Cold Approach Theory


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
Northern California
As a black guy, it seems I have to make a really good first impression in order to get any form of women's attention. I strongly believe in the idea that its the second thing you say that keeps a women's attention, but in my case I think its both the first and second things that I say that will get them to notice me.

In cold approaching, it is extremely hard to see any form of success from younger women. They generally judge a book by its cover and are very shallow almost immediately. In order to have a bigger chance of landing a women you are interested in, you must become part of your their life in some form or way. IE: Share a class, meet through a friend of a friend, become coworkers, share a hobbyist group, etc. This way they have time to find out the real you without the feeling of being pressured into the dating scene. This seems to be mainly true for younger women ages 18-24.

Now before I go any further with this, I do want to say, I am a light skinned black guy. I am not racist in any way, except for silly jokes. I find racism unnecessary and unwarranted by many. I also don't have any hate or frustration based on these theories. I also do not live by these theories. I still cold approach the women I am attracted too. Be it white, yellow, brown, orange, or red. I am just explaining what I have noticed and how it pertains to cold approaching from my point of view.


Cold Approaches
These are funny. Cold approaching is viewed in so many different lights. I use to see these as my only way to get better with women. But I work in customer service and use my interactions with customers as a way of improvement.

As I stated in the beginning, my view on cold approaches have changed. They now hang as a shadowy figure in the back of my arsenal of DJ'ing. Why, you may ask. Let me tell you a little story.

Out of town we headed for our Coo Coo Monday adventure. Coo Coo Monday's is a inside joke I made up after an incident with an attractive women. Now my friends and I use the term, "Coo Coo" to describe HB's.

We headed to Concord for their larger than average mall, ready to cold approach our butt's off. My crew consisted of me, my bro, my "black" friend MC, and my "white" friend DoubleD (DD).

As we strolled through the fabulous mall looking for targets, my "white" friend DD noticed something... All the women smiled and stared at him (DD), but as soon as they looked at us, the "black" guys (Me, my bro, and MC), they shy away instantly and soon direct their attention somewhere that wasn't us. At first I thought DD was bluffing and fooling around. But that wasn't the case. It was true. I didn't let it get to me. So I shrugged it off and went about our business...

Weeks later, MC and I head out to the same mall for another Coo Coo Monday session. I noticed DD's truths again. What was going on?! I needed to find out more.

A month goes by and my brother discovers Chatroulette, a site that lets you video chat with anyone at random from around the world. You click next and a new person appears on the screen. It was fun messing around trying to get women to flash us, or make out with each other until...

DD, MC, my bro, and I are on C.R. and find some girls (they were white). "The black guys" (MC, bro, and I) rap for the women. They giggled and laughed and applauded us for our uniqueness and confidence. But they looked closer and noticed DD. They shouted in excitement to see him. They wanted to talk to him. He's not that attractive. Average, but he was "white." I was a little upset about this. Not at DD though. But at the overall situation.

Soon, MC, bro, and I were on C.R. alone. Just us three. Having fun and being silly. We wanted to get girls on the screen. Its just more fun that way. But they all kept skipping us. All bad. No one gave us a chance. DD's truth weren't becoming real, they were real.

I relayed my theories to my coworker, who is a women, about how being black has many disadvantages with women and cold approaches. She completely agreed. She said it had to do with her upbringing and what she viewed on television. MTV and VH1 had marinated in her brain. Thats all she knew. White men were the standard for sex symbols (my theory) based on the programming MTV and VH1 chose to air.

I thought on this for a while. I didn't let this get to me, but I was aware of it.

A few days later, the two "black" women come in and shop. They come up to the counter, and are ready to purchase. They were kinda cute, so I was trying to be a little flirtatious, but they weren't biting. As soon as I noticed their unsatisfied notions with my flirting, two thugged out, ghetto dress "ya dida's" come into the store...

""Ya didas" is a term derived form the slang term "Yah di-da mean". The original term comes from the phrase, "You know what I mean?" Basically say that phrase as fast as you can. It'll sound all mushed together. My friends and I use the term, "Ya di-das" as a term to describe dread headed fools that constantly use the term "Yah di-da mean.""

These guys said some random gibberish that I didn't understand. Then left immediately after stating their sentence. The cute "black" girls whispered to each other about how cute those two were. I was shocked. The women that stood before me didn't act like they would affiliate themselves with the "Ya di-das." But then again, I was judging a book by its cover.

So what I'm noticing is that I am too black for white women, but too light skinned for the black women.... I am just kidding about this part, but I found it quite amusing when I said it out loud.

Like I said earlier, this is my theory. Since I don't have proof that any of this is true, besides the experiences I have gone through, I don't let any of this limit me from my growth. I still approach like normal, or in my case, interact with customers like normal. Just want to give you guys a heads up on some new ideas.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2009
Reaction score
so what i'm understanding is that youre the black guy that tends to go for white women and occasionally go for black women. have you tried going for more black women? have you tried to go to different places without your white friend?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
Northern California
If you read the long version, I explain that I noticed this theory because my white friend pointed it out. Then I went out with just me and my other black friend, just us two. We noticed that what my white friend was saying was true.

If you read my disclaimer, I state that I go for any race, not just white or black. They are just the majority of my interactions, so I am using them as a basis for my theory.

Yes, I have tried going for more black women. I generally am not thug enough for them. But all these statements are generalizations. Each race and women is different. Just going off of majority of the interactions that I encounter.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
I want to first state for the record that I am a recovering AFC, so I am no expert, but I have noticed some things by observation.

I think first of all a lot of it has to do with how you carry yourself. Those thugish dudes carry themselves in a hyper-masculine way. I think you can either match them or surpass them by doing a lot of weightlifting (if you are not doing that already) and being that big "good" guy (like I have seen black guys come out of the military) if you know what I mean.

As far as young white women are concerned, what I have noticed that under 25 years old they usually don't go after black guys unless they are the thugish kind of chicks. Over 25 it comes down to money and status with white women/black men relationships. A pro NFL football player can probably pull a good looking white woman with little trouble. Asian and Hispanic are another story as you probably already know.

I believe that anything can be done, you just need to work for it.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Dude, being black is an advantage. You have nature game already. Put that sh*t to use! From what I've noticed, black men are smooth as hell in the conversation department. Other than a woman's preference, I don't think anything should hold you back. I've know white women who ONLY date black men. Consider it an advantage!


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Do you guys, by chance, look like a bunch of gangsta thugs? If so, dont complain about their responses to you.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
Northern California
Hahaha! I know I don't horaholic.

And I am not using this theory as an excuse to why my cold approaches suck. I just notice these thngs. I don't live by them.

I love seeing all these different views on this topic. It gives me new weapons to add to my arsenal. Keep your opinions coming.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
As a black male let me chime in here. I know what you are talking about when you are in a group and some girls look at the white guy. But, to be honest there are different kinds of white girls. Some are totally into black guys only, whereas others are totally into white guys. You can't be a nerdy black guy who is not dressing nicely or your boring. Step your wardrobe up and assert dominance. WHite girls neeeeed dominance in their life and absolutely hate a man that can not lead/put it down good.

Some girls will be all about black dudes while others lean toward whites. They are not into real thugs but just the feel of the bad boy. And when you're a bad boy who is black that means dressing street etc. to fake the image. Now you don't need to take that route, you can just be the black dude who is just like what's up? lets chill tonight. just raw straight up. If you're in a town where interracial is rare or there are not many black and white mixing of course the white guy will be liked, but just approach many women and some will be real down. I never date black women so I wont comment on that.

But my theory is that in the end end they all try black guys 1 time at least. The underground black/white scene is huge and I wont mention any webpages but lets just say there is a massive following for women to date black men etc. It gets a little overboard because husbands allow their wives to mess with black men while they watch! but i wont go off topic here. sooo keep on running that G and get that game Legendary