can you be a drug addict and an Alpha Male at the same time?


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2011
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SecondHalf said:
An alpha in one tribe is a beta in another.
It's all relative.

Costa, what are your goals?
Do you think these friends will pose a risk to those goals?

The best advice I can give you is to focus now and benefit later. You can drift for years in a mediocre life before you wake up and strive to reach your full potential.

To a degree I understand the distraction from your goals to get a break, have some fun, but when a distraction is an escape from reality, an artificial glow, you can never look back and reflect on it as an accomplishment. Not like climbing a mountain etc. In all likelihood you will look back and wish you had that wasted time back.

thanks for your advice. I've thought about this as well, and i know who i spend my time with reflects who i am. i think what this group represents is where i'm at, and not where i want to be.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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backbreaker said:
I tried meth. just wasn't my thing. different strokes i suppose. not my type of high. it doesn't hit you like crack did.

People who have not ever smoked crack (which i presume is everyone in this thread expect me lol) cannot possibly fathom the potency and instant high of it. Makes weed look like NyQuill
Agreed. Nothing beats the crackle of a full bowl. Mmmmmmmm. You aint the only one.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
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A lot depends on the crowd; if drug use is Alpha or not. Or more pointedly, in some crowds women would readily reject you if they knew you used drugs, in other crowds, drug use is almost mandatory to get women.

I’m an artist and many of the people I work with professionally use drugs and alcohol on a regular basis – often as part of their work process. Socially, drug use is rampant. Although I've dabbled in many different drugs, it is only marijuana that I revisit from time to time with any regularity, here and there. Quite often when I run into people I know, marijuana is used as a friendship offering of sorts and is often used as an ice breaker.

Many times over I've gotten to know women when they or I offered to share a bowl, or a joint. It’s not much different, I suppose, than offering to buy a girl a drink, though I rarely drink. Also, marijuana has an aphrodisiac effect on many women.

My favorite scenario has been those times when I've run into a woman I knew, one I’d been flirting with and she told me she had a bud. So we ran off into the bushes, or wherever, smoked the bud that evolved into making out and beyond.

Oh, by the way, marijuana isn't really a drug but is illegal because some politicians decided to call it a drug. The way to legality has been to act like it’s a drug (medical marijuana) to soften people up to it so that it can legitimized, legalized and no longer seen as a drug.


New Member
Nov 21, 2013
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can you be a drug addict and an Alpha Male at the same time


I agree with what you said, he started out as a mercenary, but he ended up actually liking her, thats what made me so confused. At first you thought, what a cad, but as time went on, they seemed so right and happy, and they had fun, plus she was always smiling so I figured he just didnt believe he had enough money to elope with her, and that would have messed up her opinion, although I dont think she would have cared at that point.

Remember, she didnt push him out the door, thats why she never answered him when he finally came back, she knew he could con her again if she saw him face to face, so she didnt even talk to him, and when I saw the movie as a grown up, I realized that and how mortified she was when he never came for her that night. It was a terrible thing to do and thats when I realized what a sh he was.

The one that really confused me was her father. Knowing none of the young men wanted anything to do with her, and he would have to pay someone eventually to marry her, which would make anyone he chose an obvious cad interested only in her money; why didnt he just let this union happen, since at least she was happy?



Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2012
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Let's see.. My wife and I both smoke pot...err vape because it has no smell so we can do it in our bedroom after kids go to bed to wind down from the busy day. We occasionaly do x also, maybe 2 or 3 times a year if we don't got our kids for a night or 2 (which is really rare). We like to have shots of whiskey on the weekends too (mixing it with pop is crap, ruins it). We also play magic the gathering too. Everything in moderation. *shrugs*


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2013
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I have used a lot of beer, hashish, tobacco to decrease mental and emotional suffering and increase sense of fun now. It takes me down, it sucks a lot of energy and health and now I have two problems on my hand, suffering and addictions. The very best is to eat well (fresh fruit and vegetables and cooked feta/egg/fish/bird/cow) and only drink fresh water, exercise well and sunshine. Meditation and inquiry (Who am I?) to heal suffering and addictions, fall in love with your self, you are the love of your life, that is the highest happiness, an attractive woman would just be an extra bonus. If you take up drugs you will have to drop them later anyway to be the best you can be.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
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New York City
The question itself is irrelevant.

You can be a psychopath and still be an Alpha Male. Does that mean it's good?

Sure I've known drug addicts who can at least project being Alpha Males. Doesn't necessarily mean I would aspire to be one.

So I guess my question is why are you asking this question?