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  1. M

    Cell Phone Radiation

    You say that they are ok, but then you say the do SOME damage. Make up your mind. What cell phone company do you work for? The point is what they will do in the LONG RUN, now you won't see anything ... JUST WAIT A DECADE OR TWO. You talk about Household devices and how they emit radiation and...
  2. M

    Cell Phone Radiation

    I actually have a Bachelor in Physics, and I know for a fact that they are dangerous, so thanks for the lesson. Go find out what frequency they broadcast on buddy, RADIATION IS RADIATION, they can fry an egg if it wanted to, imagine what it is doing to your brain. WEAR A EAR PIECE OR USE...
  3. M

    Cell Phone Radiation

    In a few decades you will see people having brain tumors because they use cell phones without an ear piece. Like a few people said above, they don't tell you about it because the cell phone world is a Billion dollar business. I would use ear piece with chord, the bluetooth headsets indeed help...
  4. M

    Keys To Success

    Flying ... So I became an Airline Pilot :eek:
  5. M

    Girls dragging other girls away

    Ah, haven't we all been there before? If the girls friends don't like you, it's over. Keep this in mind for the next time you go after a girl who is with her friends.
  6. M

    From Mr Nice Guy to her man

    Relax! ... don't rush, patience is needed here. Take some of the advice above and use it, don't make quick decisions because it will make things worse.
  7. M

    dude... did I just get stood up?

    See, you didn't give enough details man. You just told us that she said she would be a little late and you told her not to bother. If you have this chick for sex it shouldn't be a big deal anyway. With the EX? ha! :up:
  8. M

    from depressed AFC to real man in 3 years

    Great post and great advice. My success was when I found what I really wanted to do with my life, I had found my passion. This helped me set goals to reach it and once I did I was a changed man. I found myself and that was enough to change my whole mentality regarding women and life in general...
  9. M

    dude... did I just get stood up?

    Someone telling you that they will be a little late is not getting "stood up". Getting stood up is having a mutual agreement on going somewhere for example and she never shows up.
  10. M

    How much time do you spend on the phone with girls?

    Exactly. If you are calling a girl that you just met you need to make the conversation as brief as possible, remember you call to make a date you never do that in person. When it's your girlfriend it is a whole other story. I even try not to talk that much with my girlfriends, I rather say...
  11. M

    Which condom feels the best?

    I actually use Trojan Magnums. Never had a problem with it breaking. I have never tried Durex.
  12. M

    Info on Dating Strippers

    I was dating a stripper for close to 9 months. I too met her while she was off duty at a bar, saw that she was eyeing me and being a Don Juan we never let things like that go unoticed, I went and chatted her up and got the number. On the first date she told me that she is a stripper. It was...
  13. M

    Keys To Success

    PASSION Everyone on this planet grows up with a passion for something. Many of you will disagree with me and tell me "I don't have a passion for anything" well Im sorry to tell you but that is total crap. The problem is that you haven't found it .. yet. This was huge for me, I finally...
  14. M

    is it okey to check hers cell phone`?

    This shows that you are insecure .. and insecurity never leads to success with women and more importantly in your LIFE.
  15. M

    What's up with the man-purse?

    It's a European thing like someone said above, trust me it doesn't stop anyone from getting laid over there.
  16. M

    my girl wants to go clubbing with her friends

    What's the big deal? Let her go have fun with her friends. What I would do is plan something with your friends that same night. Don't end up being that "guy". You need to keep cool and stay calm, don't let your imagination stray. BE A MAN .. let her get all crazy about YOU going out with your...
  17. M

    charm?Is that what they say?

    First post on the forum, hope it helps you out. Being charming is about making others feel important, you letting them know that you feel for them and you have no motives behind acting like that, making someone feel that you are interested in what they are all about, women find this very sexy...