Big LTR Problem


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
So I've been in a relationship for about three months. Here's the thing, I'm falling for her. Its got the the point to where she's asked me if I loved her. I told her that i didn't know and that i was confused and all this is new to me. She told me she was confused too. The thing that bothers me that she is a big skeptic when it comes to love, she is always sayin how people are too young to be in love and all this stuff and my thing is "w/e happens, happens". Plus I want our relationship to flourish and that doesn't help. So like two days ago we were talking and i forgot what led to this, i asked her what was her issue with love and to answer me honestly and she says that she's scared to get hurt and that what was the point in falling in love if you know the relationship is going to end. I told her that i would never hurt her. Then she topped it off with a ''but we're too young to be in love" thing. That just burst my bubble on the whole thing, i admit i felt down. Then i asked her "what would you do if i did tell you that i loved you" and she told me that she would probably break up with me because it wasn't mutual. (i didn't see that one coming) I guess she saw some shock in my face because she told me kinda sad "well now you probably think i'll never fall in love with YOU". That gave me hope but it also made me really confused after all she had said. Then i just started bein C&F to lighten the mood and i left on a light note.:)

So my question is what is goin on, what is goin on in her head? Has this happened to any of you? What should i do because i dont want to next her?


Don Juan
May 6, 2005
Reaction score
she almost sounds like a man. with the little committment thing. I just think that she wants to keep the relationship light and not too intense. But usually the opposite happens. tough call here. it sounds like it could get confusing. remember your a man, keep it simple. if stuff gets too messed up just get out of there.