75+ dead, U.S. bombed mosque in Syria during prayer, lol


Nov 2, 2011
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News came out at 0:17 today, that's around 8 a.m. Eastern U.S. time, so I guess bombing took place a few hours before it, title says during evening prayer. It was in the village of Al Adjina, near Aleppo.

U.S. officials say they were aiming at terrorists near mosque.

Let's depart from the story, because what's done is done, let's talk geopolitics, in particular what is NATO and Russia trying to achieve in Syria.

-Russian objective, control Syria, which gives control to Mediterranean, and much of middle east, the so called "rimland". That way WW3 will ignite bellow Russian territory.

-NATO's objective, control Syria, which gives it control to "rimland", that way WW3 will be fought on Russian territory.

WW3 in itself seems at first like a dumb idea. Pictures of nuclear war come to mind. I do believe that nuclear war is a highly remote possibility, Russia would win such a war given U.S.'s small size, thermonuclear weapon coverage is guaranteed to exterminate about 200,000 million population during initial exchange. I think this alone removes the possibility of nuclear war. WW3 I think will be fought differently, and I think it will be between Islamic world and the West.

Russia having control over Syria means WW3 will be fought on that yellow land on the map. U.S. gaining control over Syria would push the war onto Russian territory. That's what geopoliticians say.

Thus my main thesis, U.S. is loosing in Syria, and in all other Arab countries, a lot of people in this world watch news.

Western media tried demonizing Russia with hospital bombings in Syria, however once number of bombed hospitals exceeded number of actual hospitals, they lost a lot of credibility.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40

Assad probably kills 75 people an hour, every day. So it's not like 75 lives mean a lot in Syria right now.

And about the hospitals being bombed, the doctors kept moving patients to new buildings after the last one got bombed. That's why there were so many "hospitals" bombed. They were temporary facilities.

I think Syria is a pipeline war, as explained in this article: http://www.ecowatch.com/syria-another-pipeline-war-1882180532.html

Yemen is trying to build a competing pipeline with the Russians, who are allied with Assad. US oil companies want the oil from Yemen, so we take the side of Assad's opposition.

Trump has ordered 1,000 more US ground troops in Syria. My cousin might be one of them. This is what poor people do, they wave a flag and go to war, so that rich people can make more money.


Nov 2, 2011
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It means nothing what west thinks, it's what your enemy thinks that matters. Thus no matter the number of fake news you put out for your own consumption, in the end you are fooling yourselves only. Just like you said, wave flag and go to war, so rich can make more money. That news is for you, so you will keep on waving that flag.

* assad does not kills 75 people in a hour, it's a lie you made for yourself
* russian air cosmic forces have posted evidence disproving every one of the yellow news about hospitals and kindergartens, and unicorns
* If Yemen is trying to build a pipeline, then Yemen is interested in peaceful Syria, otherwise it should think about different route
* there are 500 personal and about 4 or 8 artillery batteries in Syria

In the rest of the world, news is different. People see fake trash, and then they see real ****. That's why U.S. already lost Syria, infowar is lost.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Ahh, yes. It's difficult to know whom to trust in this world. Thank goodness for state-owned Russia media, a shining beacon of truth amidst an endless sea of capitalist pig lies.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2007
Reaction score
Ahh, yes. It's difficult to know whom to trust in this world. Thank goodness for state-owned Russia media, a shining beacon of truth amidst an endless sea of capitalist pig lies.
The difference being people (at least in the US) generally can see RT has a pro-Kremlin bias, when they are simply the Russian counterpart to CNN, WaPo, NYT in terms of propaganda. At least RT publishes things one would never find in Western news outlets.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
They don't want Syria to become a free country because they free that once they do, all other middle eastern countries will become free. They can't possibly have another Ottoman Empire again, people forget the Sykes-Picot Agreement. The US, Britain, France, Russia, etc. they're all in it together when it comes to this. That coup d'état in Istanbul? There's US ties to it. They don't want another Islamic Empire. That's why all that crap is happening there right now.


They don't want Syria to become a free country because they free that once they do, all other middle eastern countries will become free. They can't possibly have another Ottoman Empire again, people forget the Sykes-Picot Agreement. The US, Britain, France, Russia, etc. they're all in it together when it comes to this. That coup d'état in Istanbul? There's US ties to it. They don't want another Islamic Empire. That's why all that crap is happening there right now.
Let me ask you Double, do you want another Islamic empire?

If this is all a Jewish world conspiracy, you should get on your knees and thank the banksters for keeping Islam contained. It's not the Jews chopping off heads and burning people alive.
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Ahh, yes. It's difficult to know whom to trust in this world. Thank goodness for state-owned Russia media, a shining beacon of truth amidst an endless sea of capitalist pig lies.

Yes, it is always entertaining to listen a tinfoil hat wearing Russian supremacist speak anti-American gibberish in broken English. But it's refreshing to hear him get off his homophobia and anti-Semitism for a change...

I have spoken endlessly about state run propaganda channels in the Islamic world like Al Jazeera and Press TV, which are propaganda fronts for dictatorships.

Well, RT is the European version of this. A total cesspool of inmates running the asylum. That channel has trumpeted the big lie of one million dead in Iraq, which is an exaggeration by a factor of around 400%. FAKE NEWS.

And for the record, @backseatjuan tried to send me malware-riddled porn in a PM for no reason. Dude is a total nutter and dislikes me because I've danced circles around him in debate.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
Let me ask you Double, do you want another Islamic empire?

If this is all a Jewish world conspiracy, you should get on your knees and thank the banksters for keeping Islam contained. It's not the Jews chopping off heads and burning people alive.
I don't care what they do. I just want the West to stop fvcking with other countries though because it spends resources to sabotage others. And quite frankly, it could be better spent elsewhere. All it does is it angers other countries and their people. For what? So that we can be sure that other countries don't get powerful enough to where they can hurt us? Maybe they wouldn't want to hurt us if we weren't so insecure about them wanting to hurt us. Besides, in theocratic governments the word of Law is not trumped by the word of God. Maybe then there would be less corruption. I don't know, just speculating. But something needs to change. That's what I want.


I don't care what they do. I just want the West to stop fvcking with other countries though because it spends resources to sabotage others. And quite frankly, it could be better spent elsewhere. All it does is it angers other countries and their people. For what? So that we can be sure that other countries don't get powerful enough to where they can hurt us? Maybe they wouldn't want to hurt us if we weren't so insecure about them wanting to hurt us. Besides, in theocratic governments the word of Law is not trumped by the word of God. Maybe then there would be less corruption. I don't know, just speculating. But something needs to change. That's what I want.
Fair enough.

The only thing I disagree with is that they wouldn't want to hurt us if we weren't so insescure. Radical Islamic terrorists attack anyone and everyone in their path - innocent or not.

Belgium, Mumbai (India), Spain, Holland...the list goes on. These countries have been victimized by Islamic terror and are hardly imperialist nations. The idea that radical Muslims would leave us alone if we cleaned up our act in the middle east is a fantasy.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
Fair enough.

The only thing I disagree with is that they wouldn't want to hurt us if we weren't so insescure. Radical Islamic terrorists attack anyone and everyone in their path - innocent or not.

Belgium, Mumbai (India), Spain, Holland...the list goes on. These countries have been victimized by Islamic terror and are hardly imperialist nations. The idea that radical Muslims would leave us alone if we cleaned up our act in the middle east is a fantasy.
They're simply a byproduct of decades of being fvcked with by us lol. This stuff has been going on for a LOOOONG time, way before 9/11 (though this event was the catalyst for everything else imo). Plus, we even made some terrorist groups ourselves as a way to indirectly fight the Soviet Union precollapse.

Understand where I am coming from. I'm a hardcore skeptic of just about everything the government tells us. What they allow the media to tell us, what Muslims have actually told me, and what some people with ties to the government have told me, and people with ties to other organizations have told me, I don't believe that these 'terrorist' groups are even Islamic at all anymore. They just wear traditional Arab-looking clothes, dirty their faces up, grow beard, then hold guns. There's a lot more than meets the eye.


Understand where I am coming from. I'm a hardcore skeptic of just about everything the government tells us. What they allow the media to tell us, what Muslims have actually told me, and what some people with ties to the government have told me, and people with ties to other organizations have told me, I don't believe that these 'terrorist' groups are even Islamic at all anymore. They just wear traditional Arab-looking clothes, dirty their faces up, grow beard, then hold guns. There's a lot more than meets the eye.
With respect, you as a teenage white kid from the west don't get to tell a group in Syria that calls itself the Islamic State they are not Islamic. I don't either, so what I do is take what they say at face value. You can't continue to do these mental gymnastics that always gives religion credit for all the good it does, but NEVER holds them directly accountable for all the evil it does. Sometimes it is about religion.

Everything they do is directly from the Quran, from not eating pork, to praying 5 times a day, to the barbaric penal code of Sharia Law. The methods of execution are identical to what Muhammad laid out in the hadiths.

This is what I don't get about the virtue signaling from the regressive left. No matter how similar to the original Caliph of the 7th century these people try to hearken back to, no matter how many terrorists look directly into the camera and tell us they're doing it for Allah, there is always a way to circle back and blame America and the Jews. I like you Double, so I'm asking you not to fall too deep into these conspiracy theories. I get it, you've had a rough upbringing and find refuge in this outcast circles. There is a rush of adrenaline when you feel like you're being rebellious, but don't go too far down this rabit hole. You're correct in not trusting the government, but these tinfoil hat lunatics are not the alternative. There is a healthy balance.

You also didn't address the litany of Islamic terror attacks on isolationist societies that disprove your point about terrorism being all about foreign policy.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
With respect, you as a teenage white kid from the west don't get to tell a group in Syria that calls itself the Islamic State they are not Islamic. I don't either, so what I do is take what they say at face value. You can't continue to do these mental gymnastics that always gives religion credit for all the good it does, but NEVER holds them directly accountable for all the evil it does. Sometimes it is about religion.

Everything they do is directly from the Quran, from not eating pork, to praying 5 times a day, to the barbaric penal code of Sharia Law. The methods of execution are identical to what Muhammad laid out in the hadiths.

This is what I don't get about the virtue signaling from the regressive left. No matter how similar to the original Caliph of the 7th century these people try to hearken back to, no matter how many terrorists look directly into the camera and tell us they're doing it for Allah, there is always a way to circle back and blame America and the Jews. I like you Double, so I'm asking you not to fall too deep into these conspiracy theories. I get it, you've had a rough upbringing and find refuge in this outcast circles. There is a rush of adrenaline when you feel like you're being rebellious, but don't go too far down this rabit hole. You're correct in not trusting the government, but these tinfoil hat lunatics are not the alternative. There is a healthy balance.

You also didn't address the litany of Islamic terror attacks on isolationist societies that disprove your point about terrorism being all about foreign policy.
I'm not gonna argue about this, I've done enough of that for one lifetime already. I have direct confirmation for my beliefs, from those on both sides of the spectrum. You can't speak too much without getting in trouble though. I doubt you've ever been told by someone "I should kill you right now" for knowing too much. I don't find 'refuge' with Muslims either like you claim, in fact it's quite the opposite if anything. But it's because of the people themselves, not their religion. Whenever I confront them and use their beliefs to say what they're doing is wrong, they put their heads down in shame and don't say anything. I don't get 'a rush of adrenaline' when I feel like 'being rebellious'. Rebelling is going directly against the norm. I do my own thing for the most part; if it goes in favor of society or against it, it doesn't really affect me or what I feel. Don't assume things about me. Just like you think I am 'protecting' them in this, I also tell them to quit being so close-minded and anti-semitic (though not anymore, I even hate talking about all this like how I am doing with you right now, I've mostly left the religious-political scene just because of how ignorant and angry people get. My uncle's life was pretty much ruined from this). You can't tell me what my experiences are and aren't. Likewise, I won't do that to you. Part of that 'rough upbringing' made me extremely knoledgeable on all this. Conspiracy theories exist for a reason. This is just what we are allowed to know.

Just for the record, I absolutely hate these groups just like you. Maybe even more so than you. But for different reasons. I'd never go to them for anything unless I wanted to help those who really are angry and bitter and not completely knowledgeable on the side they are fighting on. But you aren't allowed to do that and so you cannot do that. Best to leave the world to crumble and destroy itself while you reap the benefits and rewards of it. I'll only take a side if I have to. But until then, I stand for myself and myself only. Maybe my family too.


I'm not gonna argue about this, I've done enough of that for one lifetime already. I have direct confirmation for my beliefs, from those on both sides of the spectrum. You can't speak too much without getting in trouble though. I doubt you've ever been told by someone "I should kill you right now" for knowing too much. I don't find 'refuge' with Muslims either like you claim, in fact it's quite the opposite if anything. But it's because of the people themselves, not their religion. Whenever I confront them and use their beliefs to say what they're doing is wrong, they put their heads down in shame and don't say anything. I don't get 'a rush of adrenaline' when I feel like 'being rebellious'. Rebelling is going directly against the norm. I do my own thing for the most part; if it goes in favor of society or against it, it doesn't really affect me or what I feel. Don't assume things about me. Just like you think I am 'protecting' them in this, I also tell them to quit being so close-minded and anti-semitic (though not anymore, I even hate talking about all this like how I am doing with you right now, I've mostly left the religious-political scene just because of how ignorant and angry people get. My uncle's life was pretty much ruined from this). You can't tell me what my experiences are and aren't. Likewise, I won't do that to you. Part of that 'rough upbringing' made me extremely knoledgeable on all this. Conspiracy theories exist for a reason. This is just what we are allowed to know.

Just for the record, I absolutely hate these groups just like you. Maybe even more so than you. But for different reasons. I'd never go to them for anything unless I wanted to help those who really are angry and bitter and not completely knowledgeable on the side they are fighting on. But you aren't allowed to do that and so you cannot do that. Best to leave the world to crumble and destroy itself while you reap the benefits and rewards of it. I'll only take a side if I have to. But until then, I stand for myself and myself only. Maybe my family too.
I respect your opinion and we can agree to disagree. I don't think you're too far down the conspiracy rabbit hole, because at least you've acknowledged Muslim terrorism exists and that a lot of anti-Semitism comes from that community. The most extreme conspiracy theorists won't even accept Jews as Semitic or Israel as a state, and blame every Muslim terror attack in history on an "Israeli false flag".

I don't find 'refuge' with Muslims either like you claim, in fact it's quite the opposite if anything. But it's because of the people themselves, not their religion.

This is the only sentence I continue to take issue with. If you read the Quran and Hadiths, it is clearly about the religion. Large parts of the Muslim world are the perfect manifestation of those 1400 year old texts. There is a straight line from the religion to their behavior. But you're willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, that it's always something else under the surface, and I'm not. We will have to agree to disagree.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
I respect your opinion and we can agree to disagree. I don't think you're too far down the conspiracy rabbit hole, because at least you've acknowledged Muslim terrorism exists and that a lot of anti-Semitism comes from that community. The most extreme conspiracy theorists won't even accept Jews as Semitic or Israel as a state, and blame every Muslim terror attack in history on an "Israeli false flag".

I don't find 'refuge' with Muslims either like you claim, in fact it's quite the opposite if anything. But it's because of the people themselves, not their religion.

This is the only sentence I continue to take issue with. If you read the Quran and Hadiths, it is clearly about the religion. Large parts of the Muslim world are the perfect manifestation of those 1400 year old texts. There is a straight line from the religion to their behavior. But you're willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, that it's always something else under the surface, and I'm not. We will have to agree to disagree.
Of course there are verses. I cited 2:256 for you once, but you did not acknowledge it. It's because of that verse that I don't believe that it is the religion itself. You can tell someone about your religion, but you can't force them into it. Most of what groups like ISIS is implementing is meant only for Muslims specifically. If a non-Muslim does something, then you can't punish them for it because they aren't Muslim. That's one of the reasons why I say that it isn't the religion itself.


Not that I'm defending him but you're implying that's his only source of news. Also like our media is much better.
The difference is Bible doesn't claim our media is great. He understands that both American and Russian media is corrupt.

backseatjuan on the other hand sits on an ivory tower talking down to Americans, but acts like his country isn't also propaganda machine, AND run by a dictator to boot.


Of course there are verses. I cited 2:256 for you once, but you did not acknowledge it. It's because of that verse that I don't believe that it is the religion itself. You can tell someone about your religion, but you can't force them into it. Most of what groups like ISIS is implementing is meant only for Muslims specifically. If a non-Muslim does something, then you can't punish them for it because they aren't Muslim. That's one of the reasons why I say that it isn't the religion itself.
Absolutely not true. You need to educate yourself on this issue because you keep making crucial mistakes.

The concept of "Dhimmitude" is the idea that Christians and Jews can live "peacefully" under an Islamic State, but they must make one of three choices.

1. Convert to Sunni Islam

2. Pay the "Jizya" tax, where in turn the Islamic State will protect their safety and property. They can have their own houses of worship and live as second class citizens.

3. Be put to death.

This is what ISIS is doing today, and in some cases they're just rampaging over the Christians and secular Muslims without even a chance to conform. And ISIS are not the first Muslims to implement this.

This was the law of the land for over 500 years during the Ottoman Empire.

Steady Eddie

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2015
Reaction score
With respect, you as a teenage white kid from the west don't get to tell a group in Syria that calls itself the Islamic State they are not Islamic. I don't either, so what I do is take what they say at face value. You can't continue to do these mental gymnastics that always gives religion credit for all the good it does, but NEVER holds them directly accountable for all the evil it does. Sometimes it is about religion.

Everything they do is directly from the Quran, from not eating pork, to praying 5 times a day, to the barbaric penal code of Sharia Law. The methods of execution are identical to what Muhammad laid out in the hadiths.

This is what I don't get about the virtue signaling from the regressive left. No matter how similar to the original Caliph of the 7th century these people try to hearken back to, no matter how many terrorists look directly into the camera and tell us they're doing it for Allah, there is always a way to circle back and blame America and the Jews. I like you Double, so I'm asking you not to fall too deep into these conspiracy theories. I get it, you've had a rough upbringing and find refuge in this outcast circles. There is a rush of adrenaline when you feel like you're being rebellious, but don't go too far down this rabit hole. You're correct in not trusting the government, but these tinfoil hat lunatics are not the alternative. There is a healthy balance.

You also didn't address the litany of Islamic terror attacks on isolationist societies that disprove your point about terrorism being all about foreign policy.
Common sense tells you something is wrong when America DOESN'T want to bomb ISIS targets.
Russia asked for the location of ISIS military personnel and the U.S. refused to give them or bomb those areas itself.

That's not a conspiracy theory as the mainstream media reported it.