Between a rock and a hard place.

The Sun

New Member
Apr 12, 2011
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Hey guys, I'm in a pickle with one of my lifelong friends right now.
I'm going to do a lot of paraphrasing, but bear with me.

This all started last year after junior prom. My friend (Sean, pretty big afc, goes to a different school than me and our friends) had been talking with this girl for the past 2 months. Long story short, after prom, he kissed her (his first), but a few days later, he got friend zoned.

Now, the thing is, me, sean, and this girl (amy), are all in this small clique of 6 people. Some how, they manage to stay friends after some awkwardness.
However, I started noticing Sean changing. Long story short, he pretty much turned into a big douchebag. His disposition changed towards all of us. This continued through the summer. The issue at heart didn't get brought up until the first date dance of this year came up. He wanted to go with amy, as "friends", but obviously got rejected, which REALLY upset him. At this point, he's become much more hostile to every one of his friends, me included. It's worth mentioning that amy and i became good friends over the summer, but arn't really interested in each other. However, he thinks differently, and has been constantly berating me over her. As of around a few weeks ago, our friend group has pretty much started getting sick of him, leaving me in an awkward state, as I've known him longer for a lot longer then just high school, more so than the others.
As of last week, i was finally about getting to the point of just pretty much telling him to go f*** himself after i caught him looking through my phone at my conversations with amy. That was, until yesterday when he told me that he was going to see a doctor about depression, as his parents have noticed him not being himself the last 6 months. I told him I would talk to him about everything after he saw said doctor.

So. I'm kinda torn right now. As much as I want to tell him it's his own fault for destroying his own friendships with everyone and to finally get over amy, I'm worried about what the consequences on him would be.
A big problem of his is that he pretty much refuses to make more friends/find a different girl at his own school, and he feels left out when the rest of us go to our own school events.

The only reason i care about sean is because I've known him my whole life, and I know he can be a different person.

As bad as it sounds, I'm considering making a move on Amy. As much as this would piss off sean in the short run, I'm thinking that by showing that he will never be romantically involved with amy would finally give him the push to move on.

Some advice here would be greatly appreciated. Because I honestly don't have any idea what to do.

black jesus

Don Juan
Nov 25, 2011
Reaction score
wow damn thats a bigg problem!!! i honestly think u should tell him to move on and that amy isnt the only DAMN girl in the world!! take him to the mall and show him how much girls are out there while he's acting like a little bit*h


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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Don't get with the girl. He wont ever listen to anything you say if you do.

My first thought was to put the blueprint on a flashdrive and leave it in his room. Actually might work.

This isn't about the girl anymore though. He just needs to see WHAT he can do. He's confused about what to do and why. Maybe he read that he had to be an ******* to get the girl. Who knows?

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
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Maybe he will get medicated. Until then (and during then is he does) just chat to him about this stuff. "Mate, you've been acting like a c-u-n-t ai. You need to sort this **** out." or "There is other girls out there man." talks seem applicable but if he's got depression it seems to him like he is a victim of the world. Hard call, I'd go onto mental health forums and look at the depression section for an idea of what he is going through and how to be supportive to help him flourish.

The Sun

New Member
Apr 12, 2011
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NorwegianDJ said:
Don't get with the girl. He wont ever listen to anything you say if you do.

My first thought was to put the blueprint on a flashdrive and leave it in his room. Actually might work.

This isn't about the girl anymore though. He just needs to see WHAT he can do. He's confused about what to do and why. Maybe he read that he had to be an ******* to get the girl. Who knows?
Oh trust me. I have tried my damn best to get him to move on. Remember, this has been on going since last May. 7. F***ing. Months. I purposely held off of acting on my feelings the last month or so, including not asking Amy to the dance ( I went with her friend). I did everything short of threatening him to try to get him to come to a few big dances in the city to get him to have some actual fun, which he refused on account of having Amy and her friends potentially "judging" him. I'm just getting sick of trying to help him when he's hostile towards me 50% of the time.
The worst part is that he purposely is a douche towards pretty much everyone at his school, girls especially, and pretty much refuses to make an effort into getting to know anyone new.

As much as this would probably hurt him in the short term, I seriously wouldn't mind not hearing him ***** about this anymore.
I mean, ffs yesterday he asked me if it would be a good idea to tell Amy he still has feelings for her. (Amy and I's "thing" isn't really confirmed knowledge to anyone btw).

Maybe he'll become himself again if he starts taking Zoloft or some crap like that. Who knows.
I'm just getting the vibe I'm beating a dead horse.
And it's getting harder to ignore my own desires. I mean, I only can wait so long >.>.
I've given him advice from SS in the past that's helped me in the past, and I even shared some personal stuff about my previous experiences, something that I NEVER do.
At this point I'm considering telling him, depression or not, that he needs to nut up and take responsibility for his actions, learn from them, take encouragement from how bad he messed up his relationships with his friends, and apply what he learns when he starts fresh at college next year.

Here's some background info about us if it makes things more clear.
Me: Varsity Football/Track, 6'1'', 175lb. Long blond hair. I play guitar and bass, work out a lot, and always try to look presentable. I'm a bit quieter than he is, with a dry/self deprecating sense of humor. I'm looking to go to Duke if I get accepted.
Sean: Jv Tennis/Golf. 5'6''. 140-ish lbs. Short brown hair. Is an Eagle Scout, but doesn't really have any major hobbies/passions outside of school and sports. Doesn't really care about his appearance. He's more loud than I am, and has a lot more acquaintances than I do. However, he tends to be boring/awkward once you get him one on one.

We're both successful in school and we both are middle class, so there's no real potential suppressed jealousy here.

At this point though, I can't talk to any of our mutual friends about it, as I'm really the only one that cares about him that much anymore, and my rents currently have their plate full with other things.

I know this is a insane wall of text, but I REALLY appreciate all your advice.

Thanks guys.
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