Agent Zero's Daily Approach Journal


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Agent Zero said:
Man, it's been a while. I haven't been that lazy, but it's like the girls have disappeared this semester! Plus it's been hot out which has been hampering me. No excuses though!

Approach #2 July 9, 2007

Myself and a woman both turn to walk on the same sidewalk and she is walking slow so I catch up.

Me: Hey can I ask you a question real quick?
Her: Sure
Me: Are you single?
Her: I'm married (shows me ring)
Me: Oh ok, I was just wondering

I felt okay after this approach, but not so great cause she was older, probably in her 30s and afterwards I didn't think she was as attractive and not my type so it was a bad choice to approach. I'd much rather approach college girls. It's kinda awkward too cause she's probably staff/faculty lol. Any approach is good right now to get the first few approaches out of the way and it will get easier.

Like I said not many girls around lately, but I had 2 other chances which I blew today. I saw a hot girl at the bus stop about 20 yards in front of me and I was thinking of walking over, but there were all these big groups for orientation nearby so I decided against it. They probably wouldn't have overheard anyways though. I still don't like approaching when other people can overhear. I felt nervous after the first approach today cause I think someone may have overheard. So that sucked cause she was one of the hottest girls I had seen by herself probably in weeks. Then on the way home I passed a cute girl walking to campus and I was trying to get myself to do it, but I'm still not comfortable with off-campus approaches. I feel like I don't have the trust factor as much off-campus. This is another sticking point I need to work on. Man, I hope it cools down so I can put more time into sarging this week.

Belive me on this... approach directly to the girl even if shes with a group, in a group, NEAR a group...

It shows ALOT of confidence and that Your a MAN,... Not a chearleader :cheer:


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Agent Zero said:
I think I need some other openers. I feel fine using "are you single" on cute girls who I would want to date, but there are other girls and older women who I just want a friends w/ benefits thing with and I don't think that line is appropriate. Maybe "hey I just wanted to meet you"? For instance, I just saw an older women at the grocery store with an amazing ass. We were leaving at the same time so I could have said something, but I couldn't think of anything and got nervous. Also there was a girl on campus today with a nice body I walked past that I could have approached, but she didn't seem the relationship type to me so I didn't use my line. I did blow 1 chance today though with a girl cause she was kinda in a rush even though I knew she still had 4 minutes to get to class. I'm not sure if I should have stopped her or not, she was half-rushing.
I got ya on this one...

Approch next time with this and Tell me your FR>..

YOU: Hey My horoscope says I need to make new friends today, You look like a cute girl to talk to, How are ya?

HER: she should be very surprised and Laugh... "Im good she might ask how are you"

You: Im great, you know your a cute girl, But I might be worried... Are You the same way On the inside?


Me: Well, what are your best 3 qualities and Looks cant be one of them...


Me: I think that will do, But I STILL have to get to know you better... get her name ... put it in contacts and Then hand her the phone...



Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
Slick101 said:
I got ya on this one...

Approch next time with this and Tell me your FR>..

YOU: Hey My horoscope says I need to make new friends today, You look like a cute girl to talk to, How are ya?

HER: she should be very surprised and Laugh... "Im good she might ask how are you"

You: Im great, you know your a cute girl, But I might be worried... Are You the same way On the inside?


Me: Well, what are your best 3 qualities and Looks cant be one of them...


Me: I think that will do, But I STILL have to get to know you better... get her name ... put it in contacts and Then hand her the phone...




Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
Slick101 said:
:crackup: :crackup: ?
Why say all that? It's all bs. I think Agent's doing a fine job as is.

Unless you're looking to see how some cheesy lines work...


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score

He is doing good but He asked for something and I gave him this...

Its not about cheesy lines that you say... its HOW you say it...

This worked for me back in the day, I dont do this anymore however it did give me good results...

Its juss another version of what he does

Agent Zero

Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Approach #6: August 27, 2007

Alright so this one didn't go so well. I saw a hot girl (9) walking towards me but she had her ipod on. She was so hot though so I wanted to give it a shot. I said "Can I ask you a question?" but she couldn't hear me. She could tell I wanted to talk to her though so she took off her headphones and stopped, then I said "are you single?" and she says "yes." She seemed to be in a rush so I asked if she was on her way to class and she said no she was going home. I say I just wanted to meet her and my name she just seems kinda weirded out like she wants to go. So I say "you seem weirded out" and she's like "no, I just have never been stopped before." She still seemed like she wanted to go so I was like "alright, well you seem like you're in a hurry so nice meeting you."

I definitely wasn't confident enough in this approach and the whole ipod thing screwed everything up. I genuinely don't think she was weirded out anymore, she was just shocked and the fact that she didn't hear me say "can I ask you a question" made it so she wasn't prepped for my question. I still should have tried to number close. So I'm having some problems with what to say after the "are you single" question. It's sometimes hard to go right into rapport. Or maybe I was just rusty since it's been a month since I approached.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Agent Zero said:
Approach #6: August 27, 2007

Alright so this one didn't go so well. I saw a hot girl (9) walking towards me but she had her ipod on. She was so hot though so I wanted to give it a shot. I said "Can I ask you a question?" but she couldn't hear me. She could tell I wanted to talk to her though so she took off her headphones and stopped, then I said "are you single?" and she says "yes." She seemed to be in a rush so I asked if she was on her way to class and she said no she was going home. I say I just wanted to meet her and my name she just seems kinda weirded out like she wants to go. So I say "you seem weirded out" and she's like "no, I just have never been stopped before." She still seemed like she wanted to go so I was like "alright, well you seem like you're in a hurry so nice meeting you."

I definitely wasn't confident enough in this approach and the whole ipod thing screwed everything up. I genuinely don't think she was weirded out anymore, she was just shocked and the fact that she didn't hear me say "can I ask you a question" made it so she wasn't prepped for my question. I still should have tried to number close. So I'm having some problems with what to say after the "are you single" question. It's sometimes hard to go right into rapport. Or maybe I was just rusty since it's been a month since I approached.
Change your opener man,,, your doing the same thing...

You do it soo much you come of as needy, and like your desperatly looking for A Girl thats single that you need a relationship with...


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2002
Reaction score
First off, congratulations on your approaches, this is a lot further than a lot of people get.

You can multiply your success rate by simply changing your opener. Now you have overcome approach anxiety enough to open chicks, work on improving your success rate! You have the guts to open these chicks, so do yourself a favour and change your opener!

Yes, "are you single" is a BOLD move - stating your intentions right off the bat, but it's too much. Immediately the second they meet you they will feel a pressure to accept/reject you. Don't confuse confidence and boldness.

You are displaying enough confidence and making your intentions clear by opening her and closing her. Trust me, chicks know why you are talking to them. Asking "are you single" makes you look like you walk around all day trying to find a girlfriend desperately.

You can open a chick with *any* comment or question. Situational openers are particularly great, but basically anything works.

Agent Zero

Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Approach #7: August 30, 2007

Okay, I decided to change up my strategy and stop walking around campus stopping girls who are moving. I got tired of getting sweaty and tired working up the nerve to approach and hope I find a girl where nobody is around. So I decided to post up in one of the academic buildings. I picked a good spot where there is some foot traffic, but its not jampacked like the cafeteria or anything.

Soon as I walk in I see this 3-set and particularly this hot big-boobed redhead girl (8.5). I go to the bathroom and when I get out class is about to start so everyone is leaving except it is my lucky day cause now the redhead girl is by herself on the other side of the atrium. I study for a little while and she is doing the same, then she is on the phone for like 10 minutes and I'm telling myself I gotta approach. So shortly after she is off the phone I walk over confidently:

Me: Can I ask you a question real quick?
Her: Sure
Me: I just noticed you over here and I was wondering if you were single.
Her: Sorry, I actually have a boyfriend, but thank you. (her face lights up though :) )
Me: Ok, have a nice day.

So I changed my opener just a bit. I felt a lot better doing this than flat out blurting "are you single". This way it is pretty unambiguous that I am complimenting her whereas I thought some of the girls were confused when I just asked the question. I did good on this one too cause I hung in there confidently even though I was really nervous on the inside I don't think it showed. I think I have a lot more approaches in my future and I'm not gonna have to stop moving targets hopefully as much.

BTW, her boobs were even more fantastic up close and she was very nice so I was kinda disappointed she wasn't single.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2002
Reaction score
This approach of asking if they have a BF is so ineffective. First of all, chicks definition of BF is different to yours (they often class "friends", AFCs etc as a BF in response even if they don't have a real one). Second, they will often LIE saying they do when they don't. The reasons are numerous:

Their face lit up, big deal. What do you expect them to do, spit on you? They must think you're so "sweet" asking such a junior high question. It subcommunicates a lack of knowledge of the game on so many levels (e.g. that chicks are always looking for the Bigger Better Deal, that chicks will swing from BF to BF like monkeys swing from branches - they don't let go of the last one until they have grasp of the next, that chicks will sleep with another guy even if they have a BF, that you're not confident that you're the best thing for her and could attract her away from any supposed BF). Sweet doesn't get you laid or build attraction.

You just approached another chick and got nowhere with her. Now work on approaching a chick and getting somewhere with her, it's a lot more fun. Like I said before, you are approaching and that's good - but improve your technique and you can increase your success rate.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
keep up the good work man. I got a question for you? Are you happy with your progress so far? If you are then I hope comment like "ur opener sux." get in your head. I know how it feels to walk up to a girl and push through that fear. I give you big prop for that.

Agent Zero

Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
I thought I'd reflect on my approaching and I came up with a few things:

1. I have only approached white girls so far. I like white girls, but I also like a lot of Asian girls and I have seen some hot black girls too that I wanted to approach. I never thought I'd be afraid to approach them, but I have to admit I have been. I guess I'm thinking they are going to wonder why is this white guy talking to me? This all goes back to me worrying too much what others think of me.

2. I still haven't approached with people around. I sorta did this in Approach #3, but I'm obviously still scared to approach unless there is nobody within hearing distance. The best remedy for this might be to just approach a two-set directly. For some reason I am more afraid of what some snooping bystander might think rather than the girl I approach or even her girl friends she is with.

3. Confidence is getting better. After the last approach, I feel like I am comfortable with opening and I'll be able to carry on a conversation fairly well and I think I'm a good conversationalist once I get going so I'm anxious to find some more single girls out there.

I am happy with my progress so far, but I'd like to pick it up a bit. I waste a lot of time looking for girls and not following through.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
Hey man, this is Steve.

This approach of asking if they have a BF is so ineffective.
If its the way you do things, then would be ineffective for you...but for Agent Zero...he's getting to the point. Will he face more rejection based off it, yea...but so what? He's finding out what he wants to...he most likely just wants a i see nothing wrong with what he's long as it makes him happy. :)

First of all, chicks definition of BF is different to yours (they often class "friends", AFCs etc as a BF in response even if they don't have a real one). Second, they will often LIE saying they do when they don't. The reasons are numerous:
DO you honestly think he hasn't heard of this a million times already?

Their face lit up, big deal. What do you expect them to do, spit on you?
Sorry but your a KJ, plain and simple. Girls don't even have to light up...they can easily just look and act disinterested. It happens, but no...they were flattered and possibly had interest, just that they didn't want to risk anything with a possible relationship they had. Did u think that some of these girls actually were in serious relationships and didn't want to risk losing something they thought was fine?

They must think you're so "sweet" asking such a junior high question.
What a seems like ur comments are junior highish themselves O:).

It subcommunicates a lack of knowledge of the game on so many levels (e.g. that chicks are always looking for the Bigger Better Deal, that chicks will swing from BF to BF like monkeys swing from branches
Sorry but i fail to see what knowledge u have. Ur too close minded. Chicks might always be looking for the bigger deal but it doesn't exactly mean they'll immediately jump fish. Most women don't want to risk losing something they already have....if they're happy that is. Its not that often what u describe happens. Sure, it does happen but not THAT often.

- they don't let go of the last one until they have grasp of the next, that chicks will sleep with another guy even if they have a BF, that you're not confident that you're the best thing for her and could attract her away from any supposed BF). Sweet doesn't get you laid or build attraction.
I still fail to see how they would consider him just, "Sweet"? He went up to them directly...wanted to find out if they were available. I would say they would consider him more confident going about it that way. Its rare for a guy to be direct. I would say those lighted up responses are a good thing. What he did build attraction right there. Plain and Simple.

You just approached another chick and got nowhere with her.
You are too result oriented. Who cares if he got nowhere with Girl A, he'll get somewhere with girl B. Rejection was a good thing in this case. He found out what he was looking for and now he can move to find the next girl of whom has the potential to be his girl.

Now work on approaching a chick and getting somewhere with her, it's a lot more fun.
He's 100 steps ahead of you already. U got some catching up to do ;-)

Like I said before, you are approaching and that's good - but improve your technique and you can increase your success rate.
This statement i agree with. But he's already improving his technique.

I have only approached white girls so far. I like white girls, but I also like a lot of Asian girls and I have seen some hot black girls too that I wanted to approach. I never thought I'd be afraid to approach them, but I have to admit I have been. I guess I'm thinking they are going to wonder why is this white guy talking to me? This all goes back to me worrying too much what others think of me.
I think its just the reputation some black women have for being either rude or stuck up(I'm black so i kinda have heard it over and over). But in reality, i think most of the black women u'll find will still show they want a guy who's still confident and honest, even if he's a difference. But yea, i def can relate...asian girls intimidated me due to the fact how some had either mad looking faces or looks incredibly stuck up...which is of course false as its in our heads.

2. I still haven't approached with people around. I sorta did this in Approach #3, but I'm obviously still scared to approach unless there is nobody within hearing distance. The best remedy for this might be to just approach a two-set directly. For some reason I am more afraid of what some snooping bystander might think rather than the girl I approach or even her girl friends she is with.
Trust me, that person won't really care. Even if they did, so what? Do you have to associate with that person? Nope. Do you have to acknowledge that person? Nope. So definitely do not care what that person thinks. Believe it or not, that person might think of u as being brave/confident for having the self assurance to do something like that. I can tell u man, people might look but thats it. Don't let that stop you. :)

3. Confidence is getting better. After the last approach, I feel like I am comfortable with opening and I'll be able to carry on a conversation fairly well and I think I'm a good conversationalist once I get going so I'm anxious to find some more single girls out there.
Becoming more self assured, def support u in ur journey! Actually, i think the key is to let the opportunities come to you, to where u can act on it ;-). You know, u RANDOMLY see a beautiful girl out of the blue without expecting it...thats the true test. But yes, def great ur anxious about it. For now, hey...give it a gungho about finding these women! :-D! I believe in you man!

Agent Zero

Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Approach #8: September 4, 2007

Alright so today was a disappointment, but I did approach so it wasn't a total loss. I had so many good opportunities today, but I couldn't get myself to approach. I was straight up choking. I walked by at least 4 or 5 8+ with nobody else around and didn't do it. So after I got frustrated I finally approached. I saw a girl who looked like a 9 in a pink summer dress, but then when I went up to her she turned into a 6.5.

Me: Hey, can I ask you a quesiton real quick?
Her: Yes
Me: I just noticed you over here and was wondering if you were single.
Her: Yes (kinda unsure answer)
Me: What's your name?
Her: (i forget), what's yours?
Me: Agent Zero (shakes hand)
Me: What year are you?
Her: Sophomore, you?
Me: Senior
Me: So, what's your major?

We just talked about year, major, and then her ride came and she said "I gotta go, that's my ride." She wasn't attractive enough and boring so I didn't want to number close.

Some of it was my fault though. I need to be more high energy and have a better idea what to say after my opener. Also it seems girls 21+ are a lot more receptive to being hit on. It's always the young ones that are confused it seems. Also the hot girls are more receptive I think.


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2007
Reaction score
blah ive made some approaches like that before where you think they look good and you get closer and they are average or worse sometimes butt ugly. i havent heard much variety in your approaches perhaps you could watch some comedy to get your humor up and rip some ****y and funny conversation maybe even right after the usual topic starter but it seems like the are you single starter has become robotic rather than natural. try more approaches a day and dont even give a sh** if you dont even get the first letter to her name! thats what i used to do as pracftice all my friends would freak out and say dude thats so not cool but now they often times watch me get numbers and alot of times they pick up some of my original game plans.

Agent Zero

Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks for the tips, J-Bone. I agree natural is best and I want to mix it up, but it's hard cause I do mostly street (campus) game which involves stopping girls on the move or me walking by them and stopping. I don't have much time to come up with an observational opener. And usually when I do have the observational opener in mind I don't pull it off cause it takes me a while to get over the approach anxiety still. I think I have a pretty good sense of humor, but like I said it's just hard to come up with stuff on street game.

BTW, I have to say a pink summer dress will make a girl look about 2.5-3 points higher and I was only about 15 feet away!