AFC ism is more than a mindset, it's a form of low self worth


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
I got a guy friend, who is crushin on this girl pretty damn bad. I talk to him often about game and how to treat women, how to talk to women. And he listens to what I'm saying, and then as soon as it comes to this chick, he just forgets everything lol. I used to do the same thing when I first came here. I'm sure the vast majority of the people on this forum that make these posts do the same thing. It all goes out the window in real life.

I've come to realize that it's not because we are hardheaded, it's because we don't feel that we are worth the woen we chase on our own merits. There is no amount of game, no amount of money, or looks or a new routine that will fix, overcoe your self worth if it's negative.

This chick, she's pretty but she's not just like a model or anything. she's a pretty girl but this dude is not bad looking, but he isn't happy with his life in a few areas. He could stand ot lose about 10 pounds, he doesn't get out much,a nd these aren't thing I'm judging about him these are things he knows about himself. he knows he needs to lose weight, he knows he has no life. He knows he has nothing to offer this chick and is still trying to chase this chick

so when you take a guy who

Knows he has some things to work on with himself so that he can be happy with himself and his self image


Trying to date women

There is only one possible answer and that's AFCism.

The fallacy people with no experience make in the above situtaiotn is thinking that the guy would treat the girl diferent if she were uglier or not a hb7 which i think she is. The thing is, becuase he isn't happy with himself, his reasons for dating aren't the same as say, MY reasons for dating. I date / or dated to have a good time, to get out the house, for entertainment. When you have a negative self image dating is just as much if not more about trying to find someone to make you feel better about yourself than it is about having fun.

Thus the AFC behavior presumes.

I believe the AFC state is simply the state in which a man is not happy with who he is or his life. I don't believe men should try to date in this state. You do more harm than good. The rejections, the wasted time, it's alot to overcome. The time is better spent getting out of this state.

Not only that, this guy if he would have just hit the gym hard for 2-3 months, went shopping and made himself get out the house he would start to feelin better about himself and then he would have the confidence to talk to this chick, the right way. But because he blew his wad in his AFC state of mind it's too late and he's already got shot down. Now she can't show interest if she wanted to because it would come off as her being shallow.

you don't ACT afc. you ARE afc.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Awesome post, back. I could stand to get out a lot more... I lived away for work for about a year - I come home and find I don't really have more than one close friend to hang out with, so I tend to spend a lot of time in on my own which is not healthy.

What kind of stuff would you encourage your friend (and me) to do to get out of the hermit cave? I, for one, recognize it's a potential issue and want to do something about it - but even living in a big city, I look up some of the events going on in town and there's not much that interests me... don't particularly want to go to a bar and watch a band by myself, etc...


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2012
Reaction score
Awesome post. Couldn't be more true.

Noone who believes that they are THE man puts women on a pedestal.

CWord I'm not from a big city so I may not be of any help. I'd just work on making more guy friends. At the gym, at work, anywhere you can. Especially single guy friends that are active or just doing anything.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
it's not so much that he's a hermit. ****, I'm a hermit. My wife goes out much more than I do. Unless it's a horse track, I really have very little interest of getting out the house for the most part.

But I'm okay with staying home and not getting out /working. Thus I don't have a negative image of myself because of it. He does, so he needs to get out more.

My point being, that all this is pointless until you are at a state where you are happy with what you are doing. We come here and we see a dude that has horrible self esteem and we tell him "go talk to 100 chicks". "get a POF account". "Go cold approaching". That's like telling a guy fresh out of basic training to go join Seal Team 6 lol. Even if by chance you GOT a number or a date, which this guy did, you can't manage them because you don't think you are worth her, so instead of showing her a good time you are showing her why you need her. Instead of screening her you are validating yourself to her.

AFCs ain problem is not lack of success with women or lack of game even it's lack of patitence. The AFC wants to find a way around working / getting back to the man he likes to be or should be in his mind without not dating.

This is my point. This dude met this girl what, like in February of this year. They went out, he got LJBF'ed basically. I'm trying to get this dude to go to the gym with me, I"m trying to take him to bars when I do go out, the only thing he wants to do is be on the phone with this chick and be at her beacon call at all times. "Dude I don't have time to read books on game, dude I don';t hve time to buy a new wardrobe" "Dude I don't have time to learn how to learn how to cook / eat healthy". lol it's almost January of the next year. he still hasn't gotten laid lol. Had he heeded my advice, waited a few months to shoot to her, by June or so he would have been in there

that's the AFCs problem. He's not far away at all. But he refuses to stop and put work in to get where he is in a mental state to get where he can be a fun guy /likable guy that women like. He's not there now. And he's projecting his doubts onto her

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
afc is a state of ignorance. end of.

John 8:32
King James Version (KJV)
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Well yes I'd agree. The problem is that guys become even more needy when they are AFC's, thus creating a domino effect. To stop pursuing women altogether is really tough for AFC's because they are so lonely. It's easier said than done.

When you're less needy, that's when you get a gf.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
backbreaker said:
I got a guy friend, who is crushin on this girl pretty damn bad. I talk to him often about game and how to treat women, how to talk to women. And he listens to what I'm saying, and then as soon as it comes to this chick, he just forgets everything lol. I used to do the same thing when I first came here. I'm sure the vast majority of the people on this forum that make these posts do the same thing. It all goes out the window in real life.

I've come to realize that it's not because we are hardheaded, it's because we don't feel that we are worth the woen we chase on our own merits. There is no amount of game, no amount of money, or looks or a new routine that will fix, overcoe your self worth if it's negative.

This chick, she's pretty but she's not just like a model or anything. she's a pretty girl but this dude is not bad looking, but he isn't happy with his life in a few areas. He could stand ot lose about 10 pounds, he doesn't get out much,a nd these aren't thing I'm judging about him these are things he knows about himself. he knows he needs to lose weight, he knows he has no life. He knows he has nothing to offer this chick and is still trying to chase this chick

so when you take a guy who

Knows he has some things to work on with himself so that he can be happy with himself and his self image


Trying to date women

There is only one possible answer and that's AFCism.

The fallacy people with no experience make in the above situtaiotn is thinking that the guy would treat the girl diferent if she were uglier or not a hb7 which i think she is. The thing is, becuase he isn't happy with himself, his reasons for dating aren't the same as say, MY reasons for dating. I date / or dated to have a good time, to get out the house, for entertainment. When you have a negative self image dating is just as much if not more about trying to find someone to make you feel better about yourself than it is about having fun.

Thus the AFC behavior presumes.

I believe the AFC state is simply the state in which a man is not happy with who he is or his life. I don't believe men should try to date in this state. You do more harm than good. The rejections, the wasted time, it's alot to overcome. The time is better spent getting out of this state.

Not only that, this guy if he would have just hit the gym hard for 2-3 months, went shopping and made himself get out the house he would start to feelin better about himself and then he would have the confidence to talk to this chick, the right way. But because he blew his wad in his AFC state of mind it's too late and he's already got shot down. Now she can't show interest if she wanted to because it would come off as her being shallow.

you don't ACT afc. you ARE afc.

This is spot on.

When I was going through self improvement these passed 6 or so months, i cut off all ties I had with woman romantically or sexually. I even dumped the old girlfriend i had when i came here, nothing was wrong in that relationship but i still had low self worth so it would only been a matter of time. I'm guessing some girls picked up on this and have made it obvious that they wanted to sleep/be with me but I always declined because I felt it would interfere with my improvement. The reason I thought that was because I wasn't good enough yet.

True I'm still a virgin because of it but becoming a better man is a whole lot better than my lay count. Even AFC's get women/lays.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
I was AfC till i stopped acting afc. when i stopped acting afc i stopped 'being' afc.

chicken and the egg really. whether you 'are' afc or just acting afc (is there even a difference?), stop being/acting afc.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
Frayzer said:
This is spot on.

When I was going through self improvement these passed 6 or so months, i cut off all ties I had with woman romantically or sexually. I even dumped the old girlfriend i had when i came here, nothing was wrong in that relationship but i still had low self worth so it would only been a matter of time. I'm guessing some girls picked up on this and have made it obvious that they wanted to sleep/be with me but I always declined because I felt it would interfere with my improvement. The reason I thought that was because I wasn't good enough yet.

True I'm still a virgin because of it but becoming a better man is a whole lot better than my lay count. Even AFC's get women/lays.
I wish I had ur level of intelllect in the past when I needed it most. keep up this great attitude.