Community Field Reports: Mandatory to join


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score

Well guys, sorry for not posting for a bit. I've been living life. Not well though... I'll give you guys an update since last time....

The girl that I didn't makeout with at the end of us friends hanging out, I found out from her friend that she didn't like me. She was only hitting on me, and reciprocate me hitting on her because her FRIEND has a huge crush on me. She didn't want her friend to get close or anything. Supposedly she's interested in me off and on...****ing messed up I know. I used to have one-itis for her but not anymore! I've started to become completely apathetic. Her friend let's say...Sally came over with her friend to my friend Matt's house and somehow we ended up kissing. I put tongue in and she did too for a sec. But she kind of pulled back because she was nervous. She said she's never made out before and she's sorry. She said come over next weekend and she would like to makeout with me...
I don't even like her that much, she's okay i guess. but ahh...I don't know where my life is going. I feel like a 2nd class *******. I play too much Area-51 now (just got it), it's so amazing online...(I don't look nerdy, I just have a obsessive personality, I know it sucks) I feel like I settled for 2nd I have to deal with the jealous *****...ahhhh


Don Juan
May 19, 2005
Reaction score
N Zed
I'm new here. Thought I'd post my weekend.

Went to a party. Wore my best clothes, looked my best. Walked into the place later then everyone else and walked around like it was my party. All my mates came to says hello and such and it looked like I had the whole place in the palm of my hand.

Chatted to a few girls I knew before sitting down. My mates ex-girlfriend is talking to a guy next to me before coming over to me and saying "hey your the guy from <insert school here> ... I have seen you around your <insert name here>."

Well I talked for 30 seconds before she goes "and your hot."

So I took her by the hand and started getting much closer to her. She said hold on stay right here ...I told her I wanted a kiss before she left. Done. Throughout the night got a few hookups (weren't there for that long) and got her digits and left. Didn't bother me. Haven't sms'd her ..she has to me though. I wasn't really interested in her. She was my mates ex ...they had been together for ages. I have morals and I didn't want to annoy him. No one likes to see their ex hook up with their mate so I let it go. But she was hot. No sex for me :(.

Thats last weekend, will post again this weekend.
May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Nodferatu's Lair
My field report consists of drinking a lot cheap 100 proof vodka, puking all night and then to cure the terrible hangover, drink on a keg the next day until you fall asleep from exhaustion and dehydration, waking up and saying "its just like christmas!"....


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Dimebag_Darrell
My field report consists of drinking a lot cheap 100 proof vodka, puking all night and then to cure the terrible hangover, drink on a keg the next day until you fall asleep from exhaustion and dehydration, waking up and saying "its just like christmas!"....
Hahahahaha that was saturday for me


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Sorry for the length, but I can't eliminate too much.

Well Sunday and Monday I went to clubs that were on teen night since school is out, but I dont turn 18 until october and dont have the sources for a fake, so I just have to make due until then. I decided to hit the clubs up by myself one because I find it easeir to pick up chicks sometimes, and two because my only competent wings are either in a LTR or busy those nights.

Sunday: Club paris, the new night club co-owned by paris hilton, its new(3 or 4 months old). Very nice and clean looking, mix of hip hop/dance/top 40. But tonight it was all dancing hip hop, which is good means lots of grinding.

I arrived at about 6:50, hours are 6 to 11:30 (early even for a teen night to close) so it was real boring when I got there because not many people had showed up and the only people there were not very social as everyone was shy and tense. The only girls there were either too young at this point, or in sets of 4 that came with guys that were not b/fs but still definiately to hard to break apart the group. So I took a look around for in the future both for the 18+ nights and for the teen nights. CHilled on the side, got a drink and did just about nothing for an hour but scope out the door from a distance, observe the mood and attitude of the girls. At about 8 most of the people were showing up and about 15 minutes later is when it got packed. Then I see a HB 8.5, an unbelieveable body with a very good but not perfect face. She is with a 7 friend. The HB8.5 can dance very well though, much better than the 7.5.

Since I am sarging it, I check out the situation, mainly the girls are dancing together, as I watch 2 guys come up and just start grinding without even asking, she kind of moves away from one, grinds hard for about 20 seconds on one then gets rid of him, as he could not dance worth a crap. Then they sit down, 2 different sets of guys come up and approach her, as thye sat down next to me. They straight up rejected both, so I figured this may be tough to close.

Well they get back up to dance, as about 20 AFC's stand there and watch, and I casually and confidently get up, and I had made EC with them about a minutes earlier when they got up. I walk over to the 8.5, tap her on the shoulder and with a big grin just ask her if she wants to dance. She turns around immediately slams up against me and grinds like there is no tomorrow, while her friend has the most stupife. I am a good dancer but she was probably one of the best I have seen, and I was only half keeping up, and it was a fast song so it was tough. To the dismay of the 20 AFC's I made a smooth approach now for the close attempt. I ask her, her name as the song is comeing to a end, while we are still grinding.

John: So whats your name?
girl 1: My name is "girl 1"
John: Oh really, so where are you from
1: Blah
John: Blah, I see, so you go to Blah school
1: Yep, big smile
John: oh I go to blah, (they are kind of rival schools a little bit)
1: Oh cool (smile)
John: Well girl 1 I would talk to you more but you cant hear anywhere in here, maybe we could hang out though, I just need your number.
1: Sorry, I can't I have had a b/f for 2 years
John: (Little disapointed) Well Girl 1 you are being pretty naughty out here for having a b/f
1: laugh and smile.

I dont think I closed well at all, at least up to my standards, but I didnt want a LTR with her or anything, I just thought she was hot so it was my warmup of the night. Now the AFC's were watching the whole thing but couldnt hear it, so they still kind of put me on a pedestal for making an attempt, and there are plenty of AFC's in a group of mostly 17 y/o's.

I chilled out for about 10 minutes, then made another approach on a HB 7 maybe a year younger than me with a HB6 and 6.5 with her, who was in a group of 3, again about 20 AFC's watching formt he tables next to the dance floor. I just simply asked to dance with a big grin again. She smiled and turned and started grinding, but the song was a little too fast and she wasnt a very good dancer IMHO, but mr. happy still came out to play and since she was probly 15 or young 16 now that I think about it, I think it made her uncomfortbale. So as soon as the song ended she kind of hugged her friend a little and looked back at me. I exited the set with no discussion.

Now I went to take a break, but this time a HB 5 who just saw me dance came up to me and asked if I wanted to dance with her friend a HB 6, I said yes, we started grinding, the HB6 was cute, but a little chubby, but she knew how to work it, and mr. happy came back for another game of stick em up, and this time I think the girl liked it, at the end of the song she said she had to go in the back (where the couches were), I didnt feel like doing anything as she was only a 6 so I just said ok, c ya later.

Now I take a break for 5 minutes, smile back at the HB6 I just danced with. then go out on the dance floor and ask a HB 7 to dance, she declines, but she didnt dance with any guy the whole night that I could see, she was really shy and I later saw she couldnt dance very good. Then I ask a HB 7.5 with her HB 6.5 friend to dance and she said she was good, no thanks. Then about 3 other guys asked or just tried to jump in without asking, none of it working.

So I decided after 2 rejections to go to the bathroom clean up a bit get some cologne and a mint. Come back and I saw a 2 set of a a chubby HB 6 and her HB 8 friend with a killer body. I was about to approach when another guy that was an alright dancer not as good looking as me though starting grinding the HB 6 without asking, but she quickly obliged. Now I take my time as freinds will feel jealous so they will likely say yes in order to compete with their freinds. She kind of hessitantly says yes, but she was already hesitant after the guy unexpectedly jumped in.

It starts off slow, I get a good rythym, then song ends, most of the night people would switch dancing partners after each song, but she just started grinding a little harder. Now Mr. Happy was really ready, because she she had a killer body and we had good rythym. She feels is and looks back and smiles. Then she grinds a little harder, then dips and bends over and slams up against me and drags up, and I know she felt it then. Then we switch between grinding to more of a dry hump, all the while her freind is looking at us amazed while she is still dancing with the other guy. I move my hands form the side of her hips to the front, bascinally an inch from her crotch, and I tighten the grip, as she just keeps humping/grinding harder. I begin to really torque it here, and she seems to be loving it. WE did this whole thing for about 3 or 4 songs. I can hardly contain myself as my hands are virutally on her crotch and I have my head on her shoulder, and she is just working it. Then her friend is a **** block of the century, stops dancing with the guy and starts walking to get a drink and calls her friend over while we are doing this. The girl I am dancing with reluctantly goes over and says to me, oh sry I have to go with her. I am left there without a clue in a daze and stunned, look up to see about 10 AFC's just looking at me like they saw a ghost. I cant believe, the place closes in about 10 minutes, and I couldnt chase them so I waited 5 minutes but then couldnt find them. So I was so pissed. By far the best dance of the night.

Monday night I went to the Roxy on teen night (8-1:00). I showed up at 10:30. I walk in and not being a racist but this place is about 95% black/hispanic. I dont have a problem with them, but these are like gangsters, a horrible guy to girl ratio, and the girls were all really slutty looking, and the guys were smoking weed, cigarettes, and there was only 5 girls that caught my eye. One was only into latino/black guys as she basically grinded on about 15 guys consecutively, then literally in front of everyone got on the floop and dry humped a guy for 2 songs with people watching, until everyone was sure he must have came. Ok that girls too slutty for me. THe other 4 girls were in a group with 2 guys. I Watched to see if they were b/f's or friends, but they were friends with benefits it looked like. So I asked one to dance after a couple of songs, she politely said no thanks, sry. Better than the other 10-15 guys she turned her noise up at I guess.

Then I just went home early as this wasnt the place for me.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score

Around 7 I called that girl I mentioned in my earlier post. She didn't pick up. Later, me and a few guys went to our friend's girlfriend's dance party. Most of the girls there weren't great looking, but there were a few hot ones. Also, most of the ones that didn't have boyfriends I didn't know all that well. Therefore, I didn't much dancing. Now, I feel bad I didn't dance more, because my other friends were dancing with girls they didn't know very well either, but oh well. There were always a bunch of people on the side not dancing, generally cause of the heat in there, so it wasn't like I was off there by myself. However, after not dancing for most of the night, I went up to one of the hotter girls there (HB 8.75), that I know through my friends, and I asked her to dance. She was a real good dancer and we danced for several songs. She was getting into it too and was really rubbing her ass up against me. So other than dancing with that one girl I was being pretty AFC. Not gonna let that happen again.

Then at like 11:30, the girl I called calls me back. Nothing great, just some small talk. I don't think I'm gonna call her tomorrow though. I don't wanna seem too interested so I'm gonna either call her another time, or just wait until I see her in person in a couple weeks.
Last edited:


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2004
Reaction score
Well I had a fairly good day with one chick in particular. This iss the same chick I asked out twice and she said she didnt want to see anyone now cause she was too busy. We were in English class and were just talking about things, telling each other jokes etc, then she smelled me and told me I smelled great, then I leaned in to smell her and said "mmmm" and I was like yea what perfume is that? Then she told me, and I said you may want to get a new one ( said in a ****y/funny tone )


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Well i guess ill join in on the fun. Yesterday i hung out with this girl that i made out with a little while back. Back then she was saying things were awkward cause everyone wanted to know what was up with us. So i talked to her about it and everything is cool. We were out in the cold last night watching people crawl and she came to my arms for me to keep her warm. Later we went back to my house with some other people, talked and chilled. Being high and drunk didnt help much cause i just wanted to sleep so i did. We're suppose to hang out tonight so ill make another move and see where everything goes.


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
Guess I'm a little late to join but I'll still throw in my two cents...
It was the last day of school. Just got my yearbook from the upper school office. Went downstairs and I just got a bunch load of people to sign it. Mostly girls. The thing is I never really talked to these people and I didn't really know them. All I did was put my hand on their arm/lower back/ stomach, kino basically and just said something like "I know your not going to leave school today without sighning my yearbook." in a playful way. After that I said "alright (her name) give me some love for the last day of school" then gave her a hug (more kino...hehe) then went to the next girl. And to top it all off, I got 4-5 numbers from girls that I never really talked to except on that day.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
I'm liking it guys. You guys are really getting out there. Coolguy that was a pretty insane reply, nice. Unfortunately, I was grounded last weekend so I didn't do anything. Next weekend I'll have something for you guys. Bumpppppppppppp


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
i had a great day today.

It started off the morning in school (it's my last week) , me talking to this girl I talk to every day. I was just really creative with my jokes and everything. (no i dont remember the convo, i can't believe anyone ever does!)

Then on the bus in the afternoon I was just all over this girl, who's like a 9. I had the kino, like she said I think something about her being upset (kiddingly) and I put my arm around her. Also, when she was listening to her Ipod i would like put my hand on hers as we looked at it. and we were sitting in eachothers personal space, like i was touching her. A spider was close to her and she like flew onto my lap...haha. sorry I don't remember more.
We have an end of the year party this week so I'll post about that.
comon microphonefiend where's the post yo?
and other people stop being lazy and get out there!!

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
:whistle: er...sorry i had a mediocre nite, so i didnt post about it. I went out today and started sayin hi to people today, a la bootcamp, but nothnig really noteworthy


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
well yesterday i went to the mall with my wingman and decided to get at girls, we got at 3 girlz in a hour, when i approached the first girl hb8, i told her that she was hot and then she asked me if i knew how old she was, i said we'll you look 18, and then she told me she was 25 with 3 kids, really embarassed me. The second lady hb7 was at the food court, went up to her chatted and then when i asked how old she wouldn'tt tell me she would jsut say really old, once again i was embaressed, the third and final girl hb7 i met was real cool, i used all the skills i learned in the bible, when i asked for her number she told be quietly that she already had a bf :mad: , instead of lettin me walk away she wanted my cell and told me that she'll call me to go to a party over the weekendz. Do you guyz think she'll call?

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
props man. The girl might call, she may not, you did your thing and that's what's important. If she does call, maybe u shud make a move on her @ the party....fvck her bf. lol

As for the older women, if you want to get with em, u neeed to stop shooting yourself in the foot. Dont bring up age, just let the conversation flow. and when you do find out, dont act embarrased or suprised. Just be nonchalant and roll with the punches.

Anyways, fvck it, i aint comin back to the site til I get something in this thread worthy....



Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by So FLY
well yesterday i went to the mall with my wingman and decided to get at girls, we got at 3 girlz in a hour, when i approached the first girl hb8, i told her that she was hot and then she asked me if i knew how old she was, i said we'll you look 18, and then she told me she was 25 with 3 kids, really embarassed me. The second lady hb7 was at the food court, went up to her chatted and then when i asked how old she wouldn'tt tell me she would jsut say really old, once again i was embaressed, the third and final girl hb7 i met was real cool, i used all the skills i learned in the bible, when i asked for her number she told be quietly that she already had a bf :mad: , instead of lettin me walk away she wanted my cell and told me that she'll call me to go to a party over the weekendz. Do you guyz think she'll call? [/QUOTE

Props to you yo.
Microphone Fiend i'm waiting for your post!

Well nothing today, we had an end of the year party. And this one girl that has a HUGE crush on me who I don't think is attractive, I was suppose to ask to dance. But I really wanted to ask her friend to dance, but their best friends. So I didn't. Besides that I had fun, no real dancing with girls though.
Night kind of sucked. Sorry to bring the negativity to the thread.

I'll have something tommorow :)



Master Don Juan
Dec 18, 2001
Reaction score
A little something funny for all of you.

I'm not really considered a smooth operator by a lot of girls. I don't play the field, or do traditional things when hooking up with girls. I just do my own thing. As such, they think i'm not real experienced when it comes to getting numbers.

A female coworker of mine was with me on a school trip thing. We were at a large gathering with people from all over the state, and she was trying to make me look like an ass in front of everyone.

She told me she'd give me a dollar for every phone number I could get from a girl at this gathering.

I had the last laugh. In two hours I got 83 phone numbers, and we called each one so she could be sure I didn't make them up.

I guess I showed her what's up.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by UltimateScoundrel

I had the last laugh. In two hours I got 83 phone numbers, and we called each one so she could be sure I didn't make them up.

I guess I showed her what's up.
Nice man, damn thats a lot of numbers, you should start calling them up, if you can remember the cool/hot ones at all, even a few, if not, who knows might be interesting to just call them up for a date, you wont remember who it was, so it will be a surprise who will show up.