Check out this vid of Tyler D, what a clown


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Holy sh!t this ginger is one weird mother f*cker!

And this is supposed to be a guy who lays beautiful women? Seriously?

see video link in response


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
He has a pretty aggressive style it seems, not something I entirely agree with or would do myself, but hey it works for him. Also, that girl in the video isn't even that hot, but it does appear she goes home with him as they both enter a taxi together.

To each their own I guess. This video can be summed up in three words. "Just let go." That's all it seems he's trying to convey here.



Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Hey if it works for him more power to him.

It DOESN'T work for me since when I "let go" people are alienated and avoid me. But I'm a misfit by nature...control works for me.

If this guy is promoting a mindset and has the video proof that it works pay attention.

oxford comma

Don Juan
May 7, 2011
Reaction score
i LOVE tyler and rsd. when i compare their stuff to this site its hilarious how far behind sosuave is. and he is aggressive in the video, but he is entirely calibrated to get away with it. he can be unaggressive and still get the girl, it just depends on the nature of the interaction.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
looks like an ugly, old looking small guy with high self confidence and aggressive verbiage....

would work well on hb 5.5 and below low self esteem chicks...there are lots of those.

no chance with hotter chicks...they would laugh at him and walk away....notice the muscle head dudes walking behind him...they have the hot girls :)....

this guy is just marketing himself to non-verbal loser dudes with graphic stories......don't believe the hype if you want attractive girls you need to be ugly dwarf spewing verbiage and 'gagnam style' will not cut it :crackup:

the dude julien has some intersting methods

oxford comma

Don Juan
May 7, 2011
Reaction score
Burroughs said:
looks like an ugly, old looking small guy with high self confidence and aggressive verbiage....

would work well on hb 5.5 and below low self esteem chicks...there are lots of those.

no chance with hotter chicks...they would laugh at him and walk away....notice the muscle head dudes walking behind him...they have the hot girls :)....

this guy is just marketing himself to non-verbal loser dudes with graphic stories......don't believe the hype if you want attractive girls you need to be ugly dwarf spewing verbiage and 'gagnam style' will not cut it :crackup:

the dude julien has some intersting methods
the fact that you are insulting the guys looks and how it relates to girls speaks volumes about you and your game. also, saying something works on some girls but not on others is ridiculous. girls are girls. quit ranking them in a way that makes them sound like they are different stages of a video game with increasing difficulty.


oxford comma said:
the fact that you are insulting the guys looks and how it relates to girls speaks volumes about you and your game. also, saying something works on some girls but not on others is ridiculous. girls are girls. quit ranking them in a way that makes them sound like they are different stages of a video game with increasing difficulty.
Most of his success is from women that are sub-par.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
oxford comma said:
the fact that you are insulting the guys looks and how it relates to girls speaks volumes about you and your game. also, saying something works on some girls but not on others is ridiculous. girls are girls. quit ranking them in a way that makes them sound like they are different stages of a video game with increasing difficulty.
LMAO. Those PUA dudes are complete weirdos. They put getting laid as their end all be all in life thus pedestalizing the sh1t out of chicks.

Friggin AMAZING. I know dudes who've never bothered with "PUA" yet somehow like some mystery of the universe that will never be solved wind up meeting chicks by acting normal all the time.

Those must be those "naturals" the PUA's love to talk about.

PUA "Gurus" Hahahahahaha!!


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
oxford comma said:
also, saying something works on some girls but not on others is ridiculous. girls are girls. quit ranking them in a way that makes them sound like they are different stages of a video game with increasing difficulty.
damn why so butthurt?

Maybe you should leave your mom's basement and get a clue :crackup: :crackup:


oxford comma said:
cool. and you know that, how?
Have we hurt your feelings? By the way, Santa Clause isn't real.

Notice his tone of voice while approaching compared to that when in front of the camera. It's the pinnacle of PUA gimmicks, he is not a natural. I have fast forward through his "FR" and most of them are sub-par.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
its funny how people on here that believe themselfs to be forum gods are so quick to rag on any pua , Ive seen a lot of his **** very helpful , and you can see pretty much all of his stuff with out paying a dime , so nothing lost

this is one video with one girl who is blurred out , ive seen alot of his field quests , ive also seen him in vids where he gets yelled at by some guys brother because the guys sister grabbed his junk in the night club

like him or hate him , him and his thing are all about self improvement , I dont see how you can hate on that and the "pedestal" talk , he calls it abundance , meaning having so many girls around that not a single one will be come to important

rsd is good ****

oxford comma

Don Juan
May 7, 2011
Reaction score
BeginningDJ said:
Have we hurt your feelings? By the way, Santa Clause isn't real.

Notice his tone of voice while approaching compared to that when in front of the camera. It's the pinnacle of PUA gimmicks, he is not a natural. I have fast forward through his "FR" and most of them are sub-par.

you didnt hurt my feelings at all. yes, tim allen is real. i used to think the same thing about rsd until i got into it. im honestly trying to help you guys because rsd is by far the best stuff online that i have seen. my voice tonality changes a lot throughout the day too. using "breaking rapport" voice tonality when interacting with women just displays dominance and higher value. also, he never says he was a natural. he had to go out 7 nights a week for many years to learn this stuff.

oxford comma

Don Juan
May 7, 2011
Reaction score
Naughty Ninja said:
LMAO. Those PUA dudes are complete weirdos. They put getting laid as their end all be all in life thus pedestalizing the sh1t out of chicks.

Friggin AMAZING. I know dudes who've never bothered with "PUA" yet somehow like some mystery of the universe that will never be solved wind up meeting chicks by acting normal all the time.

Those must be those "naturals" the PUA's love to talk about.

PUA "Gurus" Hahahahahaha!!
will someone please explain to me the difference between a pua and what this site teaches guys to be? im honestly baffled.
i know guys that have never heard of pua and get girls too. before i knew about this site and rsd i got girls. i dont really understand your point i guess.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
oxford comma said:
will someone please explain to me the difference between a pua and what this site teaches guys to be? im honestly baffled.
i know guys that have never heard of pua and get girls too. before i knew about this site and rsd i got girls. i dont really understand your point i guess.
dont bother , people on this site view everything other than this site as pua , even tho rsd has forums identical to this one with people giving the same advice ..

to people here its a diffrent world

its only the people who feel like they have all the answers that have a real problem with these guys tho


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
cablecow15 said:
dont bother , people on this site view everything other than this site as pua , even tho rsd has forums identical to this one with people giving the same advice ..

to people here its a diffrent world

its only the people who feel like they have all the answers that have a real problem with these guys tho
I have no problem with rsd - the field report section is decent, and the little videos are pretty good:D

oxford comma

Don Juan
May 7, 2011
Reaction score
cablecow15 said:
dont bother , people on this site view everything other than this site as pua , even tho rsd has forums identical to this one with people giving the same advice ..

to people here its a diffrent world

its only the people who feel like they have all the answers that have a real problem with these guys tho

yeah i agree. honestly, after finding rsd this site has become pretty useless. i just come here out of habit haha.


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2012
Reaction score
oxford comma said:
will someone please explain to me the difference between a pua and what this site teaches guys to be? im honestly baffled.
i know guys that have never heard of pua and get girls too. before i knew about this site and rsd i got girls. i dont really understand your point i guess.
Ninja wasn't really talking down to you. Like ninja said, the difference between a PUA and a guy that actually gets it is that a PUA makes getting laid their number 1 priority in life. If that doesn't sound pathetic to you, then I can't help you.

Eventually you'll realize that learning 'pua game' is a waste of time. These rsd guys have been doing it for 10 years. And what do they have to show for it? Not that much to be honest. They prey on the weak, especially Julien. He's a weirdo.

But it's really all your choice. If you're looking to pull one night stands, then I suppose PUA material can help. But you don't really need PUA game when it's last call and all you have to do is smile... But there's a reason why you never hear about a PUA locking down a high quality hotty for long term - because a PUA isn't an attractive long term option to these high status girls. You can't fake who you are long term which is why it's best to work on being as attractive as possible as well as getting out there and creating the life style you want, which should involve meeting both high quality men and women. Can't tell you how many times a high quality dude has hooked me up with hotties... But if you don't offer anything of value, then good luck ever keeping a high quality girl around.