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  1. M

    Ex and a New Guy

    Read all of the responses, I'll try my best to address them now :S @ Kai- No, that font is fine =]. I've decided that's the best for now, and I'm not planning on responding to her since getting my **** together is more important. @ Bukowski- Once again, you're right. I'm not a jerk, I can...
  2. M

    Ex and a New Guy

    Thanks for both of the responses; I'm hoping to hear Bukowski's insight on this as well. Although it may seem like I'm completely being an ignorant prick and not paying attention to your guys' advice, I really am taking it to heart. I can already feel myself getting less attached and not...
  3. M

    do you ever friend-zone girls?

    Yes, although like lakeshore said they usually just carry on instead of making a big deal about it.
  4. M

    Ex and a New Guy

    Update- She texted me telling me that she is too busy trying to make everyone happy instead of herself. I considered not responding at all, but thought that might be rude, so I pretty much flat out told her I'm not talking to her at the moment and I have my own **** to deal with instead of being...
  5. M

    Ex and a New Guy

    Already starting to talk to another girl, maybe this'll be easier than I thought =] She lives kinda far though, and as we know LDR's are hell. So I'll just keep her around as a friend and whenever she comes down here we can get together. The no-contact is already speeding up the forgetting...
  6. M

    Ex and a New Guy

    Yeah I'm aware and I appreciate it A LOT, and am trying my best to stick to it. I'm done trying to make her realize what she's missing out on, I can't force it and if she can't realize it herself she's not worth my time. I'm worried about getting reeled back in but I'm prepared for it so I...
  7. M

    Ex and a New Guy

    @ Bukowski- Harsh, but very true. I've been trying to get my mind off her, I deleted all forms of contact but I still know her number unfortunately. She texted me this morning to let me know her plans for the day for some reason, which kind of pissed me off since I don't really care if I'm not...
  8. M

    Ex and a New Guy

    Eh yeah I wasn't doing it to be "noble", I just didn't want her to have another anxiety attack haha. I agree I need to stop making excuses and just get this done though, time to man up. Going to reread The Game this week too, I only got halfway finished last time.
  9. M

    Ex and a New Guy

    Alright, thanks for the advice. I was thinking that too, about being emotionally invested. I do have the sort of "Cost-benefits" mind set, and I felt as if I put in too much and didn't receive in enough in return, so I was stuck between cutting my losses or trying to fix it. You're right...
  10. M

    Ex and a New Guy

    Update- I had told her I wanted some time apart and to not text or call me, but she insisted that we keep talking and that she really wants me around, and I gave in -_-. I have a question though, is there any possibility of ****buddies in this? I'm going out to her area in the summer to hangout...
  11. M

    Ex and a New Guy

    Yeah, I read it when I first joined but I've been out of play for a while, I'll probably re-read it next week when I have less studying and whatnot. Thanks for your insight.
  12. M

    Ex and a New Guy

    First of all, thank you both for taking the time to read what I wrote and post something on it. I do agree that I was being a little too dramatic, which is surprising because normally that's nothing like me. When we talked yesterday, she brought up a good point- If I was ok with only being...
  13. M

    Ex and a New Guy

    Bump, anyone? Any insight is appreciated.
  14. M

    Ex and a New Guy

    Haven't been here in a while, feels pretty good to be back. So basically summed up- Girl and I meet through a friend(its a long distance type thing), start talking, start to like each other, get into a relationship for a couple of months(we only see each other a couple times), I start to get...
  15. M

    Feel Like I'm Going AFC Again

    Thanks for the responses guys, they helped a lot. Taste, I PM'd you.
  16. M

    Feel Like I'm Going AFC Again

    Basically, I've had no luck, and I'm in college. I've only made friends with a few people, but nothing that I could call up and ask where the parties are at. Not to mention they live about an hour from me. All three girls I've gone for have boyfriends, which isn't really stopping me, but I don't...
  17. M

    Oook WTF Random?

    Bump. Apparently everyone is as lost as me lol.
  18. M

    Oook WTF Random?

    Alright so I was sitting with this girl in art for like the past 3 weeks, met her during the summer at orientation. We were cool and she's in a happy relationship so I just wanted to make friends so I'd know some people around campus. All of a sudden, last week, she starts sitting with this...
  19. M

    Getting girls to escalate

    Sorry for double post, but I think he's referring to stuff like I said, talking about her track meets and modeling, while skipping the attraction phase.
  20. M

    Getting girls to escalate

    Yeah, now that I think on it this is probably my biggest ****-up. I always just start talking about stuff like that, where they came from etc etc. I need to definately start teasing and flirting more to get her attracted. Could you give any examples of stuff to start with that'll help with...