The Ultimate Guide to Success with Women

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3 Costly Mistakes Men make in Dating that screws them up longterm


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I went to an all-boys high-school, and then studied engineering. :mad: :mad: I never worked in food/service, but I was a lifeguard where 12-year old teenyboppers seemed to be interested. :rolleyes: I have lots of bitterness. :mad:
Why do you have allot of bitterness if you are seeing escorts and have made a thread before about watching ASMR videos, which you claim are soothing to watch? I am in the same situation like you are, all boys high school, University, but did work in service (ie Real-Estate, Insurance, etc...), etc.... and I'm feeling quite blissful most of the time. I may feel occasionally triggered by someone or something, but it's usually quite short lived. Guess it's the religious aspect (ie Jesus) that must be making me feel happy despite the circumstances, or may I might feel something good might be on the horizon.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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This is really wise content! However, what happened today at work wasn't very wise. To make light of the situation, a colleague created a Tinder profile for a female coworker who is a single mother. You wouldn't believe how many likes and matches she received in just two hours.

Later, I went back on Sosuave and read these wise words. They’re meaningful, but it seems like the current world is really cursed.

I also don’t want to blame myself for this because I believe I will find people who appreciate me for who I am. However, due to my very short height (not just short, but very, very short—like 163 cm), you can imagine I’ve been negatively preselected by many women.
The peaks of this experience were twofold, occurring when the pool of choices was very high:

1. During college
2. After 25+ (Dating App Scenario)

You can imagine that during those times, I've suffered so much and I didn't gather to much experiene, which luckly I've got from my own social circle, instead! (emotive connection and being positive with women there).

So, I’ve talked to myself and insisted that I will not follow the "mainstream" way. Instead, I will focus on my goals and values and strive to be a mature man, even without a woman by my side.
On my journey I'm finding some women to give me IOI but they're not really what I've considered as a partner. I can't help with this, but I'm working on it. (usually women that are on the 6 range).

You can be a very mature man with high confidence, but listening to the mainstream biases that portray "short" guys negatively—calling them dwarves, for instance—can still be a discomfort that you confront every day!

I'm working on it guys.. and also I do ask myself if this thing can go out with time, or it will be even harder to do so.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
This is really wise content! However, what happened today at work wasn't very wise. To make light of the situation, a colleague created a Tinder profile for a female coworker who is a single mother. You wouldn't believe how many likes and matches she received in just two hours.
Women will always have countless thirsty men chasing them until they are in a coffin. The wall doesn't exist for them when it comes to pointless sex. However, most women do not want pointless sex with strange creepy men they do not want. Would you want sex with a fat ugly girl right now? I don't think so.

I also don’t want to blame myself for this because I believe I will find people who appreciate me for who I am. However, due to my very short height (not just short, but very, very short—like 163 cm), you can imagine I’ve been negatively preselected by many women.
The peaks of this experience were twofold, occurring when the pool of choices was very high:

1. During college
2. After 25+ (Dating App Scenario)
You need to apply a niche maxing strategy. I will make a topic about it later. You are not built for approach game with that height.

You can imagine that during those times, I've suffered so much and I didn't gather to much experiene, which luckly I've got from my own social circle, instead! (emotive connection and being positive with women there).
I completely understand and what has your social circle given you in terms of experience?
So, I’ve talked to myself and insisted that I will not follow the "mainstream" way. Instead, I will focus on my goals and values and strive to be a mature man, even without a woman by my side.
On my journey I'm finding some women to give me IOI but they're not really what I've considered as a partner. I can't help with this, but I'm working on it. (usually women that are on the 6 range).
1). Continue working on yourself and working on your social circle. You are 30, so you still have plenty of time to find a woman. One of the key skills to being good with women is being content with yourself, so you can easily drop women that fail your shvt tests or harm you.

You can be a very mature man with high confidence, but listening to the mainstream biases that portray "short" guys negatively—calling them dwarves, for instance—can still be a discomfort that you confront every day!
It is bs, I know plenty of short guys your size that are good with women. In addition, I see short guys with women all the time when I walk outside, so it is not impossible.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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1). Not Taking Advantage of Youthful Opportunities
This pretty much lays the groundwork for what sort of man one turns out to be generally. Hence I am vehemently against the trope, “do the work and the women will come to you at 35”. Lol. That’s why sixteen to 22-year old broccoli heads who haven’t done any work but pull more women than middle aged, toasted Richard Coper and Perma Hat.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Women will always have countless thirsty men chasing them until they are in a coffin. The wall doesn't exist for them when it comes to pointless sex. However, most women do not want pointless sex with strange creepy men they do not want. Would you want sex with a fat ugly girl right now? I don't think so.

You need to apply a niche maxing strategy. I will make a topic about it later. You are not built for approach game with that height.

I completely understand and what has your social circle given you in terms of experience?

1). Continue working on yourself and working on your social circle. You are 30, so you still have plenty of time to find a woman. One of the key skills to being good with women is being content with yourself, so you can easily drop women that fail your shvt tests or harm you.

It is bs, I know plenty of short guys your size that are good with women. In addition, I see short guys with women all the time when I walk outside, so it is not impossible.
Lmao main thing OP needs to do is move out of Italy.

Well I'm here to tell you there is such a magic wand. Something that will make you almost completely irresistible to any woman you "point it" at. Something guaranteed to fill your life with love, romance, and excitement.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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This is really wise content! However, what happened today at work wasn't very wise. To make light of the situation, a colleague created a Tinder profile for a female coworker who is a single mother. You wouldn't believe how many likes and matches she received in just two hours.
That's because she has a hole that she grants access to. :rolleyes:
I also don’t want to blame myself for this because I believe I will find people who appreciate me for who I am. However, due to my very short height (not just short, but very, very short—like 163 cm), you can imagine I’ve been negatively preselected by many women.
Wow, even I mog you by a few centimeters. :eek:
So, I’ve talked to myself and insisted that I will not follow the "mainstream" way. Instead, I will focus on my goals and values and strive to be a mature man, even without a woman by my side.
Well, it's cope or rope ...
On my journey I'm finding some women to give me IOI but they're not really what I've considered as a partner. I can't help with this, but I'm working on it. (usually women that are on the 6 range).
Yes, fatties & single mommies are not really what any man wants. :rolleyes:
You can be a very mature man with high confidence, but listening to the mainstream biases that portray "short" guys negatively—calling them dwarves, for instance—can still be a discomfort that you confront every day!
No one has called me a dwarf, so you have me there.
I'm working on it guys.. and also I do ask myself if this thing can go out with time, or it will be even harder to do so.
No, it's a slow burn "plus en plus" to realize that you will never be a young girl's erotic dream, like Raphael here.

This is what women really think about short men:



Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2022
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2). Chasing After Women Who Aren’t Interested

When it comes to women, anything less than high interest is no interest. Women will pursue men they find attractive, either by making it extremely obvious or by giving them clear opportunities to make a move. Additionally, women will naturally behave in a feminine manner toward men they’re attracted to and act more assertively or even cutthroat toward those they aren’t, regardless of their political or ideological beliefs.

Another harsh truth is that you won’t be able to attract every woman, especially not like some sort of magical skeleton key. This is particularly true for brown men trying to date interracially. I’ll save you years of frustration and wasted effort: you’re not likely to end up with the high-status, "Taylor Swift type" blonde white girl that a Chad dates, the whitewashed Asian/minority girl who chases after nerdy white guys, the hopeless romantic chasing after bad boys and the tingles, and etc. It’s better to accept this reality early on.

Instead, focus on continuously improving yourself mentally, physically, and financially. Learn to recognize the types of women you naturally attract. Doing this will make your dating life significantly easier—trust me.
The most important one ime, a useless waste of energy and a demotivational event both in the process and the outcome.

Treat uninterested or lukewarm women as stop losses triggered while trading.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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The most important one ime, a useless waste
I have women touching me and whispering in my ear, and other clear and obvious ioi's. I can firmly say that 20 to 30% of my female friends show me "boyfriend" IOI, but for some reason (my height), they want me in their "category" list, but not as a boyfriend.

I can clearly see in their eyes, "I want this guy, but he's too short."

It seems like, for a women, they fear being judged by their friends or relatives because of their choice to be interested in a shorter guy. Not because I should be taller.

It's a bias.