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  1. S

    rate this girl

    that first one, thats a 2 tops. Shes a tubby, bad face. Comes off as trashy. Seriously guys.
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    Great Way To Break People Up

    this is just a troll post
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    I cheated

    " Sounds like a pretty insecure state of mind. Im tempted to throw the term napolean complex in there. If so much of what you think is based around how you think it affects your perception of being alpha, then its because underneath you really dont feel alpha at all. Its a constant fight...
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    I cheated

    Shlt happens. But own it. Not wanting your girl to be hurt as a reason for not telling her is a cop-out. If that was such a big concern you wouldnt have done it. And breaking up for some other reason is just gonna torture her because your reasons for leaving wont make sense in her gut, and...
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    help for a veteran

    @ sandhawk, im not implying it means anything. simply that i can relate to the poster in the whole coming back to the college scene after being gone abroad for years living a different lifestyle. its a different mindset, and one i get. and apparently he meant something else, lol.
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    help for a veteran

    Hey im in similiar shoes. Vet as well, about the same age and returned to school this spring. Socially Im struggling. I have about jack shlt in common with the rest of the college crowd, and they are younger. The people i graduated high school with in 04' are already gone and graduated...
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    LF wingman Santa Barbara

    Looking for a wingman in santa barbara. Im going to school here. time to capiltalize, or die trying. PM me if your interested.
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    different approach to dating

    Right, but the idea is to ultimately be more than friends. This would be a method of creating interest, in exchange for sacrificing the potential for sex in the short term.
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    different approach to dating

    You know how some girls will say they want to become good friends with a guy before being in a relationship? While I would not advise going along with that if your the guy, has anyone ever tried this the other way around? Say you meet a girl for a first date , and at some point you suggest...
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    spikes guys choice award

    Where did you get those statistics? They are worthless without sources. It's not even worth my time until you can show me where those numbers came from. UBS? do you have a web link to this study? Though I would believe you about holidays and work hours, thats a bit given. "..your beliefs...
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    spikes guys choice award

    Valley, I wasnt refering to you as a snowflake, I was refering to that foreigner, I guess ill edit and clarify that.
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    spikes guys choice award

    LoL You wouldn't have had the experience of having been an American man traveling to other countries, I suppose. Because, I probably fvcked your girlfriend. Apparently some non-Americans (and even some confused Americans) like to talk badly about the big guys in the world and mimic what...
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    Breaking up the pro-AFC clique that is infecting my girlfriend's mind...

    francisco, your a physcologist/iatrist arent you ? =o
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    Why's She Doing This?

    the less contact you have with her, the faster you will get over her and stop hurting. be indifferent to everything else, myspace/facebook crap.
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    Army wives/ girlfriends playing up.

    "One guy even tried rubbing my leg to make me leave" LOLERSKATES. I can so see that happening. and i do it to my friends regularly. im a marine and my last girlfriend fvcked one of my buddies who is also a marine. That being said i knew she wasnt honest from the getgo , but being the...
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    My sis is dating a waaay older dude

    sister has issues. Daddy issues. imo. This is not natural. but theres nothing you can really do about it. Can't blame a guy for wanting to hit up a 21 year old, but theres some fvcked up sh1t going on in her head. Hope it works out.
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    I'm loosing it!

    Don't be a fickle fish. No matter who you are with in your life, there will always be someone more attractive, a better deal out there thats available. Looking for the next best thing will never bring satisfaction. This is the stuff shallow girls do. Get a guy then get bored, and go looking...
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    Gym isn't helping me

    If it goes away after a few days its either muscle swelling from the workout, or imagination. Real muscle growth doesnt shrink after a few days. nor does it grow after a few days.
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    GF cheated on her EX...

    I've been in the same shoes as you. My last girlfriend cheated on her ex. Long story short; She denied cheating on her bf before me, but i know she did it because it was with my friend. She later admitted to it. Anyway, She promised she changed. I being the dumb AFC I was, dated her...
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    Testing for std, questions.

    Test for hepatitis C. This is one of the most under recognized STDs. Its uncurable, viral, and transmitable the same way as AIDs. It is also has the potential to be fatal. I am very suprised a lot of people dont test for this.