an ego....you're more than welcome to correct me and tell me the site's true purpose.

I would say most girls on that site have regular jobs and are not full-time escorts.
Ok,....but THEY ARE escorts.....right? Part-time or full-time doesn't determine if they are or not....it's whether they give sex in exchange for cash.

I don't care if they are or not. I don't even care if guys go there or not...I don't give a damn....do as you please.

Do you really think that I'm the one getting played on that site?
No,but....umm....I thought this thread was about some dude upset cause his girl's friends cancelled a date they had planned and ruined his night?

I don't really see how you getting played or not on some "arrangement" site factors in to this....but ok...


Or am I getting exactly what I want? Which is sex with HUNDREDS of hot girls. There's really no other way to do that other than paying for it.
Hey....if you're happy,I'm happy......go for it dude. Sleep with all the hot girls you want...who's stoppin' you?

Also, even a relationship is paying with your time, monogamy, and commitment.
That's true.

Not to mention sex that gets boring after like 1 week.
Well....if you say so.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 1, 2017
Reaction score
So everything is going good with this 21 yr old I’m seeing. We literally hooked up 6 of 7 days this week. She wants to make plans wensday to meet her parents.

Here’s where she messed up.

Weeks ago she asked me if I wanted to go on a triple date with her friends tonight. I said sure, today rolls around she tells me they can’t make it. Now a different girl friend of hers is coming to town and is sleeping over and being a b!tch about “being a third wheel” so I won’t see them tonight. Which is fine, I saw her enough but that all totally fvcked my night up.

Appropriate DJ response going forward into next week? Apparently she’s going to make it upto me tomorrow night, so I went ahead made real plans to be out of town that evening. I’m super iffy about confirming any plans with her after that.
Just chill bro and act completely normal.

If your behavior changes due to her canceling plans it means you care too much and she'll pick up on this immediately and dump your a$$.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California
Try to only deal with people who don't bring problems to the table. Life's got too many problems already.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Here’s where she messed up.

Weeks ago she asked me if I wanted to go on a triple date with her friends tonight. I said sure, today rolls around she tells me they can’t make it. Now a different girl friend of hers is coming to town and is sleeping over and being a b!tch about “being a third wheel” so I won’t see them tonight. Which is fine, I saw her enough but that all totally fvcked my night up.

Appropriate DJ response going forward into next week?
Don’t like it that the plan was to have a triple date. When it didn’t fall thru, a new plan occurred the ‘day of.’ If the friends cancelled the triple date, she should have spent it with you, not entertain another friend.

I would probably ask her about it. She has to know she is not dealing with a sucker.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2018
Reaction score
Don’t like it that the plan was to have a triple date. When it didn’t fall thru, a new plan occurred the ‘day of.’ If the friends cancelled the triple date, she should have spent it with you, not entertain another friend.

I would probably ask her about it. She has to know she is not dealing with a sucker.
Yeah I’m pretty disappointed she didn’t stand up to her b!tch ass friend on my behalf instead of caving and being a beta female. That’s my drift.

I’d crush her if I asked her about it in an honest way cause that just wasn’t cool


Master Don Juan
Apr 12, 2018
Reaction score
This whole "make it up to you" is nonsense.
Women don't have honor like men do.
When plans aren't on your terms sh!t like this always happens.

If I was in your position, I would've texted that girl and said:
"Come on over to my place so we can play some naked Twister. Bring your friend along ;)"


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2016
Reaction score
DJ response is to not give a sh1t. You should have a life to live, who cares if she cancels? If my gf cancelled a plan I'd have so much sh1t to fill that time with it'd be awesome! I saw her three nights this week and it impacted my life quite a bit, think I'm going to dial back the time spent and focus more on quality time with her.