Agent Zero's Daily Approach Journal


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
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Agent Zero said:
Approach #4 July 20, 2007

This was by far the best learning experience I've had yet with these approaches. I was at the library just a few minutes ago and I had no intention of approaching (this is off-campus). I wasn't dressed nice and my hair wasn't even combed, but when I walk in and go to find my book there is this hottie in a nice little turqoise dress a few aisles over. She came to my aisle too so I thought maybe she was interested. I went and got a pencil and card from the computer station and I was gonna approach, but I couldn't do it so I went to check out, but then after I checked out I decided I gotta do this. So I hung out near the front looking at some books and she showed up kinda in my vicinity again. So the library was closing and I waited for this librarian to finish putting books away near the girl and she was alone. So I went in:

Me: "Excuse me, can I ask you a question?"
Her: Yes
Me: Are you single?
Her: Yes (with a smile and cute voice)
Me: Well I just wanted to meet you
(she sticks her hand out)
Her: HB
Me: Agent Zero
(then I get nervous and I don't know what to say)
Me: Can I call you sometime?
Her: Well I don't know you so I don't know if I'd be comfortable with that, but thanks for the compliment.
Me: Ok, have a nice day.

I know it was a bad approach, but I was really nervous this time. I never expected to approach off-campus and when I'm off-campus I think I gotta establish more rapport. I didn't even try to make conversation with her when I could've asked what books she was getting and stuff. I'm so glad I approached cause I had a few accomplishments:

1. Approached a girl indoors where other people can overhear
2. Got shot down by a single girl cause I forgot to establish just a little rapport
3. Approached when I wasn't sarging

I'm glad I made this approach cause this was the first single girl who I had to continue the convo with since Approach #1.

excellent! You probably don't notice it, but I'm sure you are improving in more ways than you think. I bet your confidence/comfortableness/Body language/ and tone are getting better.

As for what to say, don't be afriad to ask "AFC" questions like "where are you from?" and "what's your major?" You can use her answers to these questions to bust her balls and to practice your own conversation.

Another thing you can do is say "Now YOU'RE supposed to ask me if I'm single?" with a sly smile.

Excellent improvement. Keep up the good work.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
Actually that seemed like a good approach. Just realize that at some level...the girl was flattered by you approaching her. Again that nervousness is just approach anxiety. you will eventually get rid of that once you get enough approaches under your belt.

Brak's advice is good but save the ****y stuff until after you become completely comfortable holding a normal conversation/rapport. A lot of times that can be enough to win the girl.

I just got back from vacation with a lot of approaches under my belt. I will share them later.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
Los Angeles, SFV
Definitely a good approach... I just don't think you realized it would have gone that far so you didn't think that far ahead LOL

Keep it up.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
Just got back from a 4 day mini-trip from Florida. Me and my family went to orlando and the beach after that.

I made about 13 approaches to girls i found attractive. Nine of them were cold approaches and 4 of them were club approaches. All of them except 4 were receptive to my approach.

It was a logistics nightmare though...
1. They were either too old (one i approached was in her 30's)
2. Too Young (2 that I approached were 15 and 16, they looked older though)
3. The one that was actually my age was with her family (don't want to look like a slut)
4. I was with my family

The one girl that was my age, we really hit it off, I fluffed her for a little while and then we were in the pool flirting and laughing. I wasnt able to close her..i told her to come out later on that night but she told me that she was gonna sleep. I guess I wasnt persistant enough to know whether she was truly interested or just expecting me to work past her objections. she was with her family also so that might have kicked in her conditioning to not hook up.

At the beach I hit up a nightclub alone. I met a group of 2 guys/1 girl from a nearby town. We hit it off well and rolled into the club together. I talked to a group of guys i recognized from my hotel. They seemed cool and one of them bought me a drink, but they did not seem to want to carry the convo when I tried chattin them up, so I left them alone. I approached 4 chicks on the dance floor. 3 of them blew me off. The one i danced with was a cute petite girl. She was kinoing me like crazy and we were dancing extremely close but would not let me kiss her. Her friend was nearby so maybe she did not want to look like a slut.

I did various other approaches on the beach...mostly just practicing my conversation skills and getting comfortable around women. Again the logistics and environment made it nearly impossible to isolate and close.

But my approach anxiety was nearly gone by my last approach and most of the girls were receptive to me. It was a good experience and I hope to carry it in my future approaches at home


New Member
Jul 24, 2007
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it sounds like you're doing a great job getting out there and making it happen! Generally, a lot of college girls are just looking for a good time and are less inclined to turn you down, which is great! I have a few tips that will help you ease into some of those more difficult closers. For one, it wouldn't hurt to qualify her with a little more with small talk. Ask her a few general, non-invasive/non-theatening questions that make it seem like you are qualifying her to meet your standards, while also building up simple rapport and her comfort level when it comes down to the close. If you sense that the situation may not call for a quick'n'clean number close or if she's taken, you could interact a while longer and still be able to get her number without being too forward with your interest. Hope this helps!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
jazzpimp said:
it sounds like you're doing a great job getting out there and making it happen! Generally, a lot of college girls are just looking for a good time and are less inclined to turn you down, which is great! I have a few tips that will help you ease into some of those more difficult closers. For one, it wouldn't hurt to qualify her with a little more with small talk. Ask her a few general, non-invasive/non-theatening questions that make it seem like you are qualifying her to meet your standards, while also building up simple rapport and her comfort level when it comes down to the close. If you sense that the situation may not call for a quick'n'clean number close or if she's taken, you could interact a while longer and still be able to get her number without being too forward with your interest. Hope this helps!

My approach strategy right now is focusing on general conversation material (ie asking questions about her and building convo from her responses). This is helping me think quicker on my feet while at the same time getting comfortable talking to random hotties.

However I am gonna make some more direct closing approaches to desensitize myself to rejection and approach anxiety.
"How are you"
"Im FutureSpartan" (ask her for her name)
"Listen I have to run but I would love to get your number and call you sometime"

Im really starting to like the approach journal concept...i like getting feedback and support from you guys.

Now for my report...

I made three approaches today on campus

One girl I approached I did the direct closing approach. She was sitting down on a table outside the student center. I was so close to not approaching until I told myself "ball check!" and went for it. She was engaged but receptive to my approach. I was so glad I followed through.

The nice thing about it was it gave me momentum to approach two more chicks. At that point I kinda had the "dont care anymore what happens" attitude.

I was walking towards the rec center and this hottie was walking behind me so i slowed down and let her catch up. I turned around, said hi, introduced myself. We talked while walking to the science building. I felt very relaxed even though she was in a hurry because she had her final to get to. After our chit chat I number closed her like i did the previous chick. I got the number!

I approached one more girl before i left...same approach but instead she offered her email (she told me she lost her phone on a boating trip). She seemed receptive and happy that i approached her. Success!

I am very proud of my progress...Only a few months ago, my heart would beat like crazy in these situations. Now I feel more in control of my emotions and i feel great about it!

Agent Zero

Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Hey FutureSpartan, you might want to start your own journal so people can track your progress and not get us confused!

As for me, I have seen no hot girls lately. It's been raining like 2 days non-stop so that's pretty much the reason and I didn't even leave the apartment yesterday except to go to the gym. I practiced an icebreaker on a not-so-hot girl at the bus stop today just commenting on the non-stop rain, but I don't count that as an approach since I wasn't interested. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't getting too rusty.

Agent Zero

Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Alright update, guys. I have not really been slacking, but I just got tired of walking around campus and seeing hardly any girls. I'm still looking to approach, but I'm not putting as much time into it during summer semester.

Approach #5 July 31, 2007

So there is this hottie (9) who rides the same bus I do. I had noticed her for a while, but since I have to ride that bus I was holding off on the approach since I will see her every day. She has dyed hair and wears a lot of make-up which usually I don't like, but it seems to work for her. She dresses sexy too. Ok so today in my class I find out we are basically done for the semester and we only are going to meet like 1 or 2 more times. So I hear that and I think I gotta get down to business cause there is that girl and 2 other girls on the bus I wanted to approach. I leave class and wait for the bus, and she gets to the bus stop later, but is sitting like 30 feet away and near people so I don't approach yet (I was planning on just approaching tomorrow). But, then we get to my stop to get off and I notice she is getting off too. She lives at the next stop so at the time I was thinking maybe she noticed me too and wanted to meet me, but in retrospect I realize she got off cause my stop is the timecheck and she didn't want to wait to go to her stop which is just a short walk. Ok, so you guys want to hear the approach.

I am walking behind her trying to keep up cause she is a fast walker so I'm like 5 feet behind and I'm getting close to my apartment complex so I just call out from behind, "Hey can I ask you a quick question?". I didn't care that she was walking so fast or that she was reaching for her phone. So she looks back and lets me catch up and I ask "are you single?" and she says "No" but she was obviously very flattered and it must've made her day cause I saw her smiling afterwards. Then I told her "I just noticed you on the bus and wanted to meet you. I'm Agent Zero, btw." Her: "I'm HB9". Then I just said have a good day and walked towards my apartment.

So this was a really good approach for me cause I approached a girl from behind without any eye contact and it is someone who I very likely will see on the bus again. Before I was nervous about approaching girls I will see again, but now I really think she'd smile if she saw me again.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Zero I like the approach and I appreciate your advise on my approach thread. I'm going to use the same similar approach on my next outing.

Do you think asking "are you single" as opposed to "do you have a boyfriend" is any different?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
Reaction score
Agent Zero,

I like your syle. Very direct and effective. I have a friend who does pretty much the same thing all the time, and his success rate it amazing!

The problem is that he CAN NOT approach at night in bars/clubs.

I'm the opposite. I have mad succcess in bars/clubs where it is apparently much harder but I sh*t my self when if comes to approaching during the day!

I have the same problem with worrying about people overhearing it. It sucks!!!

Keep up the good work.



Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
Good work, but this whole "are you single" approach is pretty lame imo.

I mean, there are so many other ways to go about doing this, rather than directly asking if they're single within the first two seconds.

Try everything you did, w/o asking if they're single. You'll appear more confident (because you don't give a **** if they're single), and it's less obvious what you're trying to do.

If a girl is single, she'll give you her number 99% of the time with these approaches, and you don't even need to find out if she is single because you'll know that when she gives you her number.

Agent Zero

Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
B4IFURU18? said:
Good work, but this whole "are you single" approach is pretty lame imo.

I mean, there are so many other ways to go about doing this, rather than directly asking if they're single within the first two seconds.

Try everything you did, w/o asking if they're single. You'll appear more confident (because you don't give a **** if they're single), and it's less obvious what you're trying to do.

If a girl is single, she'll give you her number 99% of the time with these approaches, and you don't even need to find out if she is single because you'll know that when she gives you her number.
I'd like to try something else, but it's hard to come up with anything when you are just stopping girls you randomly walk by. I'd be happy to hear suggestions.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
Agent Zero said:
I'd like to try something else, but it's hard to come up with anything when you are just stopping girls you randomly walk by. I'd be happy to hear suggestions.

I'm thinking say EVERYTHING you said in approach #1 (original post in this thread) but leave out the whole "are you single?" part.

If she likes you, and is single, you're getting her number. Rest assured she's single if she's giving you her number, or just really digs you. There really isn't a need to find out if she's single or not...she's advertising that by giving you her number.

Otherwise, I think you did a good job. I'm just not big on asking if they're single, I can pretty much find that out within the first 5 minutes w/o asking.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
Agent Zero said:
Ok so the opener would be "I just wanted to meet you"? I have thought about doing that. I'll probably try it pretty soon.
Heck yes. That's a good opener imo. It's not intimidating, creepy, or abnormal. It's simple conversation, something you'd say to someone you truly want to get to know.

If you wanted to kick it up a notch, you could add: "I noticed you when you walked in, I'd like to know if your personality matches your looks..." or something like that. It's a little more "in depth" for lack of a better word, but it essentially has the same effect...

FWIW, sticking to, "I just wanted to meet you" or, "I couldn't resist meeting you" is a safe bet, and it should work a great percentage of the time.

Go out and kill it this weekend!

Agent Zero

Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Alright so fall semester has started up. It's been hot as hell this week and crowded so I haven't done much, but I worked on my daygame a bit earlier.

I was sitting there at the library studying and this girl was in the chair next to me doing the same. After a few minutes I say "what are you studying?" and then we start chatting for a while. We talk about majors, years, ambitions, stuff like that. It was about 10 minutes we talked. She said like "I don't think I've ever randomly shared life stories before" or something to that effect at the end. She wasn't really my type though so I didn't # close. This was good to see how I can do daygame as well and don't have to rely on street game. The opener was so easy.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
Nice work Zero,

See, it really doesn't take much more than: "what are you studying?"


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
You're going for rapport too soon. If all you do is asks questions, you might as well be interviewing her.


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
dude. Don't ask for the number that fast. TAKE. YOUR. TIME. If you ask are you single and she says yes. Say something like great so when are you going to ask me out. CALIBRATE. Don't just ask for the number immediately doesn't make any sense. The girl has to get to know you otherwise why would she even pick up the phone.