Cheating on your Girlfriend - Tactics

Kupid Diggs

Don Juan
May 5, 2008
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LoL, steviecruiser you are a funny guy.

I can't even knock you for what you are doing. A lot of men do the same thing but don't want to admit it. One of the best seducers I personally know was a compulsive liar. (I'm not saying thats what you are or anything, but it does work)

One word of advice:

Technology can be your enemy. I don't know if you use facebook or myspace, but I personally know many men who get caught cheating through these social networks. So be careful in that aspect.

Also be careful about where you leave your phone lying around. Put a pass code on it...

Other than that, I have no advice. I probably need more advice from you. I've been trying this honesty stuff with females for about 1 and a 1/2 years now and the frequency I have sex has gone down. Go figure. I'm about to say forget being honest and just lie to these hos... Sell'em a dream...


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2009
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I feel so sad for those poor souls who live for "HOT WOMEN".... So pointless, so unaware... But if you are honest about it and this is your way to define the meaning of life, go for it... I am not judging that, no matter how ridiculous.

That being said, I feel even more sad for those who are engaged in LTRs, and recklessly trying to get "more and more" pvssy, making plans and devising strategies to achieve this...

Although I agree with the "gray" viewpoint in the sense that a cheating man should be evaluated in context, and it really is not the same for women to do the same thing, I can't imagine literally "living" for women.

Gentlemen, you are over 25 - and is that what you can only think about and imagine??! Faking hobbies, forging pseudo-intellectual images for pvssy?

These very same gentlemen, are constantly complaining and slamming women as gold diggers, shallow b!tches and yet I don't see that much of a difference in many of you... You are upgraded versions of AFCs, your only difference is that you have learned the manipulation and deception tactics from those "shallow b!tches" to get it back on them.

I have been fortunate enough to meet and mess around with many "devilish wh0res" who have touched my life in some many different ways you can't imagine, apart from giving head. I am not saying that I won't bang a stripper who came to my door looking for d!ck - but that's different than pathologically chasing them, spending resources (time, money, attention) to sleep with a low quality woman.

Anyway, get your shields up and don't let any of this touch your limp egos, learn photography to score chicks and pretend to be a "man" to plunder and steal... And yeah continue to believe that, we - the so-called moralists- never get laid, if that makes you comfortable.


Sep 3, 2008
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I just got done plowing a slvt I used to mess with a year ago. Its so funny I went through my numbers, texted her, met her for a drink and then went back to her place. I left right after and don't plan on calling her again unless i'm bored. I just wanted to prove to myself that I could do it and I can. You see a slvt like that gets treated as such, while tomorrow Im taking my girlfriend out for a nice dinner in the city.

Lioric take a chill pill my man.... Just cause you have love for hoes and we don't doesn't make us bad it just makes you naive. You know deep down one of the girls that have "touched your life" and you treated with respect is getting plowed by guys like me. But dont worry partner as she will call you to cry about me never calling her back and using her like the piece of fvck meat that she is lol!

Kupid > Absolutely 100& true. You always gotta make sure what you do aint publicized. Im more than happy to give u advice or anyone else that is really alpha about getting results. I want winners on my team.

Its all about seduction. Make them see their fantasy in you and capitalize while they do. Get that azz by any means necessary without physically forcing it. Mental Fvcking is the key to any woman's sweet pvssy


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2009
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steviecruiser said:
you treated with respect is getting plowed by guys like me. But dont worry partner as she will call you to cry about me never calling her back and using her like the piece of fvck meat that she is lol!
Plow'em if you can reach'em. You'd have to jump 10,000 feet to get them from where you stand. Being a 'PUA' and 'DJ' are two different things, maybe you'll figure someday. (oh BTW, don't forget to stop by frequently to look for a few 'cool' tricks and 'lies' in SS, you'll need those)



Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
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A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
For all the guys in this thread coming to the "aid" of women, did Florence Nightingale not even herself say:

"Women have no sympathy and my experience of women is almost as large as Europe".

A woman herself who is exposing the truth about her own gender. Do I really have to say anything else? A huge pat on the back goes out to this woman for this type of honesty.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
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steviecruiser said:
Slickster > Feel free to PM me if you want any advice on how to pick up women. All that pent up anger you are displaying towards me is clearly your own frustration with lack of success. Trust me Ive been there b4. I can probably give you a few tips that will get you your first kiss from a real woman.
Yes Steve, I was frustrated. Not by my lack of success with women. (I’m married by the way and she’s great!) I was offended by your post. You see I just lost a best friend recently. My Mom has cancer, and Dad’s health isn’t too great either. I apologize for my harsh words earlier but I did take a LOT of offence to what you said. Lying about your sick dying father so you can cheat on your “dream girl” GF just didn’t sit well with me on that day. Regardless, it is my bad. I shouldn’t be trying to impose my beliefs on you. Sorry.

All of your chest pounding and feather ruffling does little to impress. You remind me of the guy who has a complex because he’s a bit too short, realizes he’s going bald in the next few years, and has a tiny d!ck to boot. I bet you have a sweet car!

I’m sure you have had your share of women too. I bet that the majority of them were devilish wh0res. I bet they’ve lied, cheated, and proved a thousand times over that they deserved to be treated like sh!t. I can tell by your attitude. It reveals YOUR frustration with women!

If you really are “for real” and actually do live your life as you say, then I do not want your advice. Taking advice from you about women would make me feel like I was on some trashy talk show like Jerry Springer or Rikki Lake.

Do you have any good relationships with people? Are your friends for real? Really? Have you ever had a woman in your life that you viewed as a human being instead of just a wet hole? Let me guess. Way back when, you were in love but she lost interest and cheated on you. Your heart was broken and ever since then, you’ve been playin’ the game. Play or get played. How mature. I gotta admit, I bet you are good at it.

Sadly it’s plain to see that your immoral behaviour towards women and people just perpetuates more of the same in return. We all create our own realities. Good for you! Come find us in ten or fifteen years and let us all know how it worked out.

Seriously though Steve, I think you need to ask yourself if anything really good has ever happened in your life due to your little “play or be played” game? REALLY be truthful with yourself. If your only answer is that you stuck your d!ck into a couple warm wet holes then I’d say you truly are missing out on some great life!
Jul 2, 2009
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edger said:
For all the guys in this thread coming to the "aid" of women, did Florence Nightingale not even herself say:

"Women have no sympathy and my experience of women is almost as large as Europe".

A woman herself who is exposing the truth about her own gender. Do I really have to say anything else? A huge pat on the back goes out to this woman for this type of honesty.
Having trained hundreds of women in my personal training career, I agree!


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2009
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edger said:
For all the guys in this thread coming to the "aid" of women, did Florence Nightingale not even herself say:

"Women have no sympathy and my experience of women is almost as large as Europe".

A woman herself who is exposing the truth about her own gender. Do I really have to say anything else? A huge pat on the back goes out to this woman for this type of honesty.
I believe this uniaxial "bitterness" (reaching almost to levels of misogyny) has to be linked to a very, very dangerous woman that goes deep in your thinking.

Nobody is "aiding" women here (for first of all this is almost exclusively a men's club and there would be no point), and what you are continually failing to see is that the opposite camp's argument is not the complementary of what you say.

Everybody here has had low quality, sh!tty women at least once or twice, so the point is not about women being intrinsically good angels or anything similar. It's just that these clear-cut, sharp remarks are often wrong and if they are to be taken seriously, they have to be supplemented with vigorous examples, justifications and so on.

Edit:Florence Nightingale is not particularly known for her bewildering experiences on women psychology and sadly, she cannot be taken seriously anymore than I can with this remark.
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Sep 3, 2008
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Slickster said:
Yes Steve, I was frustrated. Not by my lack of success with women. (I’m married by the way and she’s great!) I was offended by your post. You see I just lost a best friend recently. My Mom has cancer, and Dad’s health isn’t too great either. I apologize for my harsh words earlier but I did take a LOT of offence to what you said. Lying about your sick dying father so you can cheat on your “dream girl” GF just didn’t sit well with me on that day. Regardless, it is my bad. I shouldn’t be trying to impose my beliefs on you. Sorry.

All of your chest pounding and feather ruffling does little to impress. You remind me of the guy who has a complex because he’s a bit too short, realizes he’s going bald in the next few years, and has a tiny d!ck to boot. I bet you have a sweet car!

I’m sure you have had your share of women too. I bet that the majority of them were devilish wh0res. I bet they’ve lied, cheated, and proved a thousand times over that they deserved to be treated like sh!t. I can tell by your attitude. It reveals YOUR frustration with women!

If you really are “for real” and actually do live your life as you say, then I do not want your advice. Taking advice from you about women would make me feel like I was on some trashy talk show like Jerry Springer or Rikki Lake.

Do you have any good relationships with people? Are your friends for real? Really? Have you ever had a woman in your life that you viewed as a human being instead of just a wet hole? Let me guess. Way back when, you were in love but she lost interest and cheated on you. Your heart was broken and ever since then, you’ve been playin’ the game. Play or get played. How mature. I gotta admit, I bet you are good at it.

Sadly it’s plain to see that your immoral behaviour towards women and people just perpetuates more of the same in return. We all create our own realities. Good for you! Come find us in ten or fifteen years and let us all know how it worked out.

Seriously though Steve, I think you need to ask yourself if anything really good has ever happened in your life due to your little “play or be played” game? REALLY be truthful with yourself. If your only answer is that you stuck your d!ck into a couple warm wet holes then I’d say you truly are missing out on some great life!

So you are married but you are still an avid poster on a seduction forum??? Does your wife know this? The only thing I'll agree with you on is that yeah its kind of low to lie about sick relatives so I'll try to change that up. But if it came down to saying that to get some definite booty then the ends justify the means in my opinion.

Your little theories about me are amusing to say the least. Like I said I was in your shoes a long time ago (A total AFC naive moron) so I really feel sympathy towards you as opposed to any anger. Not that I need to but just for grins and giggles I'll let you know that I'm tall, thick and I don't even have a car since I live in Manhattan. Its unnecesary, although I'm very financially stable being a Futures Trader. My company pays for my subway commute so a car is really unnecessary.. When I do settle down and live out in the burbs I'll get that fancy car. I'll still have a thick pecker too though ;)

As far as getting cheated on and having my heart broken I can certainly say thats never happend. But I understand you needing to tell yourself that. It makes you feel better or higher because it acts as the reason for my alpha behavior. Now let me tell you plain and simply why I have my attitude which I love and wouldn't trade for the world.

Woman want real men. They get wet when they around real men. You can do all your little flower sending and sweet romantic comments till you are jerking off in a nursing home. But what works for me is being bold, assertive, and going after what I want by any means necessary.

Are there women you don't have to lie to? Sure there are. I've bedded plenty of them. But Im the type of guy that sees an attractive woman and wants it. If I have to lie to get her in bed so be it. I love women and I love pvssy. I live for hot women too. Any1 that ridicules this type of thinking clearly envies it and doesn't have the success they want.

As I said PM me, I'd be more than happy to help you out Then again it might take you 15 years to get off your rationalization high horse and admit you are a miserable bastard. I say all this with love by the way.


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
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To the OP - you are free to do as you wish.

Just remember, karma's a b1tch.


Sep 3, 2008
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realsmoothie said:
Almost? This guy is misogyny personified.

*waits for guy to wiki "misogyny"*
Yeah I hate women.... thats why I ravage them and make them *** like crazy.... LMAO I'm almost going to start ignoring the haters... I still think its a little funny though.

I appreciate the posters who are with me and are sticking to the topic. I'll summarize all the tips shortly. I have to meet my gf for lunch now.

Kupid Diggs

Don Juan
May 5, 2008
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hey steviecruiser,

This has nothing to do with cheating... But how do I get money and material things out of girls I'm dating?


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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I'll let you know that I'm tall, thick and I don't even have a car since I live in Manhattan. Its unnecesary, although I'm very financially stable being a Futures Trader.
You live in Manhattan and you think you need to "commit" to a girlfriend for sex?? Good God, man. You have a lot to learn.

while tomorrow Im taking my girlfriend out for a nice dinner in the city.
Most guys around here know how to get a steady supply of a$$ without wasting time and money on this - especially in NYC.

By the way, have fun deluding yourself that your GF only gives it up for committed boyfriends. I'm sure she's a real angel when you're not looking.

I'm not going to attack you for playing the game the way you want to play it, but you sound pretty insecure in the way you brag and then attack other people. You also sound naive with the way you describe "some women" and their scruples about commitment, which is a load of BS. Take a look around these threads and you'll realize that any woman who claims she only has sex in a committed relationship is full of it and can still be seduced like the slvt that she is. That also means she can be seduced by another guy when you have your back turned, fella.

Now, if your goal is to have a quote-unquote girlfriend so you can have some dependable arm candy when you go out, and to play around in the meantime, I can't fault that, especially if your relationship is basically sex for nice dinners and gifts (and you can afford it). Otherwise, I still maintain my opinion that you'll save time, money, and energy by not wasting it on a girlfriend. But it's your life, have fun.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
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A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
samspade said:
Most guys around here know how to get a steady supply of a$$ without wasting time and money on this - especially in NYC.
Samspade, what types of women do you normally f*ck and go for? Are we talking the hot, mini-skirted with heels type chicks?


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
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A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
Lioric said:
I believe this uniaxial "bitterness" (reaching almost to levels of misogyny) has to be linked to a very, very dangerous woman that goes deep in your thinking.

No dude, try MOST of the women I've come across in my life. Is that enough for a case?

I'll be the first one to admit WITH NO SHAME that I despise the majority of hot women. Would I ever allude to it and let them know that? Hell no. That would be a dealbreaker right there. When I'm around them, I genuinely act like I love them, but really all I'm thinking to myself is "this b*tch is only good for one thing" and "I can't wait to spray c*m all over her hot body".:D

I got news for ya, WE ALL despise most attractive women. A lot of you don't wanna admit that, but deep down WE ALL despise them. Why? Because it is blatantly more than obvious that they are selfish, self-centered pieces of sh*t who aren't concerned about anybody else but themselves.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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edger said:
Samspade, what types of women do you normally f*ck and go for? Are we talking the hot, mini-skirted with heels type chicks?
I'll take hot any day, but I usually prefer less dolled up. Jeans and a tight t-shirt are fine by me as long as she's feminine. I hate the phrase "down to earth" when describing people but if you were to apply that cliche, that's what I prefer...think pub chicks. However, I must add that I like an ethnic mix, and a chick who is latin, black, or Asian is more likely to catch my eye.

That said, I think it's best not to rule anyone out. If she's hot, she's hot.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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edger said:
No dude, try MOST of the women I've come across in my life. Is that enough for a case?

I'll be the first one to admit WITH NO SHAME that I despise the majority of hot women. Would I ever allude to it and let them know that? Hell no. That would be a dealbreaker right there. When I'm around them, I genuinely act like I love them, but really all I'm thinking to myself is "this b*tch is only good for one thing" and "I can't wait to spray c*m all over her hot body".:D

I got news for ya, WE ALL despise most attractive women. A lot of you don't wanna admit that, but deep down WE ALL despise them. Why? Because it is blatantly more than obvious that they are selfish, self-centered pieces of sh*t who aren't concerned about anybody else but themselves.
Edger, it sounds like you're saying that deep down in every man's id is an ingrained hatred of and contempt for hot females.

While I'm sure we all have an ingrained desire to fcuk them like animals and cvm in their faces, I don't believe something like that is rooted in hatred, or even mild disliking. Conquest and gene-passing, sure, but not hatred.

Let me put it this way: Hot women will always get more attention, more gifts, more preferential treatment, and probably more sex (or at least opportunities for sex) than I. Some of them become selfish, some of them stay relatively level-headed. Hate them? I'm middle class; I don't hate rich people. I'm white; I don't hate blacks. I'm 5'9"; I don't hate tall people. My **** is as big as it's gonna get and I don't hate Ron Jeremy. And I'm a guy who has to use his wits and his charm to get hot poon, so I'm not going to waste my energy hating hot chicks.

And whether anyone agrees or not with the tactics of the OP, one thing is clear: He doesn't hate women, either. Sure, he's being duplicitous, but he doesn't sound like a man bent on revenge. He sounds like a man bent on getting plenty of action while he can, probably because he loves women.

One more thing, edger....if you are only acting like you love women (and I mean this with all due respect), that's probably a big part of why you aren't doing well with approaches. A DJ needs to be mysterious about many things, but when it comes to his love of enjoying females, he should wear it on his sleeve.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
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A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
samspade said:
Edger, it sounds like you're saying that deep down in every man's id is an ingrained hatred of and contempt for hot females.

While I'm sure we all have an ingrained desire to fcuk them like animals and cvm in their faces, I don't believe something like that is rooted in hatred, or even mild disliking. Conquest and gene-passing, sure, but not hatred.

Let me put it this way: Hot women will always get more attention, more gifts, more preferential treatment, and probably more sex (or at least opportunities for sex) than I. Some of them become selfish, some of them stay relatively level-headed. Hate them? I'm middle class; I don't hate rich people. I'm white; I don't hate blacks. I'm 5'9"; I don't hate tall people. My **** is as big as it's gonna get and I don't hate Ron Jeremy. And I'm a guy who has to use his wits and his charm to get hot poon, so I'm not going to waste my energy hating hot chicks.

And whether anyone agrees or not with the tactics of the OP, one thing is clear: He doesn't hate women, either. Sure, he's being duplicitous, but he doesn't sound like a man bent on revenge. He sounds like a man bent on getting plenty of action while he can, probably because he loves women.

One more thing, edger....if you are only acting like you love women (and I mean this with all due respect), that's probably a big part of why you aren't doing well with approaches. A DJ needs to be mysterious about many things, but when it comes to his love of enjoying females, he should wear it on his sleeve.
Come on man, you've been around a while. How you can respect and like any human being when they are selfish, self-centered, manipulative, lying, and don't care about the feelings of others? That's what it seems like you're expecting from me. It's funny how THEY'RE the ones at fault, yet I'm having fingers being pointed at me and being casted in a negative light, when I have done nothing wrong, when all I am doing is pointing out the fact that a lot of women are sh*tty people. Something's wrong with that picture. Perfect example of how guys will go against their own gender, and once again, aquit the female gender of their poor behavior. This is why we have problems dude and females are out of control, this is the reason boards like this exist.

I'm not saying I despise all women, no way, I'm just saying a good-portion of them. I find it funny that so many guys complain about the quality of women out there, yet when someone posts how they despise a good chunk of the female population, all of a sudden everyones attitude shifts and the guy is suddenly casted in a negative light as a "woman hating misogynist". You guys can cast me in a negative light all you want, I can seriously give 2 sh*ts, but I know what I know and see what I see, and nothing will ever change that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
samspade said:
One more thing, edger....if you are only acting like you love women (and I mean this with all due respect), that's probably a big part of why you aren't doing well with approaches.

It seems like you're digging, LOOKING, and trying to find a reason. I don't know any other way to get through to you guys anymore regarding my situation. Everything I say, you guys seem to discredit. Take it from the man himself, from the horses mouth itself, I don't wish to make things up: I'm playing my cards right. I'm very jovial, fun, and genuinely act like I like these females, smile on my face, the whole bit. I never get into any discussions about the battle of the sexes, I avoid these things like a plague. Tell me now, "It's oozing from my pores, I'm just not aware of it" bullsh*t.