Can anyone help me handle a question I keep getting?


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2006
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So I was talking to a girl the other day and told her I was in school. When I told her my age, she wanted to know what kind of job I had before I went back to school. People - especially women - keep asking me this question. I HATE this question because it forces me to confess that I had a very low-status job that I am ashamed of. I won't say what kind of job it was, but it paid $10 an hour, so that should give you an idea. I did this job for years. Everyone I tell this to - including this girl - loses interest in talking to me any further. I don't know what to do about this. I already have so much baggage - virginity, never having had a girlfriend, my "living situation," being unaccomplished at my age - that I'm not sure I can ever get to live a normal life, make friends, get a good girlfriend, and so on. I don't know how to handle questions about the past job anymore. I feel like people look down on me. I wore a suit the other day for a special occasion and noticed how differently people treated me!
Mar 12, 2007
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Come on buddy everyone here should know the answer to this... you're an Ass Model.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
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A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
Stavrogin said:
So I was talking to a girl the other day and told her I was in school. When I told her my age, she wanted to know what kind of job I had before I went back to school. People - especially women - keep asking me this question. I HATE this question because it forces me to confess that I had a very low-status job that I am ashamed of. I won't say what kind of job it was, but it paid $10 an hour, so that should give you an idea. I did this job for years. Everyone I tell this to - including this girl - loses interest in talking to me any further. I don't know what to do about this. I already have so much baggage - virginity, never having had a girlfriend, my "living situation," being unaccomplished at my age - that I'm not sure I can ever get to live a normal life, make friends, get a good girlfriend, and so on. I don't know how to handle questions about the past job anymore. I feel like people look down on me. I wore a suit the other day for a special occasion and noticed how differently people treated me!
Never be ashamed of a job, be ashamed when you sit there on your lazy ass and DON'T WANNA WORK. Stop being insecure, and giving a f*ck what women think, or anyone else. Ask yourself who the f*ck are they that you have to impress them? They need to qualify themselves to YOU, remember that. Anyone who looks down on someone because of the type of work they do, or how much money they make, is an ignorant, close-minded, uneducated, blind fool who needs a good shot of wisdom. THOSE are people you look down on. Always be PROUD of what you do and act that way in front of women, act like you love your job, and they will dig you. Even the dating gurus say that. Uncondition yourself and get out of this materialistic, matrix thinking superficiality that has sadly infected many. Today's youth are being brought up thinking this is what life's all about, and you my friend are a statistic/victim of that.

Read this post I posted a long time ago to Squirrels:


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
When you get asked that question, "What did you do before you went to school?", tell them with a straight face what you did, and do it with a positive look on your face.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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Stavrogin said:
I HATE this question because it forces me to confess ...
confessions are for priests, Stravrogin.

Try this reframe on for size: They are not losing interest in you because of the job, they are losing interest your evaluation of yourself because of that job. (kind of like what edger said above).

Think of some GOOD things about that job you can be proud of. Like some cool experiences, etc. It's only low status if you think its low status. FVKK what other people think.

In psycho cybernetics (read it if you haven't), Maltz points out the fallacy of comparing yourself to others. There are so many frikking variables, it only makes sense to compare yourself to yourself. Like now your in school, before you weren't. Like that. And to reiterate, FVKK what other people think! (or just FVKK other people, if that suits your fancy..)



Don Juan
Jan 22, 2006
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When I worked, people at work would always tell me to go back to school. That means people did not respect me much THEN. I ran into someone from work the other day. She wanted to know if my grades were alright. I told her they were fine. (They are.) A few minutes later she said, "No, really, how are your grades?" In other words, she thinks someone like me should get bad grades. People like her thought I was a dingaling. Now, I'm trying to "change" that, but people who know I'm in school think I'm a dingaling because I USED TO have a crummy job.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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What did you do? Tell me and I might come with a good response.

And it is in the past...what matters is how you are IMPROVING with your career.

Cesare Cardinali

Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2002
Reaction score
The problem is not so much what you did, but that you seem very down on yourself and seem to have low self esteem. I think that working on that will solve that problem and many others. Going back to school, getting your life in order, etc. All good steps. You should check out some books on how to raise your self esteem and follow the suggestions.

By the way, I tell all women that I'm a garbage man. It's not true, but if you say things with a sly smile women love it. Ass model is another good one to use. And a good buddy of mine uses "I'm a disposable lighter repair man".

Good luck,

Cesare Cardinali