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  1. C

    Cheating girlfriend exposed on the Radio

    AWESOME AUDIO!!! The part about "She was talking about her boss a little too much"... When she's talking about a boy = She's thinking about said boy.
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    She said I'm too nice -- why?

    Exactly!.. One of the worst things you can say on a first date... approval seeking is not attractive.
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    Fellas, I need some help - A "Developing" Relationship

    Your time away from her this week with help you round third. All your extra cuddling and attention you are giving to her she's simply taking... without reciprication to your needs JustDoItAlways post... sums LMR up nice: see:
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    Performing cunnilingus, who's lying?

    Teeth-scrape!! Argh....whitesox, thanks for the visual...I'll be having nightmares tonight. I agree with Vulpine.. she ecstatic you are "going to town" down there... the old man probably stopped along time before the marriage/relationship ended.
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    How do I make my neck thick?

    Shrugs - Upright rows - Neck Bridges Your neck is like your calves, this is a tough body part to build as it is constantly being used.. Thus, taxing these muscles can be difficult (if your lazy). Naturally you will have to have proper: exercise, nutrition, rest. You tube the exercises if...
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    What exactly do girls mean by confidence? Style has a great response to this question:
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    UPDATE: My date left with another guy! WTF??

    Bada… She values your FRIENDSHIP.... and having SOMEONE TO TALK TO... subjects like another man's hog in her mouth... Lose her as fast as you can... She's an Attn***** who uses alcohol to justify her love of hob nobbing (Not a bad thing, its just not your hob she‘s nobbin)… Get rid of...
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    Text Game - Need Some Help

    Sebastian wrote an excellent article on texting aiding game... Got it on the mailing list. Should be able to find it on google somewhere.
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    Online Personals - First email

    I'd like to thank all the guys in this thread for their advice, much appreciated.
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    I Want To Be Noticed

    I think a gym membership is a great idea... However, don't go in there trying to conquer the world in one day... building a body takes time and dedication... When you hear guys on here talking about how lifting has not only made them look better it also makes you feel better as well, its very...
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    good comebacks when hb slams u.

    I've read Mystery never responds directly to the S-test.. really destroys your worth… My favorite (tried and tested) response is to right after the response: -look at her funny, head tilt -ask her to smile for me (she does) -Point to my own canine and say “Love, You’ve got something right...
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    Online Personals - First email

    I've found too many flakes on Myspace for guys our age... What about the paid personal ads where women are horny and looking for more than A~Whoring.
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    What to do??

    Once she has you doing all that AFC crap she'll lose interest in you... Don't know why God just had to make women assbackwards...
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    How to close the deal on the first date?

    Venue dates always suck...after coffee do a quick venue change someplace else...then another, get her to think of you in various settings.. Don't go with just jokes...think of funny stories...stories tell something about you at the same time.. Kino, Kino, Kino ...and do...
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    creatine good or bad :x

    NoXplode... Search on read the reviews and posts from the guys there.
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    Online Personals - First email

    Hey guys, After reading the posts of ERICLIVE, Francisco, Playersupreme and others.. I've tried out this online thing...four different sites..(paid and unpaid). I have tried everything for a first email (as well remain congruent to the sent email) C&F, shortN’sweet, form letters, Style‘s...
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    Online Dating First Email Problems

    Fransico, like your posts on "online personals"... How do your first emails go?