Best openers for daygame cold approach?

Aug 4, 2013
Reaction score
I have tried both direct approach and indirect approach.
Honestly, I feel like direct approach works better because you get your intent out there right off the bat, you are not faking a conversation and hiding any ulterior motives, you are open about your attraction to her and that you want to get to know her. I have two openers:

a) I directly tell them something along the lines "I know this is gonna sounds crazy but I just walked by and I saw you and I thought that you are so beautiful, I just wanted to meet you" ... one of two things always happens: either they are extremely swept off their feet and start blushing and we have nice conversation ending with a number OR they are a bit shocked, don´t know what to say and either say that they are in a hurry and have to go or that they have a boyfriend...some even smile and feel complimented but say they have a boyfriend.

b) I use a situational or observational opener but this one is very tricky. It works really well when you have a lot in common in terms of being in the same social circle like university, course, class, gym, whatever...even if you have never seen each other before. Because people low-key expect to be talked to in such environments. But talking to someone on a bus stop or a grocery shop or on a street for several minutes if you have never seen each other feels kind of weird. Lot of times when I was talking to girls like this there was this weird vibe like eventhough they were talking to me normally, I felt like they tried to comprehend what do I actually want and why I keep talking to them for so long.

On the other hand, when I just talk to a girl in the gym, in some class or in uni back in the day, it is much easier for me, since it allows me to be super low-key, no pressure, everything feels like it just happened naturally (which is what girls like).
That´s why I have been using the direct approach lately instead and trying to get better at it and eventhough I had some success with it, I feel like it can be sometimes kind of cringe. It has worked for me when I was really attracted to particular girls that I just saw on the street and I just told them that, being super honest, open and vulnerable.
But other times it doesn´t work and it can even give off a vibe of neediness and despair. Almost like you need something from them. It sometimes even makes me feel a bit anxious, almost like my subconscious is telling me every time when I see a hot girl "You HAVE to talk to her, GO" ... then I feel like a dog chasing a cat, running after girls who are in rush going somewhere with their earbuds.

What openers do you think are the best? How to avoid being cringe or needy? Most importantly, how do you keep the non-needy abundance mindset when cold approaching like this, because I feel cold approaching someone automatically puts them in a power position, since it is you who saw something in them that you want to get.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Hi Next Big Thing,
" I saw you and I thought that you are so beautiful, I just wanted to meet you"....Naah!...The thought of being picked up,is last thing any Lady wants.....You don't approach you ambush!chose your vantage point select your victim,pounce and have a clear escape path....Back in the Day,I used to use Asian Groceries,select the freezer or tinned goods areas have an Oriental recipe in mind,a suitably obscurely labelled article in the cabinet than patiently wait from a suitable place,when your victim appears,sidle over and pick up your article and look at it in a puzzled way,then ask the Girl if she can help you translate the labelling,would it be suitable for ?.......London to a Brick she will fall over to help you...You have to have a working knowledge of actually cooking to pose intelligent questions...For Western Women I would choose the Meat Counter,not to ask advice on cooking,but rather to discuss the incredible inflation on the various cuts...The aim is to break the ice,smile a lot speak softly and let them talk!....Now the tricky part,you have already preselected a coffee venue..."Look all this talk has made me thirsty I am going to have a coffee next door,come and join me tell me more about...Your cooking,inflation concerns etc,then the even more difficult part the contact details...At any point you can leave the field with dignity,with the Asians it is very easy if you can spot the single Ladies it can be like shooting fish in a barrel....Libraries and clothing stores are also fertile fields but,another day LOL.
Aug 4, 2013
Reaction score
Hi Next Big Thing,
" I saw you and I thought that you are so beautiful, I just wanted to meet you"....Naah!...The thought of being picked up,is last thing any Lady wants.....You don't approach you ambush!chose your vantage point select your victim,pounce and have a clear escape path....Back in the Day,I used to use Asian Groceries,select the freezer or tinned goods areas have an Oriental recipe in mind,a suitably obscurely labelled article in the cabinet than patiently wait from a suitable place,when your victim appears,sidle over and pick up your article and look at it in a puzzled way,then ask the Girl if she can help you translate the labelling,would it be suitable for ?.......London to a Brick she will fall over to help you...You have to have a working knowledge of actually cooking to pose intelligent questions...For Western Women I would choose the Meat Counter,not to ask advice on cooking,but rather to discuss the incredible inflation on the various cuts...The aim is to break the ice,smile a lot speak softly and let them talk!....Now the tricky part,you have already preselected a coffee venue..."Look all this talk has made me thirsty I am going to have a coffee next door,come and join me tell me more about...Your cooking,inflation concerns etc,then the even more difficult part the contact details...At any point you can leave the field with dignity,with the Asians it is very easy if you can spot the single Ladies it can be like shooting fish in a barrel....Libraries and clothing stores are also fertile fields but,another day LOL.
I really like your advice thats really good! Thank you!
Actually, I am based in London. The girls I usually want to approach are just walking past me in the street or in the tube station or in the shopping mall. Those are the three most common places for me. The thing is in those places they are usually in a bit of hurry, so I really wonder what should be the conversation starter..I always go for that asking for directions thing like I had mentioned but then after they tell me the directions its a bit hard to follow up the conversation . Maybe I can start talking about why I wanna go there and involve her in it a bit. What would you do?
Also other places where I meet beautiful very often is inside the bus or train/tube. However, I have never so far approached a girl in such a setting, I think it would make them 9/10 times feel uncomfortable around so many people..I dont know, maybe Im overthinking it. Also, they listen to music most of the time and just look at their phones so...
Actually, I thought about just saying to them: "(signaling to pull earbuds out) hey, sorry for interrupting, I just wanted to ask you what is the name of the song youre listening to, I love it" ...of course I can´t hear it but I thought it would be funny I dont know :D
Also, if they would be sitting next to me, I thought about just typingon my phone´s notes something like "you have good taste of music" or "nice nails" or something like that and then just pass them my phone so they can read it .. or is it too cringe?


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I have tried both direct approach and indirect approach.

I have two openers:

a) I directly tell them something along the lines

b) I use a situational or observational opener but this one is very tricky. It works really well when you have a lot in common in terms of
I have tended to do more of situational or observational openers, but there's a super simple opener that you can use.

All you need to say is "I like you". Super simple and it can work. Just say "I like you" and if asked more, say "I like the way you look and that's why I started this conversation". Things will go from there.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
I directly tell them something along the lines "I know this is gonna sounds crazy but I just walked by and I saw you and I thought that you are so beautiful, I just wanted to meet you"
Don't be simp and complimenting them on their looks. they hear that all day long....
You need to be more personal and say something more direct/personal/unique....


Master Don Juan
Dec 18, 2017
Reaction score
I have tried both direct approach and indirect approach.
Honestly, I feel like direct approach works better because you get your intent out there right off the bat, you are not faking a conversation and hiding any ulterior motives, you are open about your attraction to her and that you want to get to know her. I have two openers:

a) I directly tell them something along the lines "I know this is gonna sounds crazy but I just walked by and I saw you and I thought that you are so beautiful, I just wanted to meet you" ... one of two things always happens: either they are extremely swept off their feet and start blushing and we have nice conversation ending with a number OR they are a bit shocked, don´t know what to say and either say that they are in a hurry and have to go or that they have a boyfriend...some even smile and feel complimented but say they have a boyfriend.

b) I use a situational or observational opener but this one is very tricky. It works really well when you have a lot in common in terms of being in the same social circle like university, course, class, gym, whatever...even if you have never seen each other before. Because people low-key expect to be talked to in such environments. But talking to someone on a bus stop or a grocery shop or on a street for several minutes if you have never seen each other feels kind of weird. Lot of times when I was talking to girls like this there was this weird vibe like eventhough they were talking to me normally, I felt like they tried to comprehend what do I actually want and why I keep talking to them for so long.

On the other hand, when I just talk to a girl in the gym, in some class or in uni back in the day, it is much easier for me, since it allows me to be super low-key, no pressure, everything feels like it just happened naturally (which is what girls like).
That´s why I have been using the direct approach lately instead and trying to get better at it and eventhough I had some success with it, I feel like it can be sometimes kind of cringe. It has worked for me when I was really attracted to particular girls that I just saw on the street and I just told them that, being super honest, open and vulnerable.
But other times it doesn´t work and it can even give off a vibe of neediness and despair. Almost like you need something from them. It sometimes even makes me feel a bit anxious, almost like my subconscious is telling me every time when I see a hot girl "You HAVE to talk to her, GO" ... then I feel like a dog chasing a cat, running after girls who are in rush going somewhere with their earbuds.

What openers do you think are the best? How to avoid being cringe or needy? Most importantly, how do you keep the non-needy abundance mindset when cold approaching like this, because I feel cold approaching someone automatically puts them in a power position, since it is you who saw something in them that you want to get.
Shows them you're alpha, smooth and builds comfort right away...



Master Don Juan
Dec 18, 2017
Reaction score
I have tended to do more of situational or observational openers, but there's a super simple opener that you can use.

All you need to say is "I like you". Super simple and it can work. Just say "I like you" and if asked more, say "I like the way you look and that's why I started this conversation". Things will go from there.
I know you;ve been in the field a lot mate. What kind of responses do you tend to get from the simple opener you mention? Imagine some get flustered?


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I know you;ve been in the field a lot mate. What kind of responses do you tend to get from the simple opener you mention? Imagine some get flustered?
It doesn't matter whether I go simple or observational/situational. There are women who get flustered by an approach. More and more women now don't know how to process approaches. As @DEEZEDBRAH has mentioned, fewer men are doing approaches now so fewer women are getting approached and understand how to handle approaches.

I am reasonably good looking so I can get away with some stuff on an approach and not be labeled a creepster. Women label a lot of men "creepy" for normal approaches simply because they aren't attracted to the man. I pass a lot of women's basic thresholds for physical attractiveness.

If you want to know how women will react with a simple opener, the uncut videos from the "That Was Epic" channel can give you a good idea of it. Realize that these women are doing this to a 6'0"+ guy.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I wonder if the fact that half the girls spot the camera guy affects the interactions.
Legitimate point. This is part of why infields and other pickup videos on YouTube can be difficult to watch.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
It doesn't matter whether I go simple or observational/situational. There are women who get flustered by an approach. More and more women now don't know how to process approaches. As @DEEZEDBRAH has mentioned, fewer men are doing approaches now so fewer women are getting approached and understand how to handle approaches.

I am reasonably good looking so I can get away with some stuff on an approach and not be labeled a creepster. Women label a lot of men "creepy" for normal approaches simply because they aren't attracted to the man. I pass a lot of women's basic thresholds for physical attractiveness.

If you want to know how women will react with a simple opener, the uncut videos from the "That Was Epic" channel can give you a good idea of it. Realize that these women are doing this to a 6'0"+ guy.
The little chick's reaction is hilarious especially if you contrast to the modern women of 2022.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
I know you;ve been in the field a lot mate. What kind of responses do you tend to get from the simple opener you mention? Imagine some get flustered?
Mate you got take the approach, life's too boring not to try. @SW15 posted video of a dude not pua who has done more spproach in a video recording session then most will their lifetime.

Cultivate being "that guy." How? Reps.

What you say is irrelevant. Rsd Alex once said it doesn't matter what moves you make. It matters you are a man and you make moves. Start here.

Overtime you acquire your own routines or gambit. If you use it as a crutch it eill harm you. You are the man with or without the girl. Get into the HABIT of approaching girls. Chat up and have a flirt everywhere. Learn to banter. Learn to read buying temperature. You won't get it right every time but it's more about 1MR (one more rep). #nextset especially after you pull or pickup a girl you like.

Lastly her response is left on disregard. I'm going places. Come with or get left behind. Real talk. Her response is whatever. Your goal is to get past AA. After, acquire competence. Another day at the office. I do that. The line or opener is the scent of your steak on the BBQ. It's not the steak.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
The little chick's reaction is hilarious especially if you contrast to the modern women of 2022.
That was only 2016 when that little chick (Amy) did what she did. 2016 women were comparable to 2022 women.

Old Balls

Don Juan
May 20, 2021
Reaction score
#nextset especially after you pull or pickup a girl you like.
This. Right. Here. Fukin gold.

Especially if you just get her number. Don't immediately go home and start having those daydreams about a future with her for the next week because you think the job is done. Stack them hose. They've been known to flake.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
That was only 2016 when that little chick (Amy) did what she did. 2016 women were comparable to 2022 women.

I find there's absurd amounts of feminism and modern women. Case and point Mikaela Peterson. Compare the chick in the video to Mikaela? On a balance of probability, there's a lot less in the video. Granted that reaction is not the norm. Modern women are masculine as ****kkk.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
This. Right. Here. Fukin gold.

Especially if you just get her number. Don't immediately go home and start having those daydreams about a future with her for the next week because you think the job is done. Stack them hose. They've been known to flake.
@Old Balls mate I took 10 + years of chain gunning cold approach pickup. Wilding out in clubs. Learning female nature through absurd amounts of game. Not pods by boomers, house husbands or dorks shilling rubbish online. Rubbish about game but 0 receipts.

In this time span I've watched the declining value in women. In the past decade it's evolved into a dumpster fire. Not play house. Not bend the knee. Not bash marriage and secretly married like a lot of YouTube.

After insane amounts of game, I got it down to the point of pulling, Goin balls deep, exiting, &&&& hitting on new girls between leaving her bedroom amounts the walk to the car. If none, I will make a drop Off somewhere JUST TO FLEX.

Fellas don't need to take it to this level but most fellas are on that Disney **** after a number or getting their pee pee touched.

Modern women = hit&&& run material. Not marriage.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
Reaction score
All you need to say is "I like you". Super simple and it can work. Just say "I like you" and if asked more, say "I like the way you look and that's why I started this conversation". Things will go from there.
imho nothing has killed a womans interest quicker than using the word "like". they totally overvalue it, and presume you want to marry them.

I cant think of any good experience thats come from telling a woman i like her. infact it proved to me how deluded they were over one word.:rofl: