Chick was being cold, now I was creeping her out?


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score
ive made a thread bout this before so I'll post the stuff I posted in those threads.
so me and this girl were flirting before the summer. She said i have a big **** and she wants me to be her bf, bear in mind she never said this to me while we were alone, only when she was with her friends or with other people. And other than that, she didn't really speak to me.I stress,we never really spoke until she broke up with her bf. She then asks my mate to give her my number, then when i asked her she said her phone was broke. i thought this was fine.

in addtion she was also flirting with like 2 other guys. then my mate who shes also been flirting with tells me that shes asked him for sex. then i see shes also flirting with her ex that she broke with 2 months ago(they were going out for a year). Funny thing is, she mentions him and her bbm which means she has a fone now.

what i find weird is, she initiated it all. I never showed her any great interest then all of a sudden she starts saying hi to me, saying i have a big **** etc, asking my mate for my number.
so she asked for my number first a couple months ago through my best mate. I assumed he gave it to her. We flirted a bit etc and got paired as study buddies. I ask for her phone no. and she says its broke.Then after the summer i come back to school and she says she's been texting me but my fone wasn't working so i was using my mums and couldnt see the "texts"

so i say to her "i'll give u the number when its working again" she says ok.

then I say to her a week later "my phones working again, i can give u the number if you want?"

she replies "but we're not study buddies anymore?(laugh)"

wtf, After all this time and asking for my number first, she says that?

she's the most flakey girl i've ever seen. If feel like she wants me and doesn't at the same time
now i hear from my mate that im creeping her out cos I'm not putting the effort in? the ****? I was gonna give her my number but she didn't seem interested enough, now I'm a creep?


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
yes, ignore the attention whoore.

She says these things in front of others for the shock value.

My ex did the same thing and embarrased me in front of my family once.

Trashy behavior that isn't worth your time.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
second the AW claim - she is nuts


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
Motion passes.

You are now free of a trashy woman! Go celebrate.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
DON'T give her your number for ANY reason. Don't give her any more information about yourself and your life. You don't owe her sh&t. If she were online, we'd call her a troll.

Just ignore her. If you stay strong and ignore her for an extended amount of time, she'll give up and move on to her next victim.