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  1. O

    She didn't text back yesterday...should I call her today?

    Here is the scoop: Last week I went on one of the best first dates of my life. Conversation flowed and she didn't take herself too seriously. We said we would do something again this Friday (but we didn't finalize plans). We were texting back and forth (I know I should have called her but...
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    Can't decipher her motives

    I am 22 and she just turned 20. I feel like at this point I am either far in the friendzone or the exact opposite. Time will tell
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    Can't decipher her motives

    Ya, I am definitely not going. I don't need to go through the stress of meeting a girls parents if I am not even dating her. I was just more curious as to why she would ask me in the first place. I feel like I made it fairly clear through my actions that I don't plan on just being friends with her.
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    Can't decipher her motives

    Hello gentlemen, I met a girl a couple months ago and we really hit it off. She is pretty awesome and a quality person. As is the norm, she has a boyfriend. I have done my best to be respectful but we still hang out fairly regularly and everything is cool. Anyways, she called me today and...
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    Forget the DJ Bible, kids. This is all you need to know.

    The evolution thing is pretty retarded. If you think about it logically children have a better chance for survival if their father is there to take care of them. The father is more likely to be around if he is in a relationship with the mother. He is more likely to be in a relationship if they...
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    Hopefully my 2nd oneitis ends better than the first

    After thinking about it, as much as it sucks I can't make a move right now. I will continue to chill with her once in a while a step up the kino/be more flirty and sexual. I will not go through with my original idea since that will effectively ruin any chance with her. At the same time I will...
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    Hopefully my 2nd oneitis ends better than the first

    I think this post more than any other gets to the heart of my problem. I am not comfortable with any outcome in this situation (going for the kiss or nexting her), so I just came up with a way to give me some closure without having to stick my neck out. I was thinking about throughout the day...
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    Hopefully my 2nd oneitis ends better than the first

    I know it sounds that my "unique situation" sounds like a copout and a rationalization. But the truth is, it is a very unique situation. I posted cliff notes to generally summarize it but I won't post the actual complication since it involves me and her bf rather than me and her and thus...
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    Hopefully my 2nd oneitis ends better than the first

    I know it sounds that my "unique situation" sounds like a copout and a rationalization. But the truth is, it is a very unique situation. I posted cliff notes to generally summarize it but I won't post the actual complication since it involves me and her bf rather than me and her and thus...
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    Hopefully my 2nd oneitis ends better than the first

    I feel like you are reading way too much into my post and for the record I don't subscribe to that method actually. The premise of my weak ass approach is that she already has feelings for me. Regardless of what people on this site say, if she already is interested in me that interest won't...
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    Hopefully my 2nd oneitis ends better than the first

    This is definitely the route I would take if not for other complications, specifically me and her boyfriend being pretty "high status people" in the same social circle. Honestly, the more I think about it, the more I think that there is no happy resolution to this ordeal. Its really...
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    Hopefully my 2nd oneitis ends better than the first

    Against my better discretion I have fallen for a girl with a boyfriend. I have never really talked to him but we have a LOT of mutual friends. Thus, I don't necessarily feel any loyalty to him but would rather not make a move if I will be shot down and then have to hear about it from my buddies...
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    Chillin with girls one on one

    Update: We pushed our hangout from Wednesday to today, and I have some free time now, so I figured I might as well post a update to this saga. Any feedback would be appreciated. One thing I now know for sure was that it was a big mistake to take her to lunch. It wasn't the right...
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    Chillin with girls one on one

    Hey guys, Thanks for all the replies. I think that after reading your answers and just logically thinking it through in my own head, I believe that, like many of you said, I am pretty much plan B in her mind. I actually think I may be plan A and her current bf is plan B, but me and him have...
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    Chillin with girls one on one

    Ya I know, To be honest I am just chilling with her to see if she still has a boyfriend. I figured maybe on the off chance they broke up, I may have a chance. If she still has a boyfriend I will just drop her for the rest of summer. I was just looking to get the question answered: Will...
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    Chillin with girls one on one

    Hey guys, There is this girl I am somewhat interested in but she has a boyfriend. She texted me to chill at the beginning of the summer, and I gave a vague response, asking her if she was going to a party and when she said no I didn't offer another suggestion. I guess some background is...
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    If You were in My Position

    First of all I am very sorry for your loss. No one should have to go through that at such a young age. Secondly, I am usually not a vengeful person but I would absolutely DESTROY this kid. Anyone who can say that to somone doesn't deserve any sort of happiness. If you are big enough just...
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    Doesn't want to ruin the friendship

    Just remember you don't her an explanation or your friendship. I am pretty much in the same situation, where I was told she didn't want to ruin the friendship, and at first I was cool with that. But then I realized that me staying friends with her did absolutely nothing for me and was just a...
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    I got called "sweetheart", good sign or bad sign?

    I have no idea how you act in real life, but if its anything like this you should forget about girls for a while and try to develop your personality
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    Ouch :(

    Just a disclaimer before you read this: I am by no mean a true DJ. Anyways, I can almost guarantee you that the reason you were rejected wasn't because you were ugly. Generally speaking, at least where I live, it is pretty easy to pick up at a club and I have seen some pretty ugly kids do...