Search results

  1. S

    Thinking too much

    Hey fellow DJ's. I just started my sophmore year of high school last week. Ever since I started school I feel like I am thinking about a billion things at once. This is really starting to effect my concentration, relaxation, and social skills. At the end of the day my head actually hurts...
  2. S

    The meaning of life

    Hey fellow DJ's. Over the last few days I've really been pondering over what the true meaning of life is and come to several conclusions. I have been raised to believe in god but have recently been questioning if god is really real or just a mythical figure. Since this is true I am not really...
  3. S

    Bragging Rights

    Hey DJ's. I am seeking advice on the subject of bragging rights: Image that you are in class and one of your friends congradulates you on an accomplishment. If you are in the middle of a convo. with a girl would you recommend playing this complement off as "Thanks guys, but it was really nothin...