Anyone ever use TRT?


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
My T levels are still normal (high end of average), but they are dropping (this happens in your 50s). So far it hasn't been a problem, but in the last year it has been harder keeping fat off and energy levels have been dropping and can't really work out everyday anymore. My doctor suggested this might be an option, but he is reluctant to prescribe the treatment unless I drop below normal levels.

Anyone ever have this? If so, is this something you got results from? I'm not going to push for it unless it's worth the effort... since I'm pretty sure what is happening now is normal aging.


Sep 10, 2014
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I've been on it for several years now since my levels were tested at 150 in my late 30s.

Currently in the 600-700 range. I typically can stay lower because my SHBG levels are always low and my free test even at those levels is always high, meaning I do more with less.

I would strongly advise you give blood every 8-12 weeks, especially if you are prone to polythecemia(basically excess red blood cell production due to test), which can turn your blood into sludge over time and lead to adverse cardiovascular events(blood clots, stroke, heat attack, etc)

The majority of people who have issues from TRT are due to that reason...not donating blood as their blood gets thicker.

Secondly, I would advise using aromasin/exemestane to keep estradiol levels in check, especially if you are a high aromatizer like me.

Do NOT use arimidex or letrozole. Doctors love arimidex but they don't understand it is not a suicide inhibitor which means it can cause estrogen rebound and fluctuating levels. I had to educate my doctor on this and now he only prescribes Aromasin if people need it to keep Estradiol levels in check.

People think TRT helps with building muscle but that isn't the case. There is no benefit toward that until T levels are in the steroid range. However, there is a HUGE benefit for fat loss and maintaining lower levels of abdominal fat. It was found that even going from 300 to 600 showed much lower abdominal fat levels for men in studies that have been done.

So that would be the main benefit as well as feeling a lot better and actually helping your cardiovascular health(the heart has T receptors) as low T levels are very bad for heart health.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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I've been on it for several years now since my levels were tested at 150 in my late 30s.

Currently in the 600-700 range. I typically can stay lower because my SHBG levels are always low and my free test even at those levels is always high, meaning I do more with less.

I would strongly advise you give blood every 8-12 weeks, especially if you are prone to polythecemia(basically excess red blood cell production due to test), which can turn your blood into sludge over time and lead to adverse cardiovascular events(blood clots, stroke, heat attack, etc)

The majority of people who have issues from TRT are due to that reason...not donating blood as their blood gets thicker.

Secondly, I would advise using aromasin/exemestane to keep estradiol levels in check, especially if you are a high aromatizer like me.

Do NOT use arimidex or letrozole. Doctors love arimidex but they don't understand it is not a suicide inhibitor which means it can cause estrogen rebound and fluctuating levels. I had to educate my doctor on this and now he only prescribes Aromasin if people need it to keep Estradiol levels in check.

People think TRT helps with building muscle but that isn't the case. There is no benefit toward that until T levels are in the steroid range. However, there is a HUGE benefit for fat loss and maintaining lower levels of abdominal fat. It was found that even going from 300 to 600 showed much lower abdominal fat levels for men in studies that have been done.

So that would be the main benefit as well as feeling a lot better and actually helping your cardiovascular health(the heart has T receptors) as low T levels are very bad for heart health.
I salute this post. Most guys dont even know the difference between a suicide AI and a non-suicide AI.


Nov 13, 2021
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People think TRT helps with building muscle but that isn't the case.
This is not true. TRT helps with the free test, having free test readily available in your blood stream helps building muscle and fat loss.
If a normal person doesn't get a good night sleep his T levels the next day would be down. A person on TRT would have his T level perfect because his getting test from an outside source.
However, there is a HUGE benefit for fat loss and maintaining lower levels of abdominal fat
This is misleading, you can't spot reduce fat, your body decides from where to use the fat as energy when you're in a caloric deficit.

I would strongly advise you give blood every 8-12 weeks,
Unless you have a condition, donating too much blood will result in an iron deficiency, get blood work every 3 months and if your hematocrit levels are above you can donate, this is not a good advice.

Do NOT use arimidex
I use Adex when my estrongen is out of range, again you don't know ehat you're talking about.

For context I'm on TRT, and have done steroid cycles without issues.

My T levels are still normal (high end of average), but they are dropping (this happens in your 50s). So far it hasn't been a problem, but in the last year it has been harder keeping fat off and energy levels have been dropping and can't really work out everyday anymore. My doctor suggested this might be an option, but he is reluctant to prescribe the treatment unless I drop below normal levels.

Anyone ever have this? If so, is this something you got results from? I'm not going to push for it unless it's worth the effort... since I'm pretty sure what is happening now is normal aging.
I recommend you to follow YouTube channels and get into bodybuilding forums about TRT, there you'll find better help


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
This is not true. TRT helps with the free test, having free test readily available in your blood stream helps building muscle and fat loss.
If a normal person doesn't get a good night sleep his T levels the next day would be down. A person on TRT would have his T level perfect because his getting test from an outside source.

This is misleading, you can't spot reduce fat, your body decides from where to use the fat as energy when you're in a caloric deficit.

Unless you have a condition, donating too much blood will result in an iron deficiency, get blood work every 3 months and if your hematocrit levels are above you can donate, this is not a good advice.

I use Adex when my estrongen is out of range, again you don't know ehat you're talking about.

For context I'm on TRT, and have done steroid cycles without issues.

I recommend you to follow YouTube channels and get into bodybuilding forums about TRT, there you'll find better help
It 100% is true. Studies have shown virtually no effect on muscle building until it gets to supraphysiological levels. Ie, it doesn't matter whether your T level is at 800 or 300, the effect on muscle building is the same. Fat loss is significantly impacted tho even with relatively small increases in T levels.


Nov 13, 2021
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It 100% is true. Studies have shown virtually no effect on muscle building until it gets to supraphysiological levels. Ie, it doesn't matter whether your T level is at 800 or 300, the effect on muscle building is the same. Fat loss is significantly impacted tho even with relatively small increases in T levels.
A simple search makes you look like you don't know what you're talking about. Post those studies.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
For years my T level was in the mid-600s, this past year I have noticed that is has been harder to keep fat out of my midsection... I can diet, but the last thing to go is the waist fat... I can live with it, but it's aggravating. My energy level and sex drive has dropped in the last year. The only thing that has changed is now my T level is 350. There is no medical reason for this other than age.

My MD says this is 'fine' since it isn't below 200, but I don't feel fine. Maybe age is just catching up with me and I should just fvcking accept it. Trying to actually find unbiased information on this a d@mn near impossible. There is so much conflicting information being able to make an informed decision is difficult.

I'm going to take a long road trip this Friday and will have time to listen to pod casts and Youtube videos on the road, anyone have any recommendations for good ones to listen to.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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This is a great thread. @RangerMIke

If any of the guys can share- what age did you notice test decrease?

I’m of the opinion to just accept aging naturally. Of course, I’m only 33 so that opinion is very much subject to change.


Nov 13, 2021
Reaction score
For years my T level was in the mid-600s, this past year I have noticed that is has been harder to keep fat out of my midsection... I can diet, but the last thing to go is the waist fat... I can live with it, but it's aggravating. My energy level and sex drive has dropped in the last year. The only thing that has changed is now my T level is 350. There is no medical reason for this other than age.

My MD says this is 'fine' since it isn't below 200, but I don't feel fine. Maybe age is just catching up with me and I should just fvcking accept it. Trying to actually find unbiased information on this a d@mn near impossible. There is so much conflicting information being able to make an informed decision is difficult.

I'm going to take a long road trip this Friday and will have time to listen to pod casts and Youtube videos on the road, anyone have any recommendations for good ones to listen to.
I'm 33, my test level was 380, free test was 8.7, I was fat, depressed, low sex drive, no ambition, lack of motivation.

Not only age but the meat full of hormones we eat and the water we drink due to birth control from women in the urine that the plants can't filter them out.

At my 3rd month of trt I was killing it physically and mentally. The Dr. gave me 140mg/w, that pushed me to around 1000 total test and 16 free test. Its truly amazing.


Nov 13, 2021
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My doctor suggested this might be an option, but he is reluctant to prescribe the treatment unless I drop below normal levels.
This is BS, those charts they use to compare every year get adjusted, test levels have been in a decline since 80 years ago, due to obesity and lack of manual hard labor, that's why those charts have such a low level.



Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
This is BS, those charts they use to compare every year get adjusted, test levels have been in a decline since 80 years ago, due to obesity and lack of manual hard labor, that's why those charts have such a low level.
I figured it was BS, I like my MD, but doctors today really are more interested in keeping people 'alive', he sees my low end of what charts say is 'normal' and he doesn't see a problem.

But FVCK, I have noticed a difference. Harder to keep fat off, low drive, attention span, slower workout recovery... I feel old, again I'm 56... so I'm not a spring chicken. Now that I know there isn't any medical reason for low T that treatment can address, it's just a drop in testosterone... that is the only thing it can be... and if there is a safe TRT program I can start, that isn't going to cause other medical problems I am willing to try, but there are just as much low-T information out there that says it's great as information that says it's bad.

My goal is simple, I just want to feel the same way I did a year ago. I am NOT looking to get more 'jacked' or anything like that. My MD looks at me and says, "You are healthier than ANY person I treat over 45, resting heart rate of 55, excellent blood pressure, blood work comes back great, 6' 185lbs, BFI below average, you are the healthiest 57 year old I have ever treated... you don't have a problem."

But like your chart says... yes based on the averages and what is 'normal' today, I'm great, but 30 years ago I'm not. I don't want to be 'above average' based on the epically cr@ppy shape men are in today, I want to be the best I can be NOT compared to other mid-50 men today.

I am willing to try TRT, but I just need to educate myself of options available now so I'm not shooting myself in the foot or paying a butt load of money to do this.


Nov 13, 2021
Reaction score
I figured it was BS, I like my MD, but doctors today really are more interested in keeping people 'alive', he sees my low end of what charts say is 'normal' and he doesn't see a problem.

But FVCK, I have noticed a difference. Harder to keep fat off, low drive, attention span, slower workout recovery... I feel old, again I'm 56... so I'm not a spring chicken. Now that I know there isn't any medical reason for low T that treatment can address, it's just a drop in testosterone... that is the only thing it can be... and if there is a safe TRT program I can start, that isn't going to cause other medical problems I am willing to try, but there are just as much low-T information out there that says it's great as information that says it's bad.

My goal is simple, I just want to feel the same way I did a year ago. I am NOT looking to get more 'jacked' or anything like that. My MD looks at me and says, "You are healthier than ANY person I treat over 45, resting heart rate of 55, excellent blood pressure, blood work comes back great, 6' 185lbs, BFI below average, you are the healthiest 57 year old I have ever treated... you don't have a problem."

But like your chart says... yes based on the averages and what is 'normal' today, I'm great, but 30 years ago I'm not. I don't want to be 'above average' based on the epically cr@ppy shape men are in today, I want to be the best I can be NOT compared to other mid-50 men today.

I am willing to try TRT, but I just need to educate myself of options available now so I'm not shooting myself in the foot or paying a butt load of money to do this.
You can get it at home and inject yourself for about $200/month with a medical prescription.

I recommend you to follow these YouTube channels, TRT and Hormones Optimization, The Lifting Dermatologist, More Plates More Dates (he has a clinic and can help you)

There you can find all the find you need.


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2013
Reaction score
Miami fl
Plenty of YouTube videos online to keep you informed I would cut out salt sugar and as much red meat as possible at one point renee couture and chuck liddell follow the alkaline diet for a while

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Tijuana, Mexico
Im 31 , try to workout 5 days a week or 6 if Im feeling it. Jump rope every morning fasted 30 minutes then hit the pull up bar and weights later at night.
eat alright and sleep is good. no alcohol or smoke.
But sometimes I feel like the motivation is not there.

Maybe having a fine azz girlfriend and banging her constantly is what I need to get that testosterone surge again.

I will get my T levels checked to see where Im at.

But if I was over 50 like OP I would definitely do a TRT trial for 3 months just to see how you feel.


Sep 22, 2022
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hmm.. vital herbal testosterone product can help, This has given me the boost that I needed for working out when before I usually felt too tired when I got home from work. Has definitely taken the sluggish away and also helps me stay focused.


Sep 10, 2014
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hmm.. vital herbal testosterone product can help, This has given me the boost that I needed for working out when before I usually felt too tired when I got home from work. Has definitely taken the sluggish away and also helps me stay focused.
It doesn't help. Not to any substantial degree. These prolducts are trash.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
You can get it at home and inject yourself for about $200/month with a medical prescription.

I recommend you to follow these YouTube channels, TRT and Hormones Optimization, The Lifting Dermatologist, More Plates More Dates (he has a clinic and can help you)

There you can find all the find you need.
Less than that in the US, it's about $40 for a vial which usually lasts 2 months


Sep 22, 2022
Reaction score
It doesn't help. Not to any substantial degree. These prolducts are trash.
I think it works well for me I take it right after my lunch since I go to work out in the evening and it just helps give me the extra boost of energy I need. I haven’t had any stomach issues with it either which is a huge plus.

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
Reaction score
There are ways to naturally boost your testosterone. Most products out there are just that, products. Meaning they are pro-profit. Like pharmaceuticals and the "health industry", they are designed to make a profit by usage dependency of their products and services but not actually addressing the core issue or looking at a problem holistically.

There might be a few products here and there that are better than others but always strive to go the natural way so you don't become externally dependent.

I wrote about the basic ways that most men know about which some members have already pointed out:

But like anything else, do your research and find ways to boost your T-Levels naturally because there are. As we age, it is natural for our bodies to change and slow down. But you can continue to have optimal levels if you become intentional with basic things like: Nutrition, Sleep, and Exercise.

To your question, I have used it and did not notice a difference. Granted I am skeptical about medicine in general. As most men have stated here, I work out 5 to 6 times a week. But always change it up, some are body weight, some are lifting, some include activities, and some are competitive sports. I also meal prep and got into the habit of taking a short nap to recharge throughout the day.

I am 35 and I feel (and according to the tests) in the best shape of my life both mentally and physically. But we are all different, so tailor your routines to your lifestyle and preferences.

Modern Man Advice


Sep 10, 2014
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I think it works well for me I take it right after my lunch since I go to work out in the evening and it just helps give me the extra boost of energy I need. I haven’t had any stomach issues with it either which is a huge plus.
That literally has nothing to do with testosterone levels.