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  1. 9

    Can Cesar Millan help?

    I, too, watch the show and I think alot of what he says on the show can relate.
  2. 9

    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    Oh yeah. So far I'm rooting for the "boxer" dude with the curly hair. He was the most energetic and excited about learning this stuff. And the fact that he froze in the club like that....that is ME ME ME! So I really think he will explode and do well. Just my $.02!!
  3. 9

    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    A couple key points I would like to make. First, I think the show is good. For one, to get a VISUAL on some live sarging, so maybe we can see some of our own flaws. I know I actually saw some things the guys did on the show that I have tried before. Like trying to just make conversation, and...
  4. 9

    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    You guys act like every woman is watching the show. First thing, not every woman is watching this show. Secondly, even if they do it's not like they will remember everything thats said. It may seem familiar if you actually do run something on them that they've seen, but it won't...
  5. 9

    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    ***Watching the show right now!!**** Guys, there's good and bad to come of this. These are my opinions, but first the bad: I felt fear that women I sarge will catch onto routines, openers, etc. that I'm using. I think this show wont get as much exposure as we think. It''l be like a...
  6. 9

    Making an a$$ out of yourself... something to just get used too?

    I wouldn't consider that to be making an ass of yourself. In fact, I think your on the path to success. Now, maybe with the first girl you should have stuck around and talked for a few minutes in order to put the girl at ease. Then if you wanted to play tennis you could have probably...
  7. 9

    How to run a set that includes your friends...and their's

    Just search for it on google. I like Neil Strauss' version of it. It's a great DHV and cold reading tool.
  8. 9

    How to run a set that includes your friends...and their's

    This is kind of a field report/a set. I went out with my friends tonight and we went to a bar. Behold, there were MY friends, plus some chicks I had never met. The set included 4 women, with 2-3 guys. So we were all sitting together, and I opened up the females with an opinion opener. I used the...
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    Proximity in a woman's eyes

    Heman6 you hit the nail on the head; you got the point I was trying to make. It just surprised me when I came to that realization.
  10. 9

    Critique My page

    Ha ha. Pretty decent profile. So your into GM muscle....yet theres an "Import Tuner" in the bathroom... interesting. :D
  11. 9

    Proximity in a woman's eyes

    Well I really didn't mean for this to be a debate. I just learned how important it is to pick up on the AI's. As for my opinion, she wasn't a stuck up biatch. How do I know? I was hanging out with her group. She got pissed NOT because he didn't want to talk to her. She got pissed because...
  12. 9

    Proximity in a woman's eyes

    Ha yeah I thought it was pretty basic stuff too, but the way that it went over with the females was incredible. They throw a couple signs out, and if you don't pick them up your out. That simple. I thought it was worth sharing. I didn't think the girl was a stuck up biatch. Your way off on...
  13. 9

    Need help identifying a video!!

    Yep thats the one! Thanks alot for the help.
  14. 9

    Need help identifying a video!!

    Hey maybe you guys could help me out. A few months ago..maybe more.. someone posted a link to this video about "Size doesn't matter"...body size they meant. They took 3 guys one short, one tall, and one fat, and coached them in DJing women. It was a really decent video and always gets me...
  15. 9

    Overcoming Objections

    Hey nice job Dongfu, I liked the parry to her objection. IM0001, I think you are coming accross needy. I've been in the same situation where chicks text me after we have exchanged numbers. It always annoys me, so alot of times I'll cut it short or won't respond. Sometimes they say "hey whats...
  16. 9

    Proximity in a woman's eyes

    I went on a cruise recently and met a woman who was with 2 friends. We ended up hitting it off and we always went dancing in the club together. One night I ended up hanging out in her room while her friends went to the club to dance. Later on, her friends came back and, as women usually do...
  17. 9

    Meeting a married woman on the internet for sex?

    You mentioned that you haven't been laid in a few years and your really horny. Ask yourself this question: If you WERE getting laid on a regular basis and you weren't overly horny, would you still fvck this woman? If not, I wouldn't fvck her now if I were you. Don't lower your standards ever...
  18. 9

    Forget the handshake....go for the HUG

    I think it may be a double-edged sword. In one case, you *may* build instant rapport by going straight for the hug. The woman may think your real confident and secure by doing that. On the other hand, you go in for a hug on someone you don't know, they don't know you, and she knows nothing...
  19. 9

    What do you say when woman say ..

    I think you can go too far. I have had several friends tell me that I am very arrogant and a jerk at times. So I have to tone it down a bit.
  20. 9

    Damn why aren't there DJ groups?

    Damn, nice job! I wish I had that going on here.