To Chase or Not to Chase


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Many men don’t know the difference between chasing and going after what you want, with confidence. Chasing, by definition, is bad. Going after what you want with confidence, is good. On the surface level they are the same, but on a deeper level they are different. The energies are different.

Think of the hunter analogy. A good hunter doesn’t suffer from lack of confidence. He sees what he wants and aims to get it (literally). He doesn’t supplicate or hope that things work out. He confidently goes after what he wants.

The hunter: "hey...what do you say we grab a drink and get to know each other?"

The chaser: "I think you’re beautiful, can I take you out and buy you dinner sometime??"

The mindset behind each is totally different. One comes from a position of power and knowing what you want, and the other from a position of inferiority.

It is the man’s role to make the move, attract, display personality, and then invite the woman to join him. Another way to look at it is: The man makes the pitch, and she chooses if she wants to be a part of that. He puts in the work initially, but then makes her work for more of his attention.

Don’t chase. Step up to the plate and take initiative, yes, but never chase. Men do the picking and women do the choosing, but part of the price that a woman pays for being the chooser is that she has to follow the lead of the man she chose.

It is my job as a man to demonstrate value and personality, and have her choose me. I then invite her into my world. There I can give her all the things she's always wanted. But I can only do that on my ship. So much for equality, but in the real world this is how the successful mating dance plays out. Like the saying goes, in a dance two people cannot lead. Evolution and biology don't care about equality or political correctness.

It’s like buying and selling. You’re the seller and she is the buyer, and part of being the seller is standing by what you sell, even if it takes knocking on a few doors before getting the sale.

"I don't buy dreams, I sell them" - American Pimp


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jestor
It’s like buying and selling. You’re the seller and she is the buyer

That's basically the same thing as qualifying yourself or seeking approval. And we all know how that story ends. :rolleyes:

Boner da Stoner

Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
Iqaluit Nunavut
everything was beautiful

The chaser: "I think you’re beautiful, can I take you out and buy you dinner sometime??"
except this!

How can you claim to the advanced seductionists/flirters that this knwoledge is useful...

there is such thing as saying the same thing over and over again... after a while the experts get bored and start to think of YOU as a troll and a salesman(excellent, but there are others who are sincere and generous to society)


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Boner da Stoner
everything was beautiful

except this!

How can you claim to the advanced seductionists/flirters that this knwoledge is useful...

there is such thing as saying the same thing over and over again... after a while the experts get bored and start to think of YOU as a troll and a salesman(excellent, but there are others who are sincere and generous to society)
sorry if this post doesn't exactly blow your skirt up...we have the same problem over at masf. Most people overlook the useful stuff in search of the posts they can masturbate to. So instead of the posts being broken down into useful/not-useful, they are categorized into:

I can masturbate to this/I cannot masturbate to this

Boner da Stoner

Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
Iqaluit Nunavut
everything was beatiful...

You are daft if that passed through your "everybodys looking for some mental masturbation" mindset.