Being emotional and using drama to get girls hooked? Anyone ever try this?


Don Juan
May 16, 2015
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I was reading this guide ( on the Simple Pickup forums where this guy talks about being emotional to get girls hooked. Some heavy push/pull stuff to manipulate girls. From what I've read on these SoSuave forums, I've always thought that guys should be more "alpha" and not display a lot of emotions to girls. But in this guide, the guy does the complete opposite of that and it works wonders for him.

Also, I found another one ( that also plays on being emotional and manipulating women. Again, by this method he was able to make girls become needy and obsessed with him.

Anyone ever try something like this?
Apr 23, 2015
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bensimsJYG said:
I was reading this guide ( on the Simple Pickup forums where this guy talks about being emotional to get girls hooked. Some heavy push/pull stuff to manipulate girls. From what I've read on these SoSuave forums, I've always thought that guys should be more "alpha" and not display a lot of emotions to girls. But in this guide, the guy does the complete opposite of that and it works wonders for him.

Also, I found another one ( that also plays on being emotional and manipulating women. Again, by this method he was able to make girls become needy and obsessed with him.

Anyone ever try something like this?
If you can fill their emotional need, phuck them... ANd then starve them for it, they will be hungry for you to fill that hole.

I'm not 100% sure, but it makes sense. But they key will be integrating phucking them and your presense with the emotional concept.

You don't want to fill their needs without phucking them, or else you will be an emotional tampon who ends up being a rug to wipe their feet.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2011
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yes. I didn't actually read your article but I'm a very emotional person and for some reason love getting into sh1t with people and playing mind games with women.. lets not get into the psychology behind my mind but b1tches love drama. keeps them hooked long. add in some good d1ck and positive reinforcement here and there and the mind fvckery will beyond what she can comprehend and she'll be hooked.

Be careful because they get hooked and crazy in return. It's really hard to dump certain girls after because u fvcked their mind so hard they feel like they literally wont be happy with a guy again after u.

Being emotional doesn't sacrifice your alpha frame at all. there are different types of people. just because you are emotional doesn't mean you can't be alpha. Just keep your dominance and frame strong. With all this mind fvckery and emotions going on she's always going to be in a submissive state around you.

Playa a sucka to catch a sucka - 48 laws of power.
Apr 23, 2015
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dutchmaster said:
yes. I didn't actually read your article but I'm a very emotional person and for some reason love getting into sh1t with people and playing mind games with women.. lets not get into the psychology behind my mind but b1tches love drama. keeps them hooked long. add in some good d1ck and positive reinforcement here and there and the mind fvckery will beyond what she can comprehend and she'll be hooked.

Be careful because they get hooked and crazy in return. It's really hard to dump certain girls after because u fvcked their mind so hard they feel like they literally wont be happy with a guy again after u.

Being emotional doesn't sacrifice your alpha frame at all. there are different types of people. just because you are emotional doesn't mean you can't be alpha. Just keep your dominance and frame strong. With all this mind fvckery and emotions going on she's always going to be in a submissive state around you.

Playa a sucka to catch a sucka - 48 laws of power.
I personally think the technique CAN work for a long term relation. This is the problem many men had in their LTR's is they didn't accept this is how it HAS to be. Otherwise their 9 or 10 will get BORED. I'm all ears!

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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What Ruler said.

Ideally, you shouldn't be emotional yourself. You should merely draw emotions in THEM. Create the emotions you want them to feel.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2011
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DaddyLongShanks said:
I personally think the technique CAN work for a long term relation. This is the problem many men had in their LTR's is they didn't accept this is how it HAS to be. Otherwise their 9 or 10 will get BORED. I'm all ears!
Honestly I think it's more of a personality trait than a seduction technique.. I've seen cold unemotional guys bag dimes and I've bagged and seen guys like me bag them too. It's all about having something they want. Like attracts like, if you try faking this technique and a girl sees through it she will eat you up. You need to genuinely not give a fvck..

I am seeing this one girl right now and always give her back handed compliments or say little things to bring her down subtly. Other times I'll be really warm and friendly and charming her socks off. Then another time I'll be cold. Except the thing is, I'm not doing this to fvck with her.. my moods are genuinely this intense and I'm also taking steroids right now which probably isn't helping any of this. but when I do say those back handed compliments it makes me happy because of her reactions..

she's been working out more because I work out a lot so she wants to keep up and shes like how's the progress? I told her it's good, I actually have incentive to check you out now, then i give her a slick innocent smile like I don't know what I'm doing, but I know exactly what I'm saying and why. Just one example. She's not an idiot she knows I know what I'm doing, but she loves the mind fvckery. gets her panties wet. Also say things to bring her down in a light manner, like I told her she had monkey t1ts a few times and then she started keeping her shrit on when we fvcked lmao. So I had to explain to her I was just teasing and I like her t1ts. I show her genuine emotions sometimes and other times close up. She called me out on some sh1t with another girl once to which I made myself cry and acted all vulnerable while in reality I'm ready to bounce with one foot out at the door at any minute. Oh and I love arguing, so there's that too, women love arguing as well lol.

There's tons to it.. Like I said i don't even think about it, it's more of a personality trait. you need to find what in your personality a woman wants that can keep her hooked and work towards building that. faking techniques won't get you too far.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
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Absolutely pointless. For every chick that falls for it five more will write you off because they want a guy who seems emotionally stable.


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
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Los Angeles
Ruler said:
Well I wouldnt say being emotional yourself, but making them emotional and create drama in their lives. They love that sh!t because they can "complain" (more like brag) to their friends about it and boost their social status / standing.

They will crave those emotions you get flowing through their veins. It's why so many women love '50 Shades of Grey'. They got huge emotional rushes from reading the book and couldnt put it down. You need to be that guy who makes her have emotional spikes she craves. The good ones outweigh the bad ones. And when it's good emotions, you fvck her. When they're bad, you walk away and make her come crawling back to you for the good feeling ones. They won't let up because they've become addicted to it. This is when women will feel 'in love'. .
This sounds a lot like being a BPD :whistle:


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2011
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captain55 said:
Absolutely pointless. For every chick that falls for it five more will write you off because they want a guy who seems emotionally stable.
2. If you aren’t centered in your own reality this will **** you up beyond your wildest nightmares. You cannot be attached to these emotions. Repeat – You cannot be attached to these emotions.

From the article. He's talking being emotional into getting these rises out of women. not genuinely being unstable


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
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dk1990S111 said:
This sounds a lot like being a BPD :whistle:
Exactly. Not saying the tactics these gentlemen speak of won't work IME they do work quite well but only on borderlines......and they only work for a while....eventually the BPD is going to get tired of the drama/fighting and dump you because she thinks you two just aren't compatible.
And lol at people thinking banging her right is going to do anything to keep her attached or coming back. BPD's don't even process oxytocin the way normal healthy women do, you can give her the best orgasm in her'll be forgotten about in a month.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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captain55 said:
Exactly. Not saying the tactics these gentlemen speak of won't work IME they do work quite well but only on borderlines......and they only work for a while....eventually the BPD is going to get tired of the drama/fighting and dump you because she thinks you two just aren't compatible.
And lol at people thinking banging her right is going to do anything to keep her attached or coming back. BPD's don't even process oxytocin the way normal healthy women do, you can give her the best orgasm in her'll be forgotten about in a month.
how do they process oxytocin?


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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Like attracts like.... if you wanna use emotion and drama, that's the kind of individual and situation you will attract. We only attract people who are on the same levels of confidence, psychological an emotional development as us. Full stop. Want something better? Well you gotta earn it.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2014
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What Ruler said. +1.

Remember: if you can't break her heart, then you're insignificant to her.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
Reaction score
There's no one way to run game effectively. There are a number of ways to go about it.

In addition, how successful one type of game is, is largely going to be impacted by two things:
1) YOUR personality and who you are. Sure, people can change, but you should play to the strengths of your natural personality. The more introverted, meditative, chill guy is NEVER going to be able to be able to pull off the loudmouth, in-your-face, life-of-the-party game as well as the guy who is naturally bouncing off the walls at a party and super-outgoing. But that's fine, because the extroverted guy is probably never going to be able to pull off the subtle, relaxed, Don Draper smooth type of style as well as the chill, introverted guy.

2) HER personality and who SHE is. I'm a firm believer in changing up your game depending on the type of girl. After approaching for years, you learn to tell within less than a minute of talking (or even from glancing at a girl across the room) what type of girl she is. You're not going to approach the b!tchy, trashy party girl in the same way that you're going to approach the hot nerdy hipster girl.

TEST it out. See if it works for you. Obviously, be careful with this sociopath game or whatever the hell it is... going around calling girls slvts can get you in big it's not very gentlemanly. lmao.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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I've heard a woman saying this:
"My love devours me sexually and makes me feel good emotionally"

How does it translate the "good emotionally" part?

ps: (this woman it's in an LTR with a man of 10 years)


I think by emotional, they mean expressing "anger" versus expressing your "feelings" or being your girlfriend's/wife's emotional tampon and trying to relate to her in that type of emotional way.

It means not taking shyt from people, getting angry when disrespected, passionately defending your point in an argument. Standing up for yourself and her when necessary.

Versus acting stoic and non-emotional which is seen by many women as weak.

Getting angry has always been associated with masculinity, getting into fights, etc. She feels protected and safe.

I think for many women, when a man is emotional in THAT type of way, it can be a powerful turn on.
