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  1. I

    Committed Relationships - The Biggest Trap for Inexperienced AFC's

    Good to see you stroking Kontroller again. For a second there I thought you were going to try to stand on your own two feet.
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    3 conversational topics that saved my *ss more than once

    Not a big fan of these ideas. For one, I don't give two sh*ts about gossip or popular tv. And the third topic, the game, for the most part I don't discuss with women. I'm not going to sit there and talk to a chick about topics I could care less about. She's there to impress me, not the other...
  3. I

    At what point do you start asking about her past?

    Yep I've gotten the whole life story, grew up here, moved there, went to school here, traveled there, etc etc. Nowhere in the entire shpeel did I get anything about a single ex though. In fact the most I've really gotten from her regarding exes is "I'm really cautious with who I date", but...
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    At what point do you start asking about her past?

    For clarification, she's asked me the "what are you looking for" questions, I've never asked her, nor would I. It's a qualifying question imo which is why I would never ask it. The reason I'm starting to wonder about her past is because I think she has LTR potential, and if there's anything I...
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    At what point do you start asking about her past?

    I've been seeing this chick for over 2 months now. We've gone out a few times, we hit it off immediately, have a ton in common, and always have fun together. I've kept the conversation focused on her most of the time, and have been able to keep most things about me a mystery. We haven't...
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    So how would you change up? pic of myself

    Hey man I only have a couple seconds, here's a couple things just off the top of my head you could work on: Facial hair! You need to either lose it completely or drastically downsize what you have going on there. I guarantee what you have now is a turnoff for 95% of HB6+. Your...
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    Have you or do you ever just "show up" to a club and end up getting laid?

    I don't bang random club skanks. If I'm that horny I just make a booty call or take care of it myself. I've never seen the appeal in banging a random wh0re where probably hundreds of d*cks have already been, and who knows what she's carrying. Pass.
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    No response? How can I look at this positively?

    *sigh* So much to learn. Everyone is telling you to next her, yet here you are refuting it every time someone says it. Are you going to continue to waste time on these boards asking questions about this girl until someone tells you what you want to hear? That IS AFC.
  9. I

    No response? How can I look at this positively?

    She doesn't call you back because of low interest bro. The positive spin is that there's plenty of others out there, now go get 'em.
  10. I

    got clingy at party!

    So many things wrong with this. You're asking us if you have a shot with a drug dealer. Move on, and get off the x. You should stay away from all drugs, but at the very least stay off the hard stuff.
  11. I

    Is this chick a waste of time? (emails attached)

    Ok so I've been corresponding with this chick I met on myspace for a few months or so. She lives a couple hours away, but we've never actually met up. She's pretty hot and witty to boot, which I love. For what it's worth we've had great "chemistry" through email. She would consistently write...
  12. I

    GF works at Strip Club... Trusting her

    Keep the ties severed man, anyone on here telling you otherwise is a bona fide IDIOT (or maybe your ex in disguise). From outright lying to you to rape allegations to suicide threats, to flirting and doing who knows what else with other guys even before you broke up, drunk or not, this chick is...
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    Movie DJ/AFC

    As for DJ, Tyler Durden from Fight Club, Tristan Ludlow from Legends of the Fall. Hell, probably any character played by the Pittster.
  14. I

    Fack me I may have herpes on my tongue (pics included)

    Too bad I'm a cheap bastard or I would have gone to the doctor already. Most the feedback seems good as far as it not being herpes, but are you overlooking that it's come and gone several times, I'd say 4 or 5 over the last couple of years? I don't believe cankers do that and as for that...
  15. I

    Fack me I may have herpes on my tongue (pics included)

    I'm not sure what it is, but it's come and gone a handful of times over the last two years or so. It'll stay there for anywhere from a couple days to a week. Basically it's a whitehead looking thing that appears on the end of my tongue. It's not painful, more annoying and slightly itchy, for...
  16. I

    35-42 yo chick at my gym is smoking hot, I'm 25, what to do?

    K long story short. I'd say she's anywhere from 35-42, and she owns the gym I work out at but we've only talked once or twice. She's a tight lil' shortie, 5'3" or so but she's tan, muscular and toned. It's pretty obvious to me she's done shows, probably even roids on occasion but I don't care...
  17. I

    GF works at Strip Club... Trusting her

    Stop paying her cell phone bill! It's obvious she's taking you for granted and you are enabling it. 51 texts in 3 hours is a sh*tload and the fact that she "deleted" them does not bode well for you either. I feel your pain but unfortunately calling her out on the texts and giving her phone...
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    This girl wants me to come bang her

    Normally I'll hit damn near anything with t*ts, yes anything. But dude I am really really not diggin' that face. And are you sure her t*ts are actually that big? There's nothing I love more than washing my face with a big pair of boobies, but I'm thinkin' those are in the B-range. The question...