Community Field Reports: Mandatory to join


Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Had some fun with monopoly money today. I brought a couple grand of it with me to school today. Chatted up with quite a few HB6-8s. I used the monopoly money to "buy" various services from HBs. I got quite a few massages and other things from it, word of my new found richness spread quickly throughout the day and by 5th and 6th hour I had chicks coming up to me with offerings for the monopoly money. Durring 6th hour we went to the computer lab and I had a HB7.5 and a HB8 all over me for most the hour. Pretty good day IMO.

Looking for some opinions on the monopoly money, I'd never pay real money for a back massage or anything for that matter but last night inspiration hit me while going through the monopoly box and I figured I take it for a spin. Chicks seemed to really like the idea of trying to earn "money" from me. Downplaying their value and only giving them like 1 doller for a massage seemed to work good too.

Smooth Player 056

Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by AB500
Had some fun with monopoly money today. I brought a couple grand of it with me to school today. Chatted up with quite a few HB6-8s. I used the monopoly money to "buy" various services from HBs. I got quite a few massages and other things from it, word of my new found richness spread quickly throughout the day and by 5th and 6th hour I had chicks coming up to me with offerings for the monopoly money. Durring 6th hour we went to the computer lab and I had a HB7.5 and a HB8 all over me for most the hour. Pretty good day IMO.

Looking for some opinions on the monopoly money, I'd never pay real money for a back massage or anything for that matter but last night inspiration hit me while going through the monopoly box and I figured I take it for a spin. Chicks seemed to really like the idea of trying to earn "money" from me. Downplaying their value and only giving them like 1 doller for a massage seemed to work good too.
In theory this sounds like a great idea, but your only 14 so girls might not know what "routines" are and be more niave. Older girls will not fall for this type of stunt, unless you get some sort of rapport before hand. Also by doing this a lot I think a lot of girls will see right through it and know its a stunt.

Also I have a mini field report: Walking down the ave to the book store, I see this HB8, I give here EC until she FIRST looks away. I then approach her and ask her what kind of coffee she is drinking. and it happens to have lots of caffinee so i bust her on being so hyper b/c of the coffee.....Here is the funny part...I ask her for her number she doesnt have paper neither do i so she writes it on her coffee and gives me here whole coffee LOL.


Master Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Smooth Player 056

Also I have a mini field report: Walking down the ave to the book store, I see this HB8, I give here EC until she FIRST looks away. I then approach her and ask her what kind of coffee she is drinking. and it happens to have lots of caffinee so i bust her on being so hyper b/c of the coffee.....Here is the funny part...I ask her for her number she doesnt have paper neither do i so she writes it on her coffee and gives me here whole coffee LOL.
Hahaha, thats pretty good. No cell phone?


Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Hahaha, thats pretty good. No cell phone?
I use my cellphone to take down girls numbers, I'll usually just enter the number , press the talk button and end it before it can make the call. That way I saved the number quickly and can formally add it later.

Me Field Report:

Yesterday I went to a little bon fire type party one of my mates was throwing, out of the 7 girls there (there were 8 guys so it was a pretty even ratio) I got 3 of their numbers, 2 put their numbers in my phone for me and the other 2 weren't attractive enough for me to want their numbers. Made out with one of the girls (about a HB7) back in the woods when we *accidentally* got lost together. Overall a pretty good day, got to refine my use of c/f and kino a little bit and there was some good food.


New Member
Mar 15, 2005
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I'd like to tell this stuff that happened to me, but I wasn't sure if I should open a new thread, so here it goes, tell me if it's the right place :
Last friday I had my first class with a certain new teacher, and like 10 minutes into it I notice a hb7, hottest girl in the room, looking at me and smiling, almost laughing... I tought she was just laughing at something the theacher said, or was just being really friendly, so I smiled back... obviously.
Well, there and then I decided to go and talk to her after class. Later I noticed the theacher had prostetic hands, and she kept smiling for all that time, and I thought... damn, this b* is laughing at the poor man, now I'm definately gonna talk to her. Class ends, she is waiting at the door !!! She says... yes, those are prostetic hands, and he has a glass eye too. I was like... yeah, I noticed, small talk for a couple minutes, after all she wasn't poking fun at him, she just taught it was funny for other people... I guess... turns out she had class with him last year and really liked him... asked if I'd like her to bring some of his quizzes... That ended with her: I have this and that and that ( classes ) and me : do you have a name ? ( she was like... huh ? for 1/10 second and then said it smiling.
Today ( monday ) first class ends, she's like... are you coming too ? Yeah, sure, some talk about the teacher we just met etc... then I ask what was there to do in the breaks ( do you call intermissions that ?? ) and she was like... Well, I can introduce you to my friends... yeah, sure
I get there, hand shake a couple guys, a bunch of hb come along, she gets distracted, doesn't introduce anyone else I'm left in the midlle with the guys looking at a maxim mag and acting like they were 10. Crummy... cya later.After another class, as we are leaving for lunch I comment : nice glasses ( reading ) you got there... and she looks at me like : idiot... but says.. yeah, right. I say: no, really. Her: Of course they are ... or maybe not... she looks kinda pissed, too bad. Later we chat a bit more, and I'm just standing there with her friends ( all guys ) watching them talk. I noticed, none of them pays her much attention, but she kino's most of them like hell, not to mention constant smiling during classes.


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2005
Reaction score
Monterey Bay, CA is my cureent situation:

my group consists of about a good 15 or more people (guys and girls) I'm good friends with most of the guys and some of the girls. As of right now some of the girls are a little indifferent to me or they think i'm mean/****y w.e

Side Note: They think im mean because i kinda/sorta cheated on a girl in the group, Not really though...i was 'seeing' the girl in the group (girl A) and nothing had really happened yet, but i knew she really liked me. but i had gone out on a date with her once. a lot of holding hands, flirting, and kino...but we didnt kiss (lack of isolation; we went to the mall) anyways....the next week on monday i find out one of my friends from another school is playing @ the coffee shop. So everyone plans to go and stuff...well as it is going around school so people asked me about it and i end up inviting this cute senior (girl that i had knew from the year b4. well, she said she was busy, but she will see what she can do. i end up forgetting about the whole thing untill friday (the show) well girl A doesn't show up but Girl B does (note that EVERYONE from the group saw me with girl so i do the regular kino, flirting, holding hands, other stuff with her not even THINKING about what the group will say( becuase i could care less) she is really diggin it we go back to her car and we kiss....somebody from my group saw us...whoops...anyways, Girl A finds out because our group is like that...and she gets really pissy....i act really indifferent to the whole situation for a while...then i went AFC and explained what happened to girl A.....Whoops...she said that she doesn't know what to say...and she wants some time alone. i was indifferent.

back to recently...girl A and i are on talking terms again and i think she is starting to like me again. well girl B on the other hand is almost EXACTLY where i want her...last week we went to lunch once and did a little making out...(i hella do C&F allthe time) last weekend...friday i didnt do anything, but Saturday a lot of good stuff happened...first off the WHOLE entire group of friends (15+) goes to the coffee house and we hang out for a bit..some people leave after awhile but about 10ish people are still there..we walk to the nearby park and play basketball, chill, limbo, w.e......just having a great time. some more people leave and stuff but we go to the store and buy some crap and supplies for the 'Refuge' Refuge is a get-together of friends who all sit inthe park and listen to acoustic guitar and sing freestlye.(lots of fun). but on the way back from the store..i see Girl B's car parked by a house (was going to invite her to the refuge) i go over there and knock....nobody there..o well....well we leave to the refuge. have fun there. blah blah blah. well after that some people came over to my house and we did a little skinny-dipping (w00t!) with some girls from the group and a couple guys (eww) anyways....after that experience everyone left...i get on the computer...and low and behold Girl B is on. So i talk to her for a while, and she says she is bored and wants something to do...well i convince her....wait no....DJs dont convince...she CAME over here because she couldn't keep her bloody hands off of me so she snuck out of her house @ 1 o' clock in the morning and drove over to my mom was home so i just told her to meet me at the local park...well i get over there...(after jumping out of my window, and going through several backyards) well what happened next is up to your imagination... monday rolls along and we skip lunch and come to my house because i told her she owed me a massage after what she made me go through on Sat. she accepts of course...because i am that DAMN SEXY. boy that lunch was fun...well she calls me and during this convo, i insulted her like 54525 times, hung up twice, and she called me back..well eventually she strips over the phone for me...and then i tell her that she is perverted because she is talking on the phone naked...HAHA

and then today...nothing in particular happened, except that Girl B my be in the Homecoming she smight ask me to be her escort...hmm...that will place me in a postion i dont want to be in. i'm really starting to flirt alot with Girl A again and i think i'm rekindling an old flame..(and just for reference..i like Girl A more than Girl

that's my current social situation, and its alos kinda like a field report...thats why i posted it here


Master Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Man I'm slacking guys. The frequency of reports has increased slightly and I have nothing to contribute. Don't worry, I'm on it.


Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
my computer is **** so I havent been able to post much lately. This week I've been approaching at least 1 new girl every day, sometimes two. I haven't been getting to many phone #s because I haven't really mastered the art of closing yet. I'll get involved in a flirtation and then the bell will wring or something that interrupts my flow and I'll end up saying "bye, nice to meet ya" and then end up w/no #. I have a problem w/not asking for it when I should. I hear a vocie telling me to do it, but I don't. I guess I just need to listen to my insticts more and just DO it. I've been concentrating on making more guy friends right now. Bros before hos. I have noticed a lot of guys here at my new school are absolute chumps. Even the football team has its fair share of AFC's. Theres a lot of dudes who either never talk to girls or be their "friends" in the hopes that the girl will end up ****ing them or something. I had one guy tell me that a girl told him I was being too "direct" about my intentions. I guess approaching, talking fluff, and getting a number is something weird here, I don't know. Anyways I haven't been here too long so maybe I'm wrong about this, but as a newbie DJ I feel a little lonely here. I'm starting to make friends w/some guys who are real macks (there are few here) so hopefully I'll have some good wingmen or better yet mentors who I can learn from.

And heres a story so this post isn't just BS about me. I tried one of Mr. Finger's lines the other day during lunch. i was wrapping it up and I spotted a super hottie HB9 chatting w/a friend. I saunter up to her side, touch her on the arm to get her attention, and say "Hi, I just wanted to talk to the prettiest girl in the room".
She smiles, and points to her friend and says I should talk to her. I was a little thrown off by that, but continued: "Yeah, well shes over there (points at hottie redhead at another table) but I'm too nervous to talk to her so I thought I'd practice on you first". Her face kind of falls, and she says "You're an *******" and walks off. Hey if she can't take a joke then **** her.


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
my story:

( ______ stands for my girlfriend)
*dont wanna use names =]*

as alot of you know the wonderful MYSPACE is how we met basicly. she sent me an invite to this local show (luckly =]) and i just got my license then so i was like since i have my licnse i should go out and do stuff so i was liek yeah ill go to the show and come to find out there was no show so i was like w/e and then i started talking to her online a little bit (aim) and we got to know eachother, she had a boyfriend, and i wasnt expecting to date her at the time. so the show the rescheduled and she wanted me to go and i was like no i barly know you (but i made the excuse of my mom said no or w/e) so she was like fine. and after that we just talked alooot over the internet and became good friends and we got along well, had alot of the same interests and the whole 9 yards. so i was like great i got a new friend! (i just lost a bunch of friends, by choice) she started calling me and at the time i wasnt interested in her at all because she had a boyfriend and she just didnt seem like she was my type. well time grew on and we started hanging out, like bowling, hangin at her place, movies, etc. i started to get feelings for her, like most guys get when they hang out with a girl on their own time long enough. and it was pretty obvious she had feelings for me too, but i wasnt 100% sure if she liked me or didnt because she still had a boyfriend and i just wasnt sure, i dont think anyone can be too sure about anything unless they hear it from the source. one day her bestfriend asks "do you like _____?" and i was said "what if i do" just to be ****y about it and shes said "just wondering" and obviously i knew ______ told her to ask so i kept thinkin she must like me. but i just kept our relationship friendly since she had a boyfriend. even though it was about 2 months that we knew eachother, we became really good friends, which can be good and in my case it was good. soon on i kept hearing from her that she is having problems with her boyfriend and all this drama with her and eventually they broke up. (no suprise there) and right before then i started to say to my self, i should go out and get another girl and stop wasting my time on her. but soon after they broke up she confessed she liked me on the internet i was like okay. well.... im sorry i told your bestfriend i liked you, but you just broke up with your boyfriend and its too early for you to be dating (seems wierd and it seemd wierd for me too i wanted to like her but my body/mind didnt want to like her in that way anymore) so we just stayed friends. so a few days later she wants me to go camping with her and her family and the best friend so i said ok, ive never gone camping with out my family so i was excited. and that camping trip changed me again. i started flirting with her like hitting her (nothing brutal but like little pushes and back hands, just friendly flirty stuff) and i called her lil names here and there and then after that camping trip i reallllly started to like her. but she didnt know. till i confessed a few days later and told her i did. so she knew i started liken her and we just started hanging out more and more and one night me and her 2 friends went bowling, i was like okay tonight is the night. but i didnt know how i was going to ask her out. so i was like if i get the chance ill ask and if not ill wait. because i wanted it to be unique and nothing lame like. out of the blue "will you go out with me" i dont roll that way. i like things to be remembered and cherished. so as we were bowling i was like wow im not going to have a chance. and her friend that was there ruined it even more because she kept saying ARE YOU GOING TO ASK HER OUT in whisper mode and i was like SHUT UP!!! and it was just stupid and she could totally tell. but i still went with it like she didnt. but as we were bowling she went up to bowl and before we were messing with eachothers names on the score board and i was like hmm i got an idea so while she was bowling i changed her name to WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME and she looked and her friends were like AWWW! and she was speachless and said yes. and we hugged and we finished up our game. and then we had to go. and its been over a month now and we are going strong and i love it. we go to differnt schools which is a good thing because we dont see eachother every frickin day but even if we did i couldnt get annoyed from her and same goes with me with her. but its still okay. we see eachother at least everyone other day and on the weekends. i think alot of it has to do with not so much physical attraction but with friendship, being good friends is a plus if you want to make it somewhere with a girl. shes my best friend. i wouldnt change it in any way. im still young and may not know whats right. but lets see who is right in the end :)

if it wasnt for you guys at don juan, i highly doubt i would have her right now, she took my shyness to REALLY SHY to not so much shy anymore. and alot of it came from you guys too. self confidence is key! but i can understand some of the things wont work with anyone, everything above is what worked for me with her. thats all i can say. good luck to you all!


Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys, I'm just posting my intent to start the DJ boot camp on Mon. If your interested in doing the BC w/me thats, fine, if not then I'm doing it anyways. I find that it helps to have a goal to shoot for and the boot camp seems perfect. I'll be merging week 1 & 2, so I'll work on the "hi's" and convos at the same time. Like I'll get E/C w/someone, say hi, then start the convo. I'm too impatient to wait a week to start the convos. I don't really have anything good to report this week: I was down w/a bad cold till Wed. and I'm still getting over it. Its kinda hard to talk to girls when you've got snot tobaganing out of your nose.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2005
Reaction score
i dont like stalkers
ive been hitting up this one girl for awhile now ive already got her # and stuff weve hung outr and stuff. then it droped off at the beginning of this year. so 3 weeks in i started talkign to her alot more but every time i talk to her i get the simple 1 word awnsers which i usualy reply w/ C&F il get a laugh but she just wont talk more. im thinking of just nexting her. but gonna keep tryin my luk awas wonderin if you guys got tipps on getting a girl to come out of her shell.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
Homecoming FR:

At the start things were going great, I was using PLENTY of kino. Great eye contact, good convo.

I'm not a great dancer (little experience) but I did suprisingly well. I just followed her movement (this was grinding dancing). * - got a question about the dancing after the rest. I was with her most of the time, talked to a few of my friends, some girls. Had to make a few calls. Then near the end she started to seem a bit drawn back. She said she was tired (this was at the end of homecoming anyways, but I had planned to party with her after). So she ended up going home...It was so odd, she was showing really great signs of interest then she just seemed not interested at all. Closed body language. Was it that I took my interest off her every once in a while to talk to friends? She did get up at pretty early in the morning according to her, and it was late at night.

Any input?

*As far as the dancing. If she puts her arms in the air, is this an open invite for some tit grabbing? How about running her hands over yours? Anyone have any body language tips that work with dancing?


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Sorry guys havn't had much time. I promise a post coming soon, possibly. Sosuave isn't really necessary for me anymore if anyone understands.

Mr. Debonaire

Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
in front of my computer
Originally posted by Void
Sorry guys havn't had much time. I promise a post coming soon, possibly. Sosuave isn't really necessary for me anymore if anyone understands.
yes, but if your a true gentlemen you come back to share with those less fortunate.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
lol I dont go to as I used to before.
Well I will share with the less fortunate then, because I owe from changing me from a 220 puonder fat ass to a 180 pounder that has a positive outlook on life even though people in life keep screwing you over. LoL
One day, I was kicking it with my friends at school. Since we are seniors, I finally struck it with being friends who are actually into girls. LOL some freinds are gay and have low self-esteem and aren't open into talking about girls. Well it was during lunch and I aproached about 5 women LOL. It was first time also. I found out a cool trick when sarging. Is that my friends always pick the girl that I talk to and I actually talk to them. But heres my problem. Is that when I have an intended target that I fancy, its like I freeze up, I start gloryfing on her looks. That is a killer for me. Well that one lunch period when I approached them I was like in a high, but I got blown off all 5 or 4 times. I blew myself off when I didint have any follow up game. Like when I aproached two girls in school,(during Luch) this is how the convo went:

Me: Hey, You want to ****?
Her: (Fuvcking fantastic the look on their faces they were surprised)

They actaully kept talking to me the 2 girls who I said Lets **** to. I managed to blow it off since I had no follow up game. LOL
Just because my friends told me to aproach them, I actually did it. The only enemy in the Don Juan arsenal is YOURSELF As many other famous philophsers like me have stated. Peace and Rejoice. Remember l


Don Juan
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
Just to let you all know, I am a sophmore in High School and am just really starting out with girls. I had been a shy kid most of my life and am now starting from the bottom and working up. I have really done good, I am not great at just right out asking for an IM or #, but have developed things to get it. Little things like making a list of friends phone numbers when the girl is around you with other people. I start out by asking some of the guys to right down there numbers and then asking her if she would like to add hers. Works everytime. I started out after a 5 on the scale 1 to 10, ten being best. Now I have gone after a 9. I have remember to keep contact up with the 5 just incase I don't get the nine, but I am going to keep trying. I will update again soon.


New Member
Oct 9, 2005
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hey guys i'm new. the names brandon. i'm 18, still in high school, and i've been working on "getting this part of my life handled" for about 2 years now.

i've spent a lot of time with this stuff inside of my head, reading articles and newsletters, e-books and dvd's. but i've only recently (within the past 2-3 months) started to actually get off my ass and try to do ****.

things i'm good at: body language, teasing about stuff, getting numbers (when i actually get off my ass and ask for them) holding back.anything to do with mindset and what you're SUPPOSED to be thinking, i've pretty much got down pact, but i just have a problem drawing that same mindset up when it comes time. i can tell you exactly what to do from outside the bubble, but when i'm in there, i have problems.

things i need work on: siezing opportunities, approaching MORE chicks, actually being indifferent and not trying to make her like me, judging body language, being funny and not just ****y,

anyways you guys seem like a pretty energetic group, and there's not a lot of studs around where i live, so i was hoping i could feed off of the knowledge you guys and hopefully help out some of you guys with my experiences.

anyways, i thought i'd submit a little report for anyone who'd like to analyze it and maybe help me out a bit:

first here's the people involved

SM- new girl, never saw the old me. into me, definately thinks i'm cute (i'm a pretty handsome guy by the way) she's puerto rican, and speaks pretty good english (just came her from puerto rico this summer) she's in my spanish class, so i tease her about showing off, talking too fast for everyone, and mock her sassy body language. not really that hot. she's like a 7, and i'm not really that interested. she may or may not have a boyfreind

R-has know me for 4 years, all of which i've had a crush on her for. she's seen me through all my phases. she started to warm up to me earlier this year, but lately has gotten cold ( i laid some pretty lame jokes on her.) sssmokin hot, at least a 9, kind of a badass chick. i tease her about being chubby (she's like 5'6 120) and trying to pick me up. has a short junior did an alright job of making her attracted to him for a little bit, but he's been slipping up lately and being a wussbag.

M-junior (the others are seniors) hasn't really known me at all up till now. i tease her and her freind, A, about matching clothes all the time. i call them frick and frack cuz they're always together in everything. i mimick and tease M's body language and stuff. she tries to act resistant sometimes, but she's always giggling around me. about an 8.5. great legs, fantastic ass, and the rest of her is alright. i don't think she really understands that she's hot.

SG-sort of a friend. she's known me for 4 years. she's had a boyfreind the whole time one guy for the first two years, another for the last two. freshman year never talked to her, just lusted over her. sophomore year i talked to her and make her laugh all the time, but no teasing. junior year i was a **** to her cuz i didn't understand that c&f means ****y AND funny. this year we're good. i do a pretty good job of teasing her since i know nothing is gonna happen. 9, perfect body, cute face, knows it, but is a real sweetheart.

ANYWAYS last night was my homecoming dance. i went with SM. we went to dinner beforehand with my buddy J and his date B. when SM and B wen to the bathroom together i teased them about being lesbians, which they played into. also teased SM about tryting to play footsie with me. i work at the restaurant so i surprised everybody with some nice free dessert. i messed with B alot too because her x-bf kept calling her thinking that she's "cheating" on him. we took some pictures outside before we left and i teased B and SM more about being lesbians because of the poses they were getting into. then when i took a picture with SM, i told her to stop using it as an excuse to grab my ass.

in the car she said her hands were cold, so i held them for a minute, and then let go. then i gave her my jacket to keep warm with and told her to be nice to it because i love that jacket (which i do)

she had some trouble getting started at the dance. it seemed like she just wanted to dance with B. that was alright cuz there was plenty of other girls to dance with. i didn't dance with R the whole night. i just didn't really get around to it, but i kinda wanted to. i did dance with SG a couple of times.

when they played "baby got back" i cut in on who she was dancing with said "my turn" put her back to me , spanked her and said "GET NASTY"... which she did. i had to have her for that dance cuz i'm an ass man and she has the greatest ass this world has ever seen.

after she finished burning a hole in my crotch with her ass grinding (she got low and even did the whole touch the floor with your hand thing) i danced a little with M for a little bit, and she surprised me, cuz she is kind of a shy girl, but she got movin. she kicked it into gear when i told her "c'mon i've been dancing with a puerto rican chick all night, your little white ass is gonna have to keep up the pace". telling chicks to "get nasty" and lemme see what they got and stuff like that really gets em moving.

another thing that gets a really good response is "bumping them" like when they're dancing sort of alone and so am i, when the snap or clap or whatever in the music, i bump her ass or hip with my hip just enough to throw her balance a tiny bit. they love this and just crack up. after this she'll usually get up on me and start grinding. and this seems kinda odd at first, but girls love it when you turn it around and start grinding your ass on them for a second, just in kind of a silly way for a second or two. it gives the idea that you're really comfortable and just want to have fun.

oh, and when a chick is grinding on you, i find it's good to put only one hand on her hip, and move back a little bit so that she has to back up into you to get contact. this sets up the whole "she's chasing me" frame right from the start.

i did end up dancing with SM a lot, and she really started to get into it, and grabbed my hands too, trying to get me to put both on her waist. like i said, lol, she REALLY started getting into it, so a few times i had to give her my thigh to grind on instead of my crotch. didn't wanna let her know that she was getting me excited. i danced with a couple of other girls, none of which i'm really interested in though. i had fun mixin it up, and figured i'd do good to show SM and anyone else that i'm not stuck on them by dancing with lotsa people.

i found that girls really like it when you do things in step with the music. spank her (but only like once during the night for each girl or else it's just weird) get into it and sing along, tell her to get lower, get nasty, challenge her and all that.

i did talk to one new girl L.C. one of my freinds brought her along as a date. i just asked her who she was with, where she was from, and what (her name is actually L.C.) stood for, and then teased her because she couldn't tell me what it meant. i saw her later at the after party

anyways SM got weird halfway through the dance. she took B's phone and just dissapeared somewhere. from that point on she was absolutely NO FUN. i don't know why she came to the after party. she didn't mingle at all, didn't respond much to anything i said, and just hung out with B in the bathroom or garage. ended up leaving with B after about a half hour.

by the way, i had some fun wit B in the car on the way to the after party. her loser ex kept calling her thinking she's going to bang some dude or whatever, so i took the phone, yelled "your girlfreind is getting banged by three dudes right now!" and stuff like that. she was holding a pepsi can between her thighs so i told him that she likes pepsi cans up insider her. she thought it was hilarious, so i stopped. she started encouraging it too much, like she wanted us to fight over her, so i didn't do it anymore.

i'm pretty much gonna cut SM because she was boring and rude. but after her impressive performance, i'm thinking M has a short future with me.

that's pretty much it from me today.

comments? questions? ideas on how to not be a weiner ever time i get around R?



Master Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
I'm back. After almost a month. I've been focusing more on God. Since we are all going to die someday, it's a good thing to consider. Aside from that, I did number close last night in the walmart parking lot on this HB8 marine chick. She was with her friend who was also HB8. Older chicks too. Not a bad night.


Don Juan
Oct 15, 2005
Reaction score
hey my name is john curently 17 and a juniour. freshman and sohpmore year was a bit shy had friends but never really went past friends. Until jr year when i just forced myself out there and started to force myself into the convorsations more and just got a lot more involed and girls started to get to know me more and they liked who i was. Now im starting to go out in groups. Im still a tad bit shy but im working on it and making big improvements. The thing that helped me the most was just to act confident and force myself into almost every conversation that i heard or i was in. It helped my speaking abilitie a lot.

I will keep you up to date on my experiances and my improvements and ways how i imrpoved


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by johnm420
hey my name is john curently 17 and a juniour. freshman and sohpmore year was a bit shy had friends but never really went past friends. Until jr year when i just forced myself out there and started to force myself into the convorsations more and just got a lot more involed and girls started to get to know me more and they liked who i was. Now im starting to go out in groups. Im still a tad bit shy but im working on it and making big improvements. The thing that helped me the most was just to act confident and force myself into almost every conversation that i heard or i was in. It helped my speaking abilitie a lot.

I will keep you up to date on my experiances and my improvements and ways how i imrpoved
yo thats cool hope to hear from ya...

I gotta do homework but heres a little tip for the ones who worry about what to do...

If you're going to regret not doing something later, then do it.

For example: At homecoming I give this girl a big hug then asked her if she wanted to ask her to dance. Because, before I had asked her to homecoming but she already had a date. She says "Sure, but I gotta find __whoever__first. come get me when a good song comes on." (haha some crap song was on but i didnt notice.)
So she comes back she hugs me and walks by...Basically I got screwed over. But no regrets gus.

If you're thinking about doing something, and in your mind it seems right, do it.

For Example: This girl has a boyfriend but I don't really give. So I put my arm around her lay down with her, good things will be happening when they break up...

By the way I went through a shyt homecoming and I'm still trying to get over it. Gotta roll on...
