American men are the issue/ online is the last battle

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Several reasons:
1. Lack of male family authority. If men use threat of or actual force against undesirable men who are trying to screw their daughters or sisters or cousins, Papa Gubmint and popo will jail him.
2. Incentivized divorce.
3. Misandric media and educational system.
4. Women can humiliate and mistreat men with no consequences; it is accepted and there are zero social norms to curb this.
5. Gynocratic courts that jail men with no due process and kidnap their children.
6. Zero shame for sexual transgressions. No slut shaming. An adulterous woman can live with and be supported by a new man while husband is forced to continue to pay her.
7. Pretty much allowing women to do whatever the f-CK they want and turning social situations in which they are involved into high-tension nightmares. Even into the 70’s, when cuck indoctrination was gaining steam, women had to be chaperoned at bars.
8. The trend of men treating female validation as the ultimate achievement of all mankind.
9. Acting like women and judging their fellow men depending on whether they are approved by women. Lulz!

I can go on, but I’ll stop here.

Cuck Nation.

These issues are also partly due to and the cause of the fatherless crisis, which has huge social consequences. American men are largely raised by women whether they have a father or not. They spend a minimum of thirteen freaking years under female teachers in gynocentric classrooms and then some more in college depending on their majors. That’s why many American men have mommy issues and get hysterical when they hear other men make unflattering remarks about women. I even think some red-pill gurus have mommy issues.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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These issues are also partly due to and the cause of the fatherless crisis, which has huge social consequences. American men are largely raised by women whether they have a father or not. They spend a minimum of thirteen freaking years under female teachers in gynocentric classrooms and then some more in college depending on their majors. That’s why many American men have mommy issues and get hysterical when they hear other men make unflattering remarks about women. I even think some red-pill gurus have mommy issues.
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The sacred balance is a man that rules over his woman but is also kind and fair. People get angry because they only hear the first part without considering the kindness part. There are the minority of patriarchal men that rule over their families but do it in a very narcissistic and brutal way. These are weak men who have not addressed their trauma. This is the dark side of patriarchy.

This can lead to the rebellious Jezebel spirit along with having no father figure at all. Pastors daughter are often sluts because the father ruled with too much of an Iron fist. Patriarchy is a tricky thing to do correctly. With great power comes great responsibility.

I spent time in the middle east. Most men are good men and fathers. Every now and then you get a father that is just a horrible person with supreme power. This leads to many issues in femininity too. We have to atleast acknowledge that.

My fiances father rules with an iron fist but is unjust and unfair. My father was an evil man that ruled with an iron fist. So with great power comes great responsibility.

Btw I got to the end of that video with the Taliban laughing lol. Hilarious.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Btw I got to the end of that video with the Taliban laughing lol. Hilarious.
I laughed when I saw that on the news.

I believe we should have a system in which men vote on behalf of their families and having children being a stipulation for voting.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Would you agree that the obesity epidemic has a lot to do with it? American men are just used to most women being fat. So the normal sized women get disproportionate amounts of attention. In other countries the men need a lot to actually be impressed with a girls looks.
This is somewhat of a factor but I don't think it is the biggest factor.

You make a good case that women with acceptable weights get disproportionate amounts of attention. I am able to relate.

The American woman is spoiled by the attention she receives from tech-based sources (dating apps and social media platforms). Because she has an abundance of options, she believes she's only entitled to the top tier men. The "self-esteem" promoting parenting styles of the 1990s/early 2000s made Millennial (1981-1996 birth years women) believe they were special little snowflakes who were only entitled to the best no matter what. Settling for a mid-tier man even as a mid-tier woman isn't something that gets Millennial women excited.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2023
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As a Colombian residing in North America with significant experience interacting with the country, I'd like to explain somewhat the social dynamics at play and explain why expatriates seem to attract romantic partners easily:

Environment: Colombia's socioeconomic classes are widely disparate. Some families belong to the wealthy or financially stable categories, with parents holding prestigious positions in their communities such as doctors, lawyers, or politicians, typically following a patriarchal hierarchy. These families can afford household help like a maid, and their children have access to the best education. Women from these backgrounds often have financial independence through family support, own cars, and tend to marry within or above their socioeconomic tier.

Conversely, a significant portion of families live below the poverty line, struggling to make ends meet due to a lack of governmental support. Many resort to street vending selling consumables like hot dogs to survive, and father absence is common due to vices like alcoholism or womanizing. Financial instability often leads men into illicit activities like drug dealing, while women may turn to avenues like online adult entertainment like cam sites, prostitution, or scams involving substances like scopolamine. The influx of foreigners exacerbates these issues by driving up living costs such as rent, contributing to locals' hardships.

Gender Dynamics: Media hypersexualization, particularly through reggaeton music, soap operas, and glorification of the narco lifestyle, combined with limited financial opportunities, prompt men and women to leverage their gender-specific allure in courtship. Traits such as a thrilling lifestyle, physical enhancements like cosmetic surgeries and veneers, motorcycles, big social circles, jealousy, fashion and dressing sexy can become key elements of attraction. The dating scene is akin to a strategic game, with individuals cultivating multiple suitors (we call them “livestock") and understanding the dynamics of desire and protection. In some aspects barrios can be come “high-school” esque where many people have multiple partners at the time.

Ex-Pats: Ex-Pats offer Colombian women opportunities unavailable locally, including the chance to leave the country or short-term financial security. Despite their physical shortcomings and lack of style (check the article below), Ex-Pats compensate through their ability to fund cosmetic procedures such as fillers, breast implants or butt enhancements, facilitating women's social mobility or make them more desirable in real life. Some women may entertain relationships with Ex-Pats while still involved with local partners.

I think what I'm trying to emphasize here is that Colombian women receive attention on Instagram from accounts worldwide just like other women in the world. However, their shortcomings is how poor they are and the limited opportunities in the country. With this in mind, they allure these foreigners with the aim of extracting financial support to keep moving up in the world and be better than the competition. The reality is that the number of women seeking assistance from Ex-Pats exceeds the Ex-Pats themselves. Yet, if capitalism prevails and money is not a constraint like in Western countries, Colombian women would resemble a modern Miami for Latinas and the Ex-Pats would be undesirable like in their country.

How Colombian women aspire to be and look like:

Article of American killing his girlfriend out of jealousy since she had a Colombian boyfriend:


Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
I have a good friend of mine who moved to Colombia. He is a regular guy who is a bohemian artsy type. He is killing it in that country. Almost every week he is sending me pictures of girls in his bed room. Very cute girls who would get simped on in the USA. These girls would get such an inflated head if they were in the US. In Colombia they are treated as just another girl.

The issue in America is not the women. It is the men. For years I cold approached. I have approached hundreds of women. I just did not care. This boosts thier ego a lot. Now the cold approach has moved online making it worse.

American men are starting to bring back balance to the mating game. It is slowly happening. The expat movement ( passport) is helping. American men are also not approaching women in public which is helping too. Now if we can just curve the online attention we will win.

I just found out about live streaming culture. Via my social circle I talk to a very pretty girl who is a virgin because her father locks her up in the house ( long story). I went on her live to check it out. It was tons of guys just simping for her. I asked her does she enjoy the attention and she said no. Its mostly guys that she does not like ( she still secretly likes it) . My point is that once we stop giving them attention online we will bring balance back to the market.
Hopefully, he doesn't piss off any Columbian drug lords...