8% rule in dating girls?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2001
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I love to use analogies to help out in life. Im a big stock trader..i love to make money trading stocks. Sometimes u win big, sometimes u lose...u know that going in...

I read in a financial newspaper that there's a way to maximize your successes, its called the 8% rule, and I think that it is so related to women.

Here's how it goes...when stocks keep on going up and up, you keep them, and ride them and you make more money..

However, here's the female related part. When u buy a stock and it goes down 8% after u bought it, u immediately sell it no matter what. Its a matter of discipline...u dont look to justify things, u sell....its a matter of cutting your losses so that u can still keep the gains that u made. If u allow several gains to be offset by a huge loss, u will be unhappy and be ultimately in the negative

So when u meet a girl and things are going fine, then u stick with it..however, lets use an example that has happened to me...i met a girl and spent some time with her, and we were supposed to go out this weekend..i got blown off friday, but i stil held on because it was kinda a legitimate excuse..but i got blown off today, and for me, that's like a stock that fell 8%, so im selling and ditching her....

Time is money my friends...we dont have time to play games with girls that have low interest and dont have any respect. When u are doing fine, stick with it, but when u see your girl fall below that 8% mark in the beginning, get rid of her...that's how great financial stock pickers make money, because they dont justify why they should keep a stock or say stuff like this about women "i have to stay with her because she is hot or because of this or that." she goes below 8%, have discipline, she is not interested and u dump her...my 8% mark is me offering her two times to go out and im unsuccessful in getting her to go out on a date by the way......u dont waste time on girls that are going to leave u with nothing...u ditch them and u get other girls (stocks) that will ultimately lead u to success.....

Life is lost in dreaming, and dreaming is lost in becoming (Motto on the Hard Rock Cafe in Cancun, Mexico)

Ive failed over, and over, and over again in my life, and that is why i succeed..-Michael Jordan

"Success requires no explanations; Failure permits no alibis"

Square playaz get played, pimps get paid, macks persuade

[This message has been edited by maknmovs (edited 11-24-2001).]

[This message has been edited by maknmovs (edited 11-24-2001).]


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
what a damn good post....
never thougth of it like that


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2001
Reaction score
Albuquerque NM
well the only problem with that

is that every time you buy a stock if it doesn't gain over 8% (Prolly more because of broker fees and such) before it hits a down swing, you lose money.

also if something happens like the whole 911 thing where all the stocks plumetted for a brief time becaue of investor panic, you just bought your whole portfolio high, and sold it way low.

I had always herard the best way to get staedy gains was to buy stock in companies you think will do good over time and try to get it cheap (like buying Microsoft after that big court ruling against it) then keeping it through all the up and down swings until you no longer feel that the company has good long term potential.

What kind of stocks do you usually trade and what has worked best for you? I know its a little off topic but it sounds liek you know your investing.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2000
Reaction score
Nice post! Very original!
It just explains why we should not tolerate bad behaviour of chicks! Our time (as our money) ius very valuable to us as men!
Keep up the good work!


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2001
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New Scientist (huh? - yes, really) did a piece on this last year. Most people's instinct is to stick with something and hope it's going to get better. But if you cut your losses, it's *always* a better strategy in the long run. Mathematically proven.

Remember, a chick is only there for as long as she improves the quality of your life. If she stops doing that, if she turns into an emotional loss maker or starts sapping your time and energy - it's time to bail, and 'next!' her.

As for stocks - yeah, I do some of that too. But a better strategy is to keep moving the stop loss point up as the stock rises. So you sell when you're 8% down on the peak, not on where you came in.

When stuff like 911 happens, what you do is sell soon as you can, *then buy again cheap* after things bottom out. I've made nearly 300% on some investments I picked up soon after.

Kind of gruesome, to be sure, but there it is.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
Reaction score
I too am big on stock trading, and the such. Been studying it for years. Here's my simple analogy. The stock market is unpredictable, has bursts of happiness (greed)/sorrow (fear)much like a woman! Like the 9-11 event (which was mentioned, above) it can throw fixed 8% numbers (and so forth) out the window, just as in relationships i.e. the ex-boyfriend or some situation/unforeseen event beyond your control.

Thus my point is: ride it, but don't quantify it. You won't win in either case - stock trading OR girls!!

By the way, here is an excellent link on dating resources. Of course, it does not surpass the quality of this site but additional resources are always welcome! Post your TOP dating tip link here (since all don juan/suave articles are top notch, don't bother posting those!