Completed Week 3 of Boot Camp

Captain Ramen

Don Juan
Dec 13, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina
Don't Give Up

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

Teddy Roosevelt

Don't give up dude.


Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
dude...i don't think teddy roosevelt said that in regards to winning the approval of an american female. you have completely soiled some of the most inspirational words to be spoken by an american. might as well just burn a flag while you are at it.

why on earth do you guys try so hard to win their approval? would someone please tell me?

Captain Ramen

Don Juan
Dec 13, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina
I didn't quote that telling him to win the approval of anyone much less an american, or a female. I told him not to give up. If you scroll back he seems pretty low on himself(I think he edited it but it said something to the effect of I am going away for a long while). If it reads like that, that was not my intention but thanks for spewing the hate. If you have anything positive to tell him please do, cause I think he needs it. Otherwise keep on sipping your haterade and stewing in your own juices.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
So, I figured I'd pop in here and see how you're doing on the boot camp...

The point of at least the early Book Camp weeks seem to be to get over fear of approaching women, but I don't have too much fear of that.
The point of the bootcamp is to help you get a jumpstart on your dating life. If you're not afraid of approaching women - good! Don't let the rejection get to you. It's a part of life. There are billions of women out there. One of them is going to say yes sooner or later.

The bootcamp also isn't intended to help develope your game. It's to help motivate you and get your ass out in the real world doing the work. If you're getting tired of it already, this is only the beginning. Planning and executing dates actually involves more energy and time than going out and getting rejected. Once you've landed a date, you will be facing things like flakes, last minute cancellations, gold-diggers, women who are just plain boring, women with their ears glued to their cell phones, 5hit tests, and the list goes on. If you can't handle the rejection, how are you going to be able to handle the other situations that get thrown your way?

Many articles on here talk about watching for the "signs" that a woman is interested in you. I never get those signs.
The signs exist, but don't bother looking for them. Some women will display their interest more strongly than others. The "signs" are irrelevant when you're looking for a single woman. Regardless of the "signs", work on approaching and getting a phone number. You'll recognize the signs after you experience them for yourself.

If I press for a date for coffee or something they start hemming and hawing after I talk with them awhile, most say they have a boyfriend, some reluctantly give phone numbers but some have been fake and the rest never return phone calls.
This is the part of the "dating game" where you should have a routine you use for getting the phone number. It's one of the few things that I'd suggest anybody using a routine for. Mine usually goes along the lines of "Well, I gotta go, but I'd like to continue this conversation. Why don't you give me your number, and well continue it later?"

One thing that would help is if you write detailed interactions with your targets on here. This would help give us an idea of what you're actually doing out in the field, and we can help fine-tune your approaches. If you go into an obstacle course without knowing what to expect, you're going to stumble, trip, and fall all over the place. However, if someone gives you an idea how the obstacle course works and hints on passing the obstacles, you're going to be much better off.

some reluctantly give phone numbers but some have been fake and the rest never return phone calls.
This is all part of the dating world, and all of us have been through it. You'll have to get used to this. Also, don't wait for women to return your phone calls, as they rarely do. If you want to land a date, you'll have to do all the work. Some women will make your work easier, some won't. That's just the way things are. Get used to it.

I'm in better shape than 90% of all the men around me, I dress nice, smell nice, and don't come across as creepy or needy.
Looks don't count for 5hit, and I'm living proof of that. I'm in better shape now (in my LTR) than I was when I was single. Looking clean and well groomed won't improve things, but being untidy and smelly will hurt your success rate. By dressing nice and smelling good, you're just as good of a candidate as the other guys who dress nice and smell good.

The "creepy" and "needy" traits come off naturally through your body language. From your post, you're probably naturally giving the aura of being needy or unconfident. If you honestly didn't give a 5hit about rejection, you'd probably get a better response. The bootcamp helps null your neediness (or at least it should).

I can't even get dates from 300 pound women or women with missing teeth!
Women aren't genuinely aware that their physical appearance is the dealbreaker for men. Women are generally more interested in personality than looks, and they expect men to be the same way. That's why a woman's appearance is irrelevant to your success. Whether she's 110 pounds or 310 pounds, she's still going to sense that your needy and unconfident.

Problem is, I still don't know what I am doing wrong.
That's why you post your field reports here. Tell us EXACTLY what you're doing and what you're saying. We'll point out the flaws.

Why does this come so easy for other males?
Because they didn't give up when they were in the same situation as you. The old saying of "practice makes perfect" applies to dating women as well as playing an instrument or a sport.

I don't have any friends. And I don't like to go to bars. There is way too much competition there.
You don't need friends to date women. Social Proof will help you though. That's why bars are fantastic places to work on your game. Everyone's in the same place and sees what everyone else is doing. If you go to a bar and talk to EVERYONE there, you're going to get people's attention. Women like guys who are social, alpha, popular, and confident. A bar gives you a place, the people, and the opportunity to practice all of these traits.

The competition will give you a good learning experience and will help you measure how well you're doing. Trust me, when you get right down to it, there isn't all that much competition. All you have to do is be more interesting and confident than the AFC. Most guys are boring and don't have the balls to approach women. If you can conquer those two problems, you'll be way ahead of a good chunk of the competition.

Also, bars aren't just about drinking and dancing. Look around for a bar that suits what you enjoy. If you like playing pool, look for a bar with lots of pool tables. If you like sports, look for a sports bar. If you like music, look for a bar that has a lot of local bands playing. A bar doesn't even necessarily have to be about meeting women, it can be about going out to have a good time. You don't need to drink or have a gf to have fun!

Also, don't listen to Luke. He's just doing a study on the effects of dating sites on 30 year old virgins. I'd advise you to avoid dating sites, since they make you ignorant to what happens in the real world. You could meet a woman online, but once you get into the real world, you don't have a backspace key or a send button to delay you from making mistakes.


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2006
Reaction score
I don't think a guy should have to be approaching 100 women just to get 1 date. How many girls did you guys approach in high school before you got your first date? 10? Maybe 5? Maybe 2?

Not every woman likes guys who are social and popular. You'd think he would have scored with some woman by now who doesn't fit this mold. Believe it or not there are guys out there who are NOT confident, sociable and alpha who are getting sex. In fact, most people get sex at some time or other.

You are quite an anomaly, Invisible. You should consider writing a book.



Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
I agree with the poster who said friends are harder to get in your 30s, those that are quality people generally have their circle already and don't want any more friends. It's also true that alot of so-called friends are just with you when they want something - these are the people to avoid. Friendship should ALWAYS be a 2-way thing. By trying to MAKE these people your friends you're just wasting your time, believe me I've tried in the past. It actually has the reverse effect because they loose respect for you and just see you as someone they can use because they don't have to put any effort in. The same is true for quality women, Some/Most are just going out with you because they want a man to pay their way for them. That's the reason why people here go on about being the prize.

When you hit rock bottom you realise how many TRUE friends you have.

I'm not saying it's easy - infact it's the opposite. I've just moved to a new city and I'm going through this as well. But you can either stay at home and watch TV and get more and more depressed or get out there and try to meet new people. Just like women - you need to meet LOTS of people just to find a few decent ones.

As with everything in life - It's what you make of it. If you don't put in the effort you won't get anything in return.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
Your friends will change throughout your life.

The myth of the guy who meets his friends in university and hangs out with them until he's a senior is just that... a myth.

I'm 32 and don't hang around with ANYONE that I knew more than six or seven years ago. Mind you, pretty much everyone I know is twentysomething. The thirty+ year olds I know are boring as hell.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Realsmoothie - Just because it''s not the case for you doesn't mean it's not the case. It sounds like you are desparately holding on to your youth and that's probably the reason why - BTW I'm not slagging - I'm the same, why the **** would you want to grow up ;-)

But the truth is most "normal" people in their late tweenties start to get into LTRs or marriage and after that they have very little time for their "old" friends never mind about new ones. Therefore it's harder to meet people as you get older.

Another truism - As you get older you have less energy. You don't want to do as much stuff including hanging out with friends. You work, you come home and watch TV - Socializing can see like alot of effort for very little reward in the short term. I'm not saying it's a good thing - just a fact of life.