Bi Polar Disorder


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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Also- I went out with a chick Wednesday night and last night in a group setting, She is an NP that I dated several years ago for a few months, who came to my house the evening of the day my ex moved out, stayed the night and I didnt touch her. And she asked me to go for drinks but I told her that we could hang out in her group instead.

I went out on a direct date Friday night with a different chick. Within 5 minutes of picking her up, I wanted to take her right back to her car. Not that anything was wrong with her, but just because it was tough seeing someone besides my ex sitting there with me. And I ended the date really quick because of it.

I am going to take the next few weeks in the gym, working, getting my hunting property ready for bow season, etc. Not dating outside of seeing the Nurse Prac here and there and more than likely in a group setting. But I am careful to say much about my ex around her because she owns a mental health clinic lol, even though she knows I am sane.

So thats the plan. No reaching out, if for some reason my ex reaches out I have a decision to make. Even if I do respond back, I have to be really cautious and careful in how I do it. But if she can stay away for over a full week, chances are I might not hear back from her. At least not until she gets an apt and has time to process things.

Its interesting that she deleted snapchat (I was adding friends from my contacts and she appeared to no longer have an account) and she still looks at every story I post on Instagram. I removed her as a friend on facebook, removed her from snap and I dont follow her on Insta but she still follows me.
Never thought there would be a day in my life when I would be telling GG what to do.

Bro she is BIPOLAR... broken, dameged, mental health issues.
You can't fix these hoes.. Let her work her issues out on the street.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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I feel stupid. I spent the first week of the breakup sick to my stomach. She made me look stupid, but at the end of the day, this will eventually hit her and I will have gotten to a much better place when that happens.
This will pass. You will stop wondering how you affect her. It doesn't matter. She lost out on you, especially after what others told you.

Do move on. Truly. Don't take her back. If you take her back, it'll be easier for her to do it again.

You deserve better. Get a better woman.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2018
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Thanks for the update! But as you and everyone else probably see, it's a useless situation. Keep your mind and thoughts on her and she'll never let you live in peace because you'll always be wondering what her next move will be on you. And eventually she'll cheat on you as well and break you even further. This is what life looks like with a mentally damaged person. You're not supposed to change them. And if you still want to be with them through the turmoil, then you're doing it for your own selfish desires and you're just as much of the problem. Put an end to this and stick with it, no matter if she reaches out. The last 10 months were meaningless and she put on a facade for you until she couldn't any longer. To you, everything was perfect as can be but for her, everything was perfect until she grew tired of the the relationship. And she will always do that! It's a cycle. Her ex just wants to keep going through it. It's not other people manipulating the situation, it's her! This must be accepted eventually.


Apr 25, 2016
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Thanks for the update! But as you and everyone else probably see, it's a useless situation. Keep your mind and thoughts on her and she'll never let you live in peace because you'll always be wondering what her next move will be on you. And eventually she'll cheat on you as well and break you even further. This is what life looks like with a mentally damaged person. You're not supposed to change them. And if you still want to be with them through the turmoil, then you're doing it for your own selfish desires and you're just as much of the problem. Put an end to this and stick with it, no matter if she reaches out. The last 10 months were meaningless and she put on a facade for you until she couldn't any longer. To you, everything was perfect as can be but for her, everything was perfect until she grew tired of the the relationship. And she will always do that! It's a cycle. Her ex just wants to keep going through it. It's not other people manipulating the situation, it's her! This must be accepted eventually.
Spot on. This was a major lesson learned in life. And along with lessons that hurt the most, they stick with us.

I'm done with her and the situation. Its been emotionally taxing and I cant allow myself to go back to that situation, even in my thoughts. It might take a few more weeks to completely turn it off but I will get there.


Apr 25, 2016
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Never thought there would be a day in my life when I would be telling GG what to do.

Bro she is BIPOLAR... broken, dameged, mental health issues.
You can't fix these hoes.. Let her work her issues out on the street.
Well we live and learn brother. This was my first experience of more than just banging a chick that has a mental disorder.

I am going to start checking medicine cabinets of future chicks I go out with


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2018
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I must also add that this is why mentally damaged women are predators for both men who can't get women and for men who get too many women. For men who can't get women, the lovebombing can't be ignored and eventually when the damaged woman starts going though her mental rampage, months down the road, the men force themselves to go through the suffering to fight for the "love" that they received in the beginning, even though it's useless to. For men who get too many women, they become numb to the thought that all women are the same and they are never aware when they're brushing off one that would be good for the long term. Instead, the one that gives them the most mental stimulation in the beginning, aka mentally damaged women, make these men confuse this stimulation for love until eventually they don't realize what hit them and the women who made them feel like kings in the beginning, make them feel like utter garbage just as fast and without working for the relationship.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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I must also add that this is why mentally damaged women are predators for both men who can't get women and for men who get too many women. For men who can't get women, the lovebombing can't be ignored and eventually when the damaged woman starts going though her mental rampage, months down the road, the men force themselves to go through the suffering to fight for the "love" that they received in the beginning, even though it's useless to. For men who get too many women, they become numb to the thought that all women are the same and they are never aware when they're brushing off one that would be good for the long term. Instead, the one that gives them the most mental stimulation in the beginning, aka mentally damaged women, make these men confuse this stimulation for love until eventually they don't realize what hit them and the women who made them feel like kings in the beginning, make them feel like utter garbage just as fast and without working for the relationship.
Wow absolutely correct. And exactly how I felt with me 24 year old damaged Russian ex.

However I was smart enough to recognise that the way I was being treated, was not how a KING should be treated.

So I dumped her azz & kicked her out of my house.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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Spot on. This was a major lesson learned in life. And along with lessons that hurt the most, they stick with us.

I'm done with her and the situation. Its been emotionally taxing and I cant allow myself to go back to that situation, even in my thoughts. It might take a few more weeks to completely turn it off but I will get there.
Please watch this.



Never thought there would be a day in my life when I would be telling GG what to do.
Goes to show what real love can do to a man, any man, who prior to had all his sh*t together, knew exactly what to do, say, how to react and who gave great advice to his fellow brethren on how to avoid this type of bs and drama.

Love can make you forget everything you're learned like you're back at Square One when you were 16 freakin years old. BTDT myself.

This is real life heavy sh*t, NO ONE is immune from it. Not even hard core players and master seducers.

The only way back from this addiction is cold turkey. Block and delete. Allow her no access to you whatsoever. Eventually the sick feeling will pass, thoughts of her will diminish and you'll start to feel normal again. It takes time and perseverance.

Good luck man.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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Goes to show what real love can do to a man, any man, who prior to had all his sh*t together, knew exactly what to do, say, how to react and who gave great advice to his fellow brethren on how to avoid this type of bs and drama.

Love can make you forget everything you're learned like you're back at Square One when you were 16 freakin years old. BTDT myself.

This is real life heavy sh*t, NO ONE is immune from it. Not even hard core players and master seducers.

The only way back from this addiction is cold turkey. Block and delete. Allow her no access to you whatsoever. Eventually the sick feeling will pass, thoughts of HER will diminish and you'll start to feel normal again. It takes time and perseverance.

Good luck man.
Imagine yourself detoxing from heroin.

That's the approach you need to take. In time she will be a distant memory.

Remember Western chicks 90% are pump and dump only.