cow: Being Thin Didn't Make Me Happy, But Being "Fat" Does


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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You know, I get why people bust their ass to get a six pack, realize it's not worth it, and then give in and get fat. So long as she's not on welfare, or spitting out crack babies, who really cares.

What I DON'T really get is how people somehow turn her into some kind of frikking hero.

She's just one human out of several billion who made a rational choice based on her circumstances and her own subjective values.

She didn't cure cancer or find the missing neutrinos.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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taiyuu_otoko said:
You know, I get why people bust their ass to get a six pack, realize it's not worth it, and then give in and get fat. So long as she's not on welfare, or spitting out crack babies, who really cares.
Very much agree with you. I just don't understand why some people feel the need to try to get people to be like them. If you have issues with the way she looks, don't read her story. More importantly, don't go searching for one. As someone famously said "just do you".


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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From the second article:

A big belly and thick thighs can and DO get in the way during plain ol’ missionary
Nature is weeding out your genes. If you're having issues having sex, then nature is telling you NOT to reproduce. Regardless of whether your genes make you fat or your stupidity does, humankind doesn't need those genes passed down.


Don Juan
Aug 22, 2013
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It's one thing to not care about having a sixpack, but it's another entirely to not take any control or care over one's self - and then be expected to be looked up to because of it...


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
The article pissed me off.

Some thoughts:

1. She's not taking into the account of her own health and how her health affects others. Is she fine stuffing her face and clogging her arteries and dying of a sudden heart attack leaving all five kids to her husband to look after? Seems pretty selfish to me.

2. What kind of example is she setting for her kids? That eating pizza and cake every 3 days is totally fine as her kids get bullied and lose their self-esteem for being overweight?

3. She doesn't give a sh!t about her husband. At all. You think he's enjoying sleeping with someone obese? Probably not. A lot resentment is built, consciously and sub-consciously when someone lets themselves go. How would she feel if her husband decided to gain 65 lbs of fat? I'm sure she'd change her tune really quick if that happened.

4. This woman loved the attention that men gave her at grocery stores, dr. appointments, etc. Now it's not happening because she's fat and she's trying spin it that's she's happy anyways. Lies. This woman secretly hates herself, she's crazy to boot (did you catch the bipolar reference?) and she's trying to win over the herds of fat women who feel embarrassed by what has become of their physiques and who will back her on her poor decisions.

5. It's not that hard to eat healthy - and you can do it very cheaply. She's just lazy and not willing to tackle her issues head on.