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  1. M

    Indifference vs. Reaction

    I'm about to break up with my girlfriend and even though she's kinda crazy, I know I made a lot of mistakes and I'd like to use this to learn for the future. When we first started dating she'd mention other guys being attractive and stuff like that. I would usually just brush it off. I mean I...
  2. M

    Girlfriend Doesn't Want to Have Sex

    We've been dating for about 2 months. We've had sex maybe 10 times in that period (although not at all the last 2 weeks) and it hasn't been very good, mostly on my side; I always lose the erection after 5 minutes or so because I can't really feel much with the condom. I hadn't been with many...
  3. M

    Simple Question

    Most of my previous dates/girlfriends I've had in my life started with friendship, friend of a friend, etc. All situations where we already knew eachother and had a rapport. Now I'm starting to meet girls that are totally strangers to me. My question is, for these situations when you've only...
  4. M

    Scared of Success

    In the past few weeks I've made so much progress in terms of inner stuff. I've totally changed my way of thinking and although it's constant work, I'm happy 90% of the time now. I've been learning and improving so much about myself. I've also been improving drastically in all my hobbies (music...
  5. M


    The thing that really made me open up my game was improvising. In the past, every time I would initiate a conversation with a girl, I would be racking my brain trying to find interesting things or stories that have happened to me. And as they were talking, I'd be racking my brain some more for...
  6. M

    An unexpressive face?

    I started thinking alot about how your face expresses so much about your personality and your potential receptiveness/likeablity. And that's a big deal considering most girls check you out long before they choose to let you notice them. I have a really unexpressive face; the kind that might...
  7. M

    Should I or Shouldn't I

    So, I met this really cool girl. We have alot in common and get along great already. I really like her but the problem is that physically she's nothing like the girls I usually go for. I'm only semi-attracted to her but her personality is fantastic. I wanna give it a try and see if it can work...
  8. M

    Anybody Regularly Discouraged by Friends?

    I've been doing alot of approaches on a daily basis for the last few months or so and I really feel like I'm getting pretty good at it. I've gotten some interesting conversations out of it but no numbers yet. Same thing when it comes to going out at night. I'm pretty confident in myself...
  9. M

    Passing up another chance at a relationship

    About 6 weeks ago I passed up the possibility of a relationship with a girl I fooled around with. She wasn't that bad looking but was really overweight and I wasn't attracted to her at all. Just recently I fooled around with another girl who wants to take things further. She's pretty...
  10. M

    Rejecting a girl

    A few days ago I had sex with this girl after a night out. I was wasted but I guess she wasn't. We talked for a good hour beforehand, I enjoyed it for what it was and didn't tell her anything that wasn't true, but it turns out that apparently she was a virgin and now she's becoming really...
  11. M

    What can I do right now?

    I'm at the point where I've had so much rejection, and I've never had any success with girls to begin with, that I don't really even try anymore. The negative thoughts and negative behavior seems irreversible. So, I'd like to know what immediate actions I can take (not "soul searching"...