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  1. J


    We often hear hype surrounding "naturals". These are men who are good with women without too much conscious effort. But what is really going on with them, and how can YOU become a natural? I'm going to demystify that for you. Naturals are men who can relate to women in a normal way. They...
  2. J

    Market Value

    If more men were aware of market value in the world of dating there would be less men investing too much and getting too little in return. More men would cut their loses and move on when a woman doesn't reciprocate interest after a certain amount of effort is invested in her. Here are some...
  3. J

    To Chase or Not to Chase

    Many men don’t know the difference between chasing and going after what you want, with confidence. Chasing, by definition, is bad. Going after what you want with confidence, is good. On the surface level they are the same, but on a deeper level they are different. The energies are different...
  4. J

    The Dating Matrix

    There are things which become more obvious as you gain more experience and exposure, but are still constantly denied by anyone in the spotlight, and even by some people in your life who are close to you. This can be maddening to an individual as he tries to resolve the obvious contradiction...
  5. J

    Use Humor to Backwards Calibrate

    A very useful mindset for me is: push and then correct for any "mistakes". This is a very useful mindset because women, in general, are passive. When they are NOT interested they do nothing. And when they ARE interested they often do nothing as well. Obviously you can't read her mind, and...
  6. J

    Elicit Values to Determine what Turns Her On

    Every woman has a unique territory when it comes to pushing the right buttons to get her in the mood. It's sometimes just a matter of asking the right questions to figure that out. I'm going to show a real life example. There was this woman I dated months ago, whom I was unable to arouse in...
  7. J

    Indirect methods not that different from internet

    Indirect methods often get slammed because they appear to be excuses to give the guy a chance to talk to the girl. Direct mentality states that you *should* be able to not make excuses, and just go up to a girl and start talking to her without resorting to group theory, or opinion openers...
  8. J

    How to write a good online profile

    After working on this like a mad scientist for a few years, I have a good idea of what profiles women respond to the most. Your profile is like an advertisement. It can be anywhere from 2 to 7 paragraphs long, and be written in the first, second, or third person; or any combination thereof...
  9. J

    Getting them from online to meet

    This is my basic structure. I'll post more at a later date but this is the raw structure I use: - Have a kick ass profile with good picture. I like to use one that shows off my muscles (plus I look a bit unshaven). So I wear a sleeveless shirt. No flexing, just a natural pose. Plus my hair...
  10. J

    Internet Sarging myths

    *** Myth # 1: Meeting women online isn't the real world Response: It BECOMES the real world once you meet them in person *** Myth # 2: It becomes a crutch for people Response: Well in that case so are clubs or any specific venue where you operate within only one channel, and within...
  11. J

    Understanding the difference between Direct vs. Indirect Methods

    Guys new in the game should learn Direct first as a confidence building exercise, and then once they get that they can temper it with Indirect methods as need be, which can be a tactically superior choice, especially in clubs. This is tantamount to working on inner game before incorporating...
  12. J

    Dating rules for men

    1. Always state your intentions. Don't hide the fact that you like sex. That doesn't mean to be crude about it either. Make an innuendo of it. The point is to not waste time on women that aren't on the same page as you (why would you date a woman who isn't interested in sex??). Example of...
  13. J

    Understanding the difference between Direct vs. Indirect methods

    Guys new in the game should learn Direct first as a confidence building exercise, and then once they get that they can temper it with Indirect methods as need be, which can be a tactically superior choice, especially in clubs. This is tantamount to working on inner game before incorporating...
  14. J

    Avoiding the dating frame in order to seduce

    IMO this is one of the most important and overlooked areas. All the attraction material, patterning etc, will be much less powerful and resisted more IF the woman ASSUMES you will "date" her. If the city you live in has a lot of cultural, recreational and culinary opportunities then you can...