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  1. N

    girlfriend may be afraid of sex

    This is a long one guys, but I need some help. Alright this is something to do with her past relationships. She's had 3 bfs me being the 3rd and longest lasting one (and her favorite). The first guy she met tried to rape her on their second date. She had a fear of guys after that which is...
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    How to deal with "sucking" at something

    Ok. Well for example, I'm not a good all. I feel lucky when I hit one pin down. I know I can get better at it, but I never really have enjoyed bowling. My friends frequently go to bowling and I go along so I don't have to stay at home. Anyways what should I do/say when I really...
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    Spray on tanning

    Well, I'm just white. I never tan. I just burn and go white. I wanted to know if any of you guys had any luck with that instant, spray on tan stuff. I want to give it a try, but I want to be tan not orange. Thanks
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    What do guys think about this one?

    You can either read this all the way or find two "*" where the question Well let me get to the point real quick. theres a gal in one of my classes that seems like she may be interested in me blah blah blah. anyways i could go on and on about me saying that this is the first gal...
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    I'm sick of my bull****

    I need a punch in the face. Well what I really need is a kick in the balls. I have been studying the way of the DJ for quite awhile now and I know what to do and how to do it. The only thing is I stay at home all fecking day on sit on my ass all day. When I am out, I will see women and I know...
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    Anxiety; First phone call

    I met a girl last week and got her phone number with ease (I know for sure she is interested) and now I'm going to call her in about 2 1/2 hours to invite her with me to a concert. (Its a free one and it should be a good with plenty of other things to do along the way) The problem is that I am...
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    Txt messages..

    I get this one alot in txt form "Hey whats up?" I don't want to say "nothing much u?" coz thats an AFC move. I dont know too many responses besides "I will txt u l8r. Im playing w/ my star wars action figures right now" any ideas?
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    What is your guys opinion on dating woman that are really religious when you are not. I'm just asking this coz I met a gal the other day at a party where all the members of a certain church gathered. My friend wanted me to go, so I did. Shes a church girl coz she was at a church party and she...
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    I surpassed my fear. I did it. Ive had all this negativity in my head about everything and I did it. I made my first approach and made out with two numbers. nice. I feel so good about myself and to think, I almost chickened out. my self esteem has skyrocketed. life is good now lol. thanks for...
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    getting to know eachother//met her online.....

    I had a online dating profile and I only put a paragraph or two of stuff on it, but I got a response (I guess it was a pretty damn good paragraph). She asked if i wanted to chat sometime and i replied, "do you have msn messenger?" she says "no, but i would rather talk to you on the phone to get...
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    talk my way out of a date

    gal i know wants me to go somewhere w/ her today and I dont want to go..whats the best way to say "i want to but i cant" instead of "I want to, but ive got something planned" (used that one already like 5 times this week) via text message? (i use text messages when im "busy" or "in the middle of...
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    help me! in a time of depression and doubt!

    Where to begin.. I've been feeling kind of down about myself lately.Ive been studying the ways of the Don Juan for over a year now and i feel knowledgeable enough to get my lazy ass out there and finally get laid. Except theres one problem, I get negative thoughts every time I make eye contact...