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  1. C

    Chicks and dogs

    grow some fur and she'll be all over you
  2. C

    About women's #1 requirement in a guy being "fun"

    it's all fun and great til you humiliate yourself
  3. C

    Me and the cleaning lady...

    If I were you I'd spill something on my pants just to see what she does. But then again I'm immature.
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    How do you ask a girl to go with you to the movies?

    So I called her yesterday. She didn't flat out say no or quarrel about why she isn't into "that" movie. She said she had to do something with her friends and if she could get her friends to switch the date then she will come with me on Sat. I told her ok and said I'll call her on Friday again...
  5. C

    I'm Stupid

    I wonder how much you paid.
  6. C

    I've sort of been dumped, got to move on. need advice and help Please :(

    You don't need to get rid of everything that reminds you of her. It's time consuming. Just toughen up and talk it out with friends or better, talk with a hot female friend if you have one.
  7. C

    How do you ask a girl to go with you to the movies?

    Good good. I will call her tonight. Hope she joins. She's like a ray of light and cool to have around.
  8. C

    Was I wrong to make her pinky promise?

    Should I tell her I was wrong to make her promise not to tell the other girl about us? no don't bring it up
  9. C

    Kisses my neck when I leave...

    The next time you meet in person. Ask her to hang out. Ask her phone number. Go out. Have fun.
  10. C

    What now?

    Hate to say this and you probably know but you should have called her up on Sunday. Saving this one? I dunno cause I'm not that girl. I wouldn't know what she would think of you. Just call her, preferably at night around 8 or 9 on Wednesday or later. If she's still interested she will pick up...
  11. C

    Approaching to get over the Approach??

    Desensitizing is not healthy.
  12. C

    I feel so fake and it shows

    I hear ya. I term it as going on auto-pilot. It happens to everyone. not just you. Just don't let it happen a lot. Be yourself. Trust your head in what to say and what not to say. Plus be confident and not let others walk over you. Hope it helps.
  13. C

    How do you ask a girl to go with you to the movies?

    Thanks to all of you for taking the time to post. It helps :) I will call her tomorrow night so that I don't look desperate(we hanged out on Sunday from 12:00 to 6:00p.m, I don't want to call "days" in advance). I will talk casually with her first about some stuff and jokes(without...
  14. C

    How do you ask a girl to go with you to the movies?

    haha yeah...I'm thinking about it too much. I'll leave out the sarcasm part and do 1 & 2 and say a few other interesting stuff and hang up. Hope it goes my way.
  15. C

    Please help with this situation

    Call her and flirt her up.
  16. C

    Best inexpensive recording device for approaches?

    For some reason, I find this funny.
  17. C

    How do you ask a girl to go with you to the movies?

    LOL at topic title ^_^b 21 year old here. Went out with a friend(girl I knew for almost one year) + friend's friend(new girl) yesterday. They were both pretty cool and I had fun. We went to karaoke and roller coasters. It was my first time going to karaoke bars :whistle: Next Sat I'm...
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    Going after taken girls

    This thread was insightful. Lots of things to wonder about.
  19. C

    I am leaving SOSUAVE

    Farewell fellow DJ.
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    Do I have a chance with this girl?

    k thanks Conquer and Captain. I think I'll just have to sort this one out myself.