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  1. C

    gay jokes

    The thing is: it is bigotry. Religion is even more of a choice than sexual orientation can be debated to be. If religion was not a choice, faith would be irrelavant. So why is choosing a religion "special" but living a homosexual lifestyle not? If it's someone's private business we have no...
  2. C

    LJBF'd AGAIN!!! Can anyone work this out?

    IT's a good idea to never second guess IL or try and figure out why they do what they do and simply respond according to "the rules" But to instincts says another man.
  3. C

    My story... do I need to try to save the next guy?

    you need to figure out why you want to do what you want to it out of sincere concern for the feelings of this other guy? is it outta a desire to see this crazy chick not get away with *it* Do you want them to fail so you could step in later? These issues need to be addressed. Obviously...
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    Girl says she likes me but doesnt want a relationship

    Bottom line: SHE has to ask for the relationship
  5. C

    Getting past excuses from women not to set up date

    Nothing can be done but backing off and trying later. When a woman is doing this she is invariably "turning you down" the excuses have nothing to do with wether or not she will go out with you. I mean, you can embarrass her into admiting that she has no reason NOT to go out with you other than...
  6. C

    She came to pick me up High!

    I agree with undispute....weed takes care of over half your work for you. A dream scenerio in my book...I got a thing for stoner chicks......but that's a different topic, lol
  7. C

    apologizin' = afc? need your help right NOW

    You probably know this but for the benifit of those curious the japanese meant: Good evening, are you well? More correct japanese would've been Konban wa o-genki desu ka? The response (yes, I'm well), would be: Hai, genki desu Just a little help from someone who's taken japanese 101...