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  1. D

    my mom is dating a 19 year old...=/

    well first off i wanted to just get some feed back and some people coup with there really isnt that much advice on this subject obviously and to those of you who arent mature about this i could care less about doesnt do you any good i took the situation a little differnt the past few...
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    my mom is dating a 19 year old...=/

    you can clearly see that isnt me
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    Black girls

    true. im caucasion and im all about white girls its just not physically in my blood to like any other girls, maybe on occasion but for the most part just white its what i was raised on
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    im sick of this don juan crap

    well put look at the site as a positive
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    Should I?

    just go up to her dude and talk to her thats your first step
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    What you guys do at night?

    go hang out with friends, go out and eat with them see a movie go party kick back at someones house and drink (dont drink and drive) smoke some hookah have everyone stay the night somewhere (include girls) *include girls into almost everything unless its a guys night out* theres always the...
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    "Too Young For Her"

    act older, be mature and take control of the relationship
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    Phone bull****

    dont even worry about it, if they are really interested they will call you back just keep workin on more girls
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    im a weird person

    i started doing this and it works for me, everyone talks to me unlike before
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    im sick of this don juan crap

    i personally love this site helped me alot
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    my mom is dating a 19 year old...=/

    haha that would be funny but thanks to you guys who felt the same way as i did and i guess ill just take it as is and just learn to deal with it it is her life and she can do what she wants but i just would have liked if she didnt lie to me about some things, i would have felt alot more...
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    my mom is dating a 19 year old...=/

    thats what some people say but be mature dude
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    my mom is dating a 19 year old...=/

    alright i dono what to do right now.. im 17 right now and in my 3rd year of highschool (a junior) my mom is about 39 years old i have 1 sister she is about 15 so my mom wanted to rent out one of our rooms to this guy. i thought it was a sweet idea, he was nice enough to make sure it was...
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    First kiss stories.

    i was in the 8th grade going out with a 9th grader, we went to go see a movie *my first gf* and after the movie no one was in there so i went in for the kiss, and i was way nervous but i just said **** it and went in and we started to make out and it was hard to remember to breath so i was out...
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    ways youve asked a girl out

    sucess.. i did it today i wrote will you go out with me? (with some backwords letters) and then i put [ ] yes! [ ] no...just kidding yes! [ ] hmmmm lemme think...yes! but shes going to florida for 2 weeks so she put dood! kay,i like you butttt wait until i come back from florida? pleeeeeez...
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    ways youve asked a girl out

    heh ya that was that meant but i clarified its all good but ya i dont just want to bluntly will you go out with me. thats boring and they seem to like clever ways to ask them rather than boring but my idea is to, well micheles' is to write a note like he said but put liek all yes...
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    ways youve asked a girl out

    i like the game over hang man by Skilla_Staz and the note by Michele,l'Arcangelo =D
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    ways youve asked a girl out

    how about asking a girl to be your "girlfriend"
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    ways youve asked a girl out

    haha nice
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    ways youve asked a girl out

    post some ways youve asked a girl out one of mine.. we were bowling and while it was her turn i changed her name to "will you go out with me" and ya