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  1. J

    Psychologist chick is perfect... I ruined it.

    I am not exaggerating, I got stories of my own and from my friends to back this up. It is as simple as this: If you are in college and a girl says she is majoring in Psychology...RUN! If you meet a woman and she says she works as a psychologist, psychiatrist, etc....RUN! 99% of women who...
  2. J

    she's done a cancel on me...

    Anyone else besides me still believe the buddy who was talking to her over MSN is screwing her behind his back? He just said the buddy asked if he could screw her, if he would be cool with that. Only reason I know a buddy would ask that is because he was ALREADY doing that.
  3. J

    I have no fuc k ing idea how to get a social life going.

    Oh crap...I knew I forgot to send someone a PM. I am sorry man, work got in the way. I will shoot you one later today. As for ideas, have you tried softball leagues? It sounds funny, but I have meet a lot of cool people by playing softball once a week with my cousins.
  4. J

    she's done a cancel on me...

    Is she probably working? Sure, its possible. Does that mean he is in the clear? Not at all. I read EVERYTHING he posted, and a few things stood out: 1) You said she calls you "babe," calls you a lot, and talks about massages, hugs, and kisses. Is this a sign she is interested? Sure. Is it...
  5. J

    A Little Rant Against Modern Technology

    Amoka- hahaha, nah man I am not Amish. I just never used the things. I didn't have AIM, MSN, or Facebook until I went to college 4 years ago. My friends never used them, we would all call each other. Same with the girls in my life, none of them ever talked about social networking stuff. I didn't...
  6. J

    A Little Rant Against Modern Technology

    In Montgomery County, not too far from Philadelphia. I can give you the real city in a PM if you want "warrior".
  7. J

    A Little Rant Against Modern Technology

    *I searched the Forum guidelines to see where this would fit, and I couldn't find a sound answer. So I am putting it here. Warning, another one of my trademark GIANT posts* Some of the topics we talk about including gaming on things like Facebook, MySpace, Meebo, etc. I have mixed feelings on...
  8. J

    ljbf speech and your reaction - a question for everyone.

    I'll give you a good example of something I was dumb enough to fall for. This girl was a casual friend of my older sister (27), and she seemed really into me. Too much of a long story for this example, but suffice it to say I didn't read the warning signs when I read her "About Me" on Facebook...
  9. J

    Getting the hottest girls off myspace and into your bed

    Not to mention that most of the girls that DO respond back, and might actually meet you off the Internet are either: Attention W****s BPD's Any other mental illness you want to list Solid 4,5, and 6's who are just desperate Trust me, it is RARE as hell to find a hot chick who shows a guy the...
  10. J

    My "AFC" Breakdown, It's End Result, and Re-Invention Time

    So since I figured I would be using this as an updated "journal" during my time back into where I want to be (as long as that is not against site rules, and you guy's are cool with it), I will be posting updates. This one, is....if I can be ****y, interesting to say the least. So I had to go...
  11. J

    My "AFC" Breakdown, It's End Result, and Re-Invention Time

    I want to thank all you guys for your advice and for your help. It is very kind, and one of the things I enjoy about this Forum. Even when you read harsh stuff you see the wisdom behind the words. For the one user who said I might be depressed; I have considered it. Since my cousin died so...
  12. J

    My "AFC" Breakdown, It's End Result, and Re-Invention Time

    You will get no argument from me as to how bad my AFC tendencies are right now. I know this, that is why I am here, and why I am posting some of these things. The thing is, I wasn't always like this as hard as that is to believe. I used to be great with women, never had an issue getting a...
  13. J

    How to fix social ineptness?

    Ah ok, no problem then. I will bow out and let another answer this, since its an area I am not familiar with. Good luck though!
  14. J

    How to fix social ineptness?

    I know what that is like Kal0051, I have some of the same problems. My biggest issues are not stopping a conversation topic when it should be stopped, and not sensing when someone is giving off the "please walk away so I don't have to be rude and tell you to walk away" vibe. I am going to ask...
  15. J

    My "AFC" Breakdown, It's End Result, and Re-Invention Time

    Oh I am, trust me. I can see how it doesn't seem that way though, I really do because I keep talking about her. I am being honest though when I say this, in that the only reason why I posted this update was because I was utterly confused and wanted to vent. Like I said in there, on the morning...
  16. J

    My "AFC" Breakdown, It's End Result, and Re-Invention Time

    *Continued* So we come to yesterday, and the idea of a break. I genuinely meant it. I thought it was a good idea. You went off, and I just responded the way I thought I should have- very neutral with respect. I actually meant with my heart, for you to have fun during our break. And here we...
  17. J

    My "AFC" Breakdown, It's End Result, and Re-Invention Time

    Long Message Ahead, Just a Warning I wanted to add an update as a thank you to those of you who left messages, all of them were welcomed and I took advice that was given to heart. It was very kind. The reason for this update is two-fold: 1) I made a mistake on the 27th of April by sending a...
  18. J

    Is it true that if you have sex with her she will be attached to you?

    And you wonder why you always get stuck in the "friend zone?" Geez. If sex is the ONLY goal, you will REEK of desperation to anyone out there. Plus the fact that you believe it will take a "miracle" for you to get laid shows you have low confidence. Come on, man up! You are 5 years older...
  19. J

    All's Fair in Love and War....Or Is It?

    Good points DJ D. I am focusing intensely on myself right now, figuring out where I need to fix things and where I am good already. Have an amazing trip overseas coming up this month, so its going to be interesting. This website is a huge bonus too, been reading it for months and have been...
  20. J

    All's Fair in Love and War....Or Is It?

    As his big brother that is my main concern, that the guy beats the **** out of him if he finds out it was him. He may annoy the hell out of me most of the time, but I don't want to see him hurt. He is 18, so it is not like I can make these choices for him, but it is something I would never do...